- Comment on Interview — Kate Mulgrew on Star Trek: Prodigy's Inspiring Admiral Janeway 6 months ago:
They made more Voyager, it just also happens to have kids in it.
- Comment on ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Season 2 Launching On SkyShowtime In Europe In August; Canada Still Waiting 7 months ago:
I would have said Teletoon is a no-brainer to put it on, but they’re owned by Corus/Shaw. I’m so out of the cable game I didn’t even realize Teletoon had been retired as a brand and replaced with Cartoon Network.
I went to go looking at the Bell Media offerings and you’re right, they simply do not have any kind of kids channel. Both YTV and Cartoon Network are owned by Shaw. They likely just don’t want to try to compete in this space, since Shaw would likely have the rights to basically everything worth airing and streaming.
- Comment on The 4K Blu-ray remasters of "Jaws 3" and "Jaws: The Revenge" have been criticized for their heavy use of AI upscaling. 7 months ago:
They remastered Star Trek as well as The Next Generation, but claimed that the physical sales did not cover the costs which were around 10 million for each series. They opted to not to continue to remaster any of the shows that came afterward, namely Voyager and Deep Space Nine. That’s where the fan community picked up the slack and made the AI upscales.
- Comment on The 4K Blu-ray remasters of "Jaws 3" and "Jaws: The Revenge" have been criticized for their heavy use of AI upscaling. 7 months ago:
AI upscaling is probably just much cheaper and easier to do. I mean I do AI upscaling myself. The older Star Trek series that will never get a full Blu-Ray remaster/re-release has copies that have been upscaled from SD to HD and they are pretty flawless, especially considering it’s a fan project.
That being said I’ve also seen the other side of the spectrum, where they AI upscaled King of the Hill and there was a lot of really weird artifacting and stuff going on.
Really sad to see studios just cheap out on high resolution releases. It just makes them look bad in the long run and makes me less likely to buy physical media.
- Comment on Speaking of controllers: What's your favorite WEIRD controller? 7 months ago:
I remember it being one of my favored chosen out of the plethora of random third party devices I had laying around. This was a step above Mad Catz for sure, but definitely still below the original controllers.
- Comment on Speaking of controllers: What's your favorite WEIRD controller? 7 months ago:
This is a Nyko Air Flow controller. I had one for the original Xbox. It was supposed to keep you cooler during long sessions of gameplay, because it was ventilated and had a fan on the back. To be honest, I don’t remember it being excellent at keeping you cool. I think the fan was pretty lousy, but it was a great gimmick none the less.
I had a lot of weird controllers back then. Some good, some bad. Most of them Mad Catz.
- Comment on A set of 1979 camera tests for "The Muppet Movie", featuring Jim Henson and Frank Oz bantering dialogue (in and around the English countryside) as Kermit, Fozzy and Miss Piggy. 8 months ago:
This is magical. I am so glad it was captured on film and uploaded to the internet.
Thanks for sharing!
- Comment on The Star Trek Adventures first edition Core Rulebook pdf free for Saturday, June 22 8 months ago:
I bought this when it originally launched, and unfortunately never really found the time to play a campaign.
We were workshopping a TMP-era story based around a crew serving on a Miranda class vessel. I had really high hopes because Star Trek is absolutely my favorite universe to roleplay in.
I hope a bunch of people pick this rulebook up and have a fun time with it!
- Comment on Sony Teases Quentin Tarantino’s Final Film, The Beatles Movies and Live-Action Zelda at CineEurope Presentation 8 months ago:
On the internet like the rest of us.
- Comment on Watch ‘Discovery’ and ‘Strange New Worlds’ EP Alex Kurtzman Explain Why ‘Star Trek Will Go on Forever’ 8 months ago:
I wouldn’t say mishandled but I would say both Disco and Picard’s first two seasons were incredibly sloppy due to a clear lack of planning, vision, and the difficulty of transitioning to a fully serialized format.
By contrast Lower Decks and Strange New Worlds were really able to find their footing quickly because they had season-wide arcs but outside of that they were generally episodic and allowed for a lot more exploration of the core of the universe. This is just a better format for the franchise in my opinion.
I find Kurtzman is occupied with making the series more cinematic than it needs to be. Overly cinematic Star Trek results in eye bleeding lightshows like the finale of Disco S2, while grounding the shows a bit more allows for more character growth and development. You can’t just always have Sacrifice of Angels all the time, you need to cut it with some Take Me Out to The Holosuite.
- Comment on Watch ‘Discovery’ and ‘Strange New Worlds’ EP Alex Kurtzman Explain Why ‘Star Trek Will Go on Forever’ 8 months ago:
I am very aware of Kurtzman’s influence on the franchise. I think he’s not the right guy to be in charge. It really feels like this is a Dave Filoni/Kathleen Kennedy situation but in Star Trek.
- Comment on Watch ‘Discovery’ and ‘Strange New Worlds’ EP Alex Kurtzman Explain Why ‘Star Trek Will Go on Forever’ 8 months ago:
I dunno man, LD is like half fan service and half universe building, and it’s my favorite thing they’ve produced in the last decade and a half.
- Comment on Paul Giamatti Boards ‘Star Trek: Starfleet Academy’ 8 months ago:
I think putting the face onto the source is what made it lose the value, unfortunately.
My comparison is what they did with the Borg and the Queen. Wolf 359 is a terrifying, tragic ordeal, made all the more serious by the fact that it was done by one cube that could not be negotiated or reasoned with. As soon as the Borg had a way to negotiate and reason, they became less scary because they had understandable motives and goals that could be bargained with, as excellently demonstrated by Janeway.
Ultimately, I agree with you that it’s kind of more of a TOS-y sort of plot device. I do feel like back then they really followed the science being indistinguishable from magic logic, and we’ve progressed over time to wanting more hard and serious technobabble. I think that’s kind of a disconnect for me, personally, is that they had to dip into a serious explanation for something that effectively functions like magic.
- Comment on Anson Mount (‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’): ‘We’re feeling even more emboldened’ to take ‘even bigger swings’ 8 months ago:
SNW rocks. I’ll follow Pike and the crew anywhere.
- Comment on Paul Giamatti Boards ‘Star Trek: Starfleet Academy’ 8 months ago:
We can replace the words “magic” with “strongly telepathic” and it’s basically the same problem.
It’s a great idea to fuck warp travel right on its head as a concept, but the execution was majorly lacking for me. I would have much rather had a continuation of the plot from Force of Nature where warp had significantly damaged subspace gradually (like a climate change allegory), rather than a universe-wide explosion that happened all at once in a flash.
- Comment on 8 months ago:
I tried Citadelum, which is a Roma-era city builder.
It’s a bit janky given that it’s an early demo, but it’s a neat premise given that the last Roman city builder I was aware of was Caesar 3 from '98.
I give it points for concept and setting, but I think Anno 117 is going to be my preferred Roman-era city builder when that drops, because I already know and love the Anno mechanics.
- Comment on Starfield's latest update draws player ire by sticking a bounty hunting quest behind the Creation Club paywall 8 months ago:
Tell me you didn’t read the article without telling me you didn’t read the article.
- Comment on [Meta] ! mod removing comment suggesting consolidation of that community with this one as their moderation community is spread too thin, thankfully modlog is public 8 months ago:
My brother in Christ, you are literally trying to power broker on federated social media.
- Comment on [Meta] ! mod removing comment suggesting consolidation of that community with this one as their moderation community is spread too thin, thankfully modlog is public 8 months ago:
Your effort to conglomerate all communities under your banner is basically the antithesis of the federated model, and even if it was not considered self promotion, I can see clearly why it was considered overtly hostile and removed.
For somebody who cares deeply about the federation, its userbase, statistics and otherwise, you are actually replicating one of the major issues with reddit that federation was trying to solve. Stop trying to be a powermod in the name of defragmentation. It’s just centralization of power.
- Comment on A sequel to "Batman Ninja" (2018) has been announced, titled "Batman Ninja vs. Yakuza League". All of the cast members are expected to reprise their roles. 8 months ago:
Batman Ninja was like a crazy fever dream. I’ll take more for sure.
Anything that can take castles and turn them into combining mechs is probably required viewing for me.
- Comment on What are some eras of gaming that you've stopped feeling nostalgic for? 9 months ago:
I agree.
Even using my examples of KOTOR and ME, comparing them to (relatively) modern counterparts, Jedi Survivor and Andromeda, you can see that the storytelling has taken a back seat to the open world. ME 1-3 were all very tight corridor cover shooters, going from fully constructed combat environment to another. KOTOR has more deep RPG mechanics and overall a better story than Jedi Survivor, and I would agree it’s because the focus changed on providing sprawling open worlds over more bespoke environments.
- Comment on What are some eras of gaming that you've stopped feeling nostalgic for? 9 months ago:
Most of them, honestly.
When you look back, it was cool what they were doing at the time, but progress is such that all newer games have iterated on those groundbreaking formulas and improved upon them, making the older games seem less spectacular than they were at launch. I have fond memories of playing PS2, N64 and Dreamcast, but when I go back to play some of those games I enjoyed as a kid, I find that there’s always something super sub-optimal like the controls or some arcane mechanic that doesn’t make much sense. I find this to be the consistent issue going back to PS2 era and earlier.
I think the PS3/360 era is the one I have the most nostalgia for all things considered. There were a lot of stellar RPGs like KOTOR and Mass Effect that generation. Stuff like Red Dead Redemption was coming out. Control schemes finally became generally standardized and understandable. Tutorials, saves and decent graphics were really finally all combined properly for the first time.
I find the same sort of issue with movies. When you go back passed the 80s, you start hitting pacing issues. Same with video games. When you go back passed the mid-2000s, you’re going to run into early installment weirdness.
- Comment on ASML and TSMC Can Remotely Disable Chip Machines If China Invades Taiwan 9 months ago:
TSMC equipment only has the materials to function for about two weeks before needing a shipment of replacement parts for the fabs when they wear out.
- Comment on Donald Trump Movie ‘The Apprentice’ Shocks Cannes, Receives Nearly Eight-Minute Standing Ovation 9 months ago:
I don’t think everyone realizes that at Cannes every film gets a standing ovation.
Megalopolis got booed, and then got seven minutes.
- Comment on ‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services 9 months ago:
It means you own nothing!
- Comment on Searching for the "most representative" Star Trek episode 9 months ago:
I really like The Drumhead from TNG. It establishes the nature of Star Trek at its most essential. It’s mostly a talking episode, although there’s some action with an explosion, which is perfectly average to me. It gives you a feel of the dynamics of some of the politics in the universe, which I think is a great way to get people involved. It’s got one one of those great Picard speeches that puts a badmiral in their place, solving the problem non-violently. It’s also a great parallel to any slippery slope security tightening after a major event happens, which is basically always a timeless message of avoiding overreaching authoritarianism at all costs.
Another TNG one I’d pick is probably The Ensigns of Command. It’s another example of an episode that’s mostly talking, a little bit of action, with a non-violent resolution. It’s fun watching Picard come up with inane legal bullshit to deal with the very strictly by the books alien species, satisfying their requirements in a way that meets his agenda while also being within the rules.
Honestly, I could rationalize different episodes all day, but since those were the first two that came to mind, I’ll just leave them at that.
- Comment on Boeing Starliner Flight of NASA Astronauts Is Scrubbed 9 months ago:
Honestly it’s a surprise they even completed the spacecraft at all.
There’s a bunch of rundowns on how Boeing used to operate for defense and aerospace contracts. They used to do “cost plus” which is essentially a blank check. Boeing was so used to just running around with other people’s money that when they introduced the fixed cost contract, they were unable to be cost effective because they never had to be before.
It also doesn’t help that Boeing uses about a billion subcontractors. There’s a whole story between Boeing and Aerojet Rocketdyne regarding the development of the propulsion systems, which involves a lot of corporate bullshit resulting in siloed work teams and a massive lack of trust.
SpaceX was totally vertically integrated the whole time, so their teams were building all of the components in-house and didn’t have to deal with subcontractors. With Boeing, probably 100 hands touched every single piece before it was finalized, and that costs so much extra money that would have been affordable under cost plus but is not affordable with a fixed cost.
It’s an honest-to-God miracle Boeing finished anything. They cut so many corners and blew off so many tests that they’re finding things like this on the launch pad, while SpaceX is literally landing and reusing boosters for almost every launch.
- Comment on Sword-wielding man attacks passersby in London, killing a 14-year-old boy and injuring 4 others 9 months ago:
Not bleeding social policies dry?
- Comment on Strange goblin creature 10 months ago:
Behold, Plato’s man!
- Comment on Anon is in love 10 months ago:
If she’s not running locally she’s not your gf.