- Comment on U.S. Employee engagement sinks to 10-year low 2 months ago:
We just implemented a 4 point scale for What we have accomplished and a 4 point scale for How we accomplished our work. But here is the fun part, no one was allowed to get a 4 because that should be reserved for industry changing innovations or something. And then we found out that the highest you could get on the How metric is a 2. So we have a 4x4 matrix with only like 4 combinations possible. Its ridiculous
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 3 months ago:
I’m not a landlord. And you’re just incorrect. This is no stupid questions, but there are plenty of stupid answers. The great recession was caused by homeowners and banks making loans they shouldn’t have with adjustable rates and predatory practices (ever heard of a NINJA loan?) that greatly increased demand for housing, and then the banks created derivatives on derivatives that all went up in smoke when the underlying loans defaulted. This resulted in many people losing their homes, but more broadly financial markets tightened and housing starts plummeted, which is responsible for the housing shortage today. We had like 5-10 years of development well below replacement.
I would also point out that most local zoning laws make multi-use housing like apartments that we lust for in the 15 minute city difficult to build in favor of the single family home. I would argue that is actually the average homeowner’s fault more than a landlord.
“The alternative to landlords is not everything being government housing, but also that’s not an issue if you take away landlords and stop them from having any power…”
What the actual fuck does that mean? Do you hear yourself? The alternative is not the thing I said, but something else that still remains imaginary.
You know housing costs money to build right? So, for that to happen, someone has to invest. There are these institutions called banks, maybe they haven’t made it to lunatic Island where you live, but they charge interest so you can have money today to build or buy rather than waiting years to accumulate that money.
Now that housing is built, the person that built it wants to sell it. Someone buys it and then someone lives in it for a cost. Without government intervention, what is the alternative?
The problem is not OP’s Aunt or even most apartment management companies, but I will give you that Private Equity getting into single family housing is a problem. That should be addressed, and I seriously doubt it will.
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 3 months ago:
If landlords are so evil, would their tenants alternatively buy the apartment where they rent? People rent for many reasons - perhaps they can’t afford to buy , or perhaps they like paying a fixed amount so someone else can fix the house when things break.
Either way it isn’t the landlords fault that many cities have restrictive zoning laws and we are still reeling from missed housing development during the great recession. Demand for housing has well outdated supply and inflation has made the inputs more expensive, thus prices have gone up. More supply will help reduce the rate of increase, but real prices will not decline without another deep recession, and the impact of that would still be temporary.
If landlords are middleman, would you prefer everyone lives in government housing? Explain the alternative in your fantasy land related to housing, not some ridiculous anecdote about charging for air.
- Comment on why is mexico not treated the same way as canada?? 4 months ago:
It’s funny because OP leads with stating they don’t identify as Latino, and then proceeds to ask a question that has absolutely nothing to do with identity.
- Comment on Decorating 6 months ago:
Good luck, looks like the priced it by the pound
- Comment on "Daily Pay" Is Just Another Way to Keep You Living Paycheck to Paycheck 9 months ago:
Well, not every job is a career. At least you don’t have to chase them for payment and you know you’re a transaction to them. Develop skills and work somewhere that values you slightly more and at least gives benefits.
- Comment on "Daily Pay" Is Just Another Way to Keep You Living Paycheck to Paycheck 9 months ago:
This is just not true…daily pay means that you get more compounding periods from your money and the company also has to somehow manage payroll for that.
I get paid monthly, so when you account for time value of money, I’m getting a bad deal. It costs the company less on a number of fronts to pay less frequently.
Jobs that offer daily pay seem to be lower wage jobs, so I get why you would associate that negatively, but at least you get your money quickly for time worked if you’re in a bind
- Comment on Amazon union president knocks Biden: ‘No cavalry coming’ for American workers 1 year ago:
How? Remember when he was there with Sean Fein and the UAW?
- Comment on Is it safe to use pans with peeling nonstick coating? 1 year ago:
Throw that shit away ang get an All Clad everyday pan or Staub or something. There will be tons of sales and getting proper cooking equipment is worth the investment
- Comment on Do any languages have words for left & right that start with the same letter? 1 year ago:
Seems like if OP would have translated “turn” and then left or right, it would’ve gotten closer
- Comment on Wreck the economy because it only works for the billionaire class. 1 year ago:
Just because there is public support does not mean it’s right. Tanking the economy will only hurt the majority, billionaires literally won’t notice. It’s not just the UAW that’s impacted, there’s huge ripple effects. Many suppliers were barely hanging on and this will probably be a death knell. And honestly, this is what makes me fucking hate working in Financial Services for one of the big 3.
I run a department that performs forecasting that eventually influences the affordability of leasing globally and I’m responsiblefor a $25B portfolio. I work my ass off and I have a new family with a 1 year old - we were having a decent year finally after 3 bad ones, then this fucker comes along and is going to tank it.
So now my family is going to suffer because of something completely unrelated to my role and performance. He makes sound bites, but the sides are so far apart it’s ridiculous. They accuse the companies of negotiating in bad faith, yet the UAW has yet to respond to any offer with a counter. They’ve been offered 20%+ raises, cost of living adjustments, signing bonuses, elimination of tiers, more holidays off, and better profit sharing - which is a huge improvement and gets them the majority of what they are asking for, but they’ve literally thrown that in the trash. My bet is all he will accomplish is more factories moving to non-UAW locations or Mexico.
What exactly is the advantage of being American made when the workers turn out the worst quality for the highest wages and they can shut down production on a whim every few years? It’s honestly very frustrating to see this issue not being taken seriously here and there seems to be such little appreciation for the broader impacts.
- Comment on Jim Cramer Says OEMs Should Move American Auto Manufacturing To Mexico For $5/hour In Response To UAW Demands 1 year ago:
Canada really isn’t that much cheaper than the US to manufacture and they are also unionized. You just get the currency advantage (1USD = ~$0.72 CAD). Stellantis already moved Ram production to Mexico. The bigger issue is relative competition with Asian imports and Tesla who have no union factories because they produce mostly in the south.
Either way, it would make little sense to move F150 and Silverado to Mexico. Hard to claim you drive American industry but produce in Mexico. I think the frustration is that multiple reasonable offers have been made and the UAW has yet to move from their original position. Which is ironic given they accused Stellantis and GM with bargaining in bad faith.
- Comment on For the love of god make this happen 1 year ago:
DMX died 2 years ago