- Comment on Sugar vs baking soda to neutralize acid in canned tomatoes? 4 months ago:
yeah, baking soda works but you have to be careful with the amount you put in them or they’ll taste very bland after…
- Comment on 8 Minutes 6 months ago:
you’d almost certainly notice the change in gravity.
Really? can you actually percieve the sun gravity? Do you mean that we would get like a tsunami beause of the tidal effect? Now I kinda want a documentary about this.
- Comment on If hot air rises, why is it colder at the top of a mountain? 10 months ago:
Yeah “dissipate away” is probably a bit misleading but I meant that the heat source is mainly the surface since it’s difficult to heat the thin outer layers directly, and from there heat moves up thorough ir radiation or adiabatic expansion. But it’s not like mountains are cooled down by adiabatic expansion, since the air wouldn’t move up without a temperature gradient, which means that it cannot get colder that the mountains already are. So I would think they are simply farther away form surface heat radiation and have thinner air that don’t assorb heat…
- Comment on If hot air rises, why is it colder at the top of a mountain? 10 months ago:
Sorry i didn’t meant to be misleading, just to discuss! However after checking on Wikipedia I omitted that lower pressure air at high altitude absorb/emit less heat, but what I wrote is not wrong, just incomplete…
- Comment on If hot air rises, why is it colder at the top of a mountain? 10 months ago:
Without checking, I would say that it’s because the heat dissipate away from the planet and the hot air will eventually cool down while rising? My understanding is that it’s hot near sea level because it’s where the heat from the sun get reflected and radiated from the earth surface, correct me if I’m wrong…
- Comment on Open source community figures out problems with performance in Starfield 1 year ago:
I’ll give a different perspective on what you said: dx12 basically moved half of the complexity that would normally be managed by a driver, to the game / engine dev, which already have too much stuff to do: making the game. The idea is that “the game dev knows best how to optimize for its specific usage” but in reality the game dev have no time to deal with hardware complexity and this is the result.
- Comment on Is this it? Is there anything more to life, am I missing something? 1 year ago:
Agree… The fact that many people here think that if you’re not happy woking, eating, sleeping then you’re probably ill, it kinda scares me tbh
- Comment on Is this it? Is there anything more to life, am I missing something? 1 year ago:
Honestly you realized this much earlier than most people, which is good! Honestly I’ve never found a good answer to this…
You can try to minimize the time you spend working by getting a remote job or a part time one, or ideally try to pile up some money to take a year (or any time) off if you’re confident that you can get another job after that. Minimize the money you spend on material stuff so that you can work less, or go somewhere on vacation…
But if you find a good solution please let me know :)