- Comment on Music to my Ear 8 months ago:
I always heard this joke as “If you hold a stoat up to your ear, you can hear the sound of your own voice, screaming.”
- Comment on What are You Working on Wednesday 10 months ago:
Not strictly teh ciberrz, but upgrading to OpenBSD 7.5. Might rebuild a mail server this weekend.
- Comment on Yesterday, Daniel J. Bernstein published a paper alleging that Kyber-512, an encryption algorithm selected as a NIST post-quantum contender, wasn't nearly as secure as its stewards say. 1 year ago:
Given that I’ve never heard of it (and I routinely work with security-related things like OpenSSH and TLS, certs, etc.) I’ll assume the impact of this finding is relatively low.
- Comment on incredible 1 year ago:
- Comment on walkie talkie 1 year ago:
Maybe… Hearty Re-Starty?
Ticker Re-jigger?
Pumper Bumper?
- Comment on walkie talkie 1 year ago:
Diarrhea: Soupy Poopy.
- Comment on Hopsital 1 year ago:
FYI, finding an incidentaloma and doing another scan 3 months later to see that it’s disappeared is also life saving. My mother had a lung problem, got some imaging done, they found a lump in her lung, and instead of going directly to poking it for a biopsy or surgery, they checked 4 months later, and saw that it resolved on it’s own. If it was cancer, they would have seen changes in it, and known it was something to be investigated further at the time of the second scan. Doctors need to manage expectations and refer people for therapy if they have anxiety around their health.