- Comment on Remedy and Annapurna announce a strategic partnership agreement on Control 2 and bringing Control and Alan Wake to film and television 6 months ago:
I have so many thoughts on this that I’m having trouble articulating. On one hand, Remedy has built such a rich and lore-filled world beloved by fans, and they’ve already tried their hand at live action with Quantum Break (meh). This could and maybe even should be successful. On the other, those worlds are already pretty solidly built by the actors that portray them like Courtney Hope, Matthew Porretta, Ikka Villi, and James McCaffery. I can’t imagine anyone successfully stepping into those roles.
But then, we have the major flops like the Witcher adaptation and Halo (I think? Never a fan but I’ve heard good and bad things). I know those had even more lore and perhaps even bigger worlds, bigger budgets…and they still managed to disappoint the entire fanbase.
Can you imagine them doing justice to the Ashtray Maze on TV without a bunch of blurry CGI? Or the insidious self doubt and psychological terror in Alan Wake without a bunch of jump scares?
I love AnnaPurna and Remedy so I’m truly hoping for the best.
- Comment on Neva | Release Date Trailer | Coming October 15 6 months ago:
Yesss! I so wish I had picked that up during their launch sale when it was cheaper. I’ve been holding off cause of the comments while in Early Access but it looked phenomenal at launch. Seems like it just needs a bit of polish. It’s on my list for the next sale.
- Comment on Neva | Release Date Trailer | Coming October 15 6 months ago:
I’ve tried Hollow Knight 3x now and given up on it. I just can’t get into it for some reason. Loved Ori and the Will of the Wisps. HK goes in the bucket with Outer Wilds, universally loved games that didn’t click for me.
- Comment on Debtors' Club, a narrative driven, roguelite-style, city tax department management game, with a nice hand-drawn art style, released on Steam 6 months ago:
Love that the art style reminds me of a grown-up version of Rugrats. Looks interesting and fun. I’ll have to wishlist it for the current price.
- Comment on Neva | Release Date Trailer | Coming October 15 6 months ago:
Gris and Monument Valley hold very special places in my heart. This looks really promising.
- Comment on Two slightly off centre parallel universes 7 months ago:
Oh! I’ll have to watch that. Hadn’t realized Apple toys with this theme quite a bit. Constellation had so much promise but it flamed out for me. Severance might be tangentially related with the theme, compartmentalized lives, being equally fascinating.
Mr. Robot and Counterpart did things to my brain questioning reality.
- Comment on Two slightly off centre parallel universes 7 months ago:
This is both a terrifying and astonishing thought.
- Comment on Two slightly off centre parallel universes 7 months ago:
This introduces the possibility that we’re experiencing 2 universes and creating a third within ourselves.
- Comment on Effects of Different Types of Materials on Sexual Activity 7 months ago:
Now do it with yoga pants…
- Comment on I Prove Hollywood Effects Aren't BAD, They're RUSHED 7 months ago:
As an absolute layman, I was pretty satisfied with the 5 min version. Not saying it was great at all. It was just astonishing how quickly a professional could essentially mock up an idea.
- Comment on 🅱️🅾️🅾️🅱️🅰️ 7 months ago:
Wait! Have we come full circle? Is Orbs the end before we come back to Beans?
- Comment on Robots are the future 7 months ago:
Just like my Harbor Freight paint sprayer!
- Comment on ‘Star Trek’ Live-Action Comedy From Alex Kurtzman, Justin Simien & Tawny Newsome In Works At Paramount+ 7 months ago:
There was a while where I was really hopeful Apple would buy Paramount. Seemed like a good fit and I think Apple would do ST right.
- Comment on ‘Star Trek’ Live-Action Comedy From Alex Kurtzman, Justin Simien & Tawny Newsome In Works At Paramount+ 7 months ago:
Wasn’t it just a few weeks ago that Paramount wanted to dump Trek? Isn’t that why Prodigy is on Netflix?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for more Trek (nu-trek?) but I’m terrified they’ll spread the IP thin like Disney did SW. I guess SNW is the only episodic live-action series we’ll be getting.
- Comment on What does it mean?? 8 months ago:
3:15 is the one. The spooky one.
- Comment on Jon Stewart Examines Biden’s Future | The Daily Show 8 months ago:
Okay, Grandpa Joey. Let’s get you back to bed.
- Comment on Jon Stewart Examines Biden’s Future | The Daily Show 8 months ago:
I’d probably jump off a bridge for Jon Stewart but I’ve been having a hard time with the show since he returned.
He’s always gestured and paused a lot but he’s been overrelying on it lately and you can feel the audience hesitate before catching the joke. A few of his interviews, he’s barely let the guest get a word in. They also do him dirty with his way too tan makeup that ends far enough below his hairline that you can clearly see the difference.
Don’t get me wrong, he’s still witty and vocal about things that matter but it’s not the old Jon.
I dunno, I’m just getting old.
- Comment on Real 8 months ago:
I wish I had friends. It would’ve prevented me from buying the shitty dishwasher that last less than 3 years.
- Comment on Next Gen Console Leak 8 months ago:
…I’m gonna need a bigger TV.
- Comment on What's the craziest or funniest Wikipedia outline you've seen? 8 months ago:
That was an unexpectedly titillating and insightful read.
- Comment on Quake 8 months ago:
There’s a burial spot somewhere for old game cartridges too, right?
- Comment on Academia to Industry 8 months ago:
Is it weird that I still want to go for my PhD despite all the feedback about the process? I don’t think I’ve ever met a PhD or candidate that’s enthusiastically said “do it!”
- Comment on Coming to Game Pass: Octopath Traveler II, The Callisto Protocol, Still Wakes the Deep, and More 9 months ago:
Woohoo! I came so so close to buying Callisto on sale the other day.
- Comment on ligma 9 months ago:
Q292640261046a: the IRL planet from Harold Halibut
- Comment on Warnings meant to last 10,000 years 9 months ago:
It’s always loss.
- Comment on panicum! at the disco 9 months ago:
Took me two reads but it made me snort. God damn that’s clever.
- Comment on Nine Sols 九日 - Official Launch Trailer 9 months ago:
My reaction to it was weird. I was kind of digging it for the most part in the beginning thinking I’d get hooked like I did with Ori.
But that never happened and somewhere mid game it just felt like it was dragging, the characters felt stale, and it seemed difficult for the sake of being difficult instead of clever. I struggle enjoying games that require perfectly timed button press combos. I even went back and tried it again like a month ago and had the same experience.
That’s not a knock on the game, of course. It’s a huge fan fave for a reason but it’s just not my preference.
- Comment on Hero 9 months ago:
For something that I really hesitated to post, that was really encouraging to hear. Thanks!
- Comment on Nine Sols 九日 - Official Launch Trailer 9 months ago:
I hated Hollow Knight. I decided I wanna try Sekiro and I’m waiting for it to go on sale (who knows when). But this? Man I want to play this. It looks incredible and has amazing sound design.
- Comment on Hero 9 months ago:
I know that feeling all too well. Funny enough, I’d thought about going into software dev because I thought it’d let me work alone more comfortably. Along the way I found a way to learn dev but apply it to my job instead, making me pretty unique at what I do. It lets me innovate, do deep research, and work on my own while being pretty openly anti-social. Luckily I have a boss who sees the value in me.
I can’t tell you the number of once-interns and junior managers, stuck-in-a-rut folks, that I’ve quietly influenced to senior or higher positions. It really does feel incredible! I call it “leading from the back.” I’ve been wanting to write a book on it - the introverts and individual-contributors who quietly (and happily) influence without being seen.