- Comment on Anon fixes their games 3 days ago:
Chromatic aberration is also one of the few effects that actually happens with our eyes instead of being an effect designed to replicate a camera sensor.
- Comment on 1987 2 weeks ago:
Supper is eaten from 4-6 while dinner is eaten from 5-7 in my experience. Dinner is usually a heavier meal than supper, as well.
- Comment on 1987 2 weeks ago:
Jell-O makes pudding mixes too. You use Mandarin oranges, whipped cream, and (usually vanilla) Jello pudding to make the dessert.
- Comment on Lifehack for naive schoolchildren 1 year ago:
Because all the energy of every motion pulling the magnets apart and back together adds up to a net-0 amount of motion in either direction forward or backwards
- Comment on Rick and Morty | Season 7 Official Trailer | adult swim 1 year ago:
It gets extremely obvious when they enter the “nearly cracking” voice range but overall it’s fairly close
- Comment on If Thanos had, instead of randomly wiping out 50% of all living things, he had instead in each species wiped out only the dumbest 50% what would the reaction of each avenger have been? 1 year ago:
He could have literally just wished for the best, most ethical solution to happen without even coming up with one and had the stones figure it out for him (i mean, one of the infinitely powerful magical space crystals is the mind stone after all, could totally just say it’s capable of thought)
- Comment on If Thanos had, instead of randomly wiping out 50% of all living things, he had instead in each species wiped out only the dumbest 50% what would the reaction of each avenger have been? 1 year ago:
That’s because they tried to make him some sort of noble villain in the movies when he was just horny for Death in the comics and wanted to impress her
- Comment on How do I get informed on Joe Rogan without watching his videos. 1 year ago:
He does have an agenda now, though it’s not a political one. It’s the chasing of those strokes to his ego that his alt-right audience gives him every time he says something they like.
- Comment on Absolutely nothing of note happened in China in June 1989, right? 1 year ago:
That’s just a Tiananmen 2d circle with stretching though.
- Comment on Official Safety Memo 1 year ago:
Also watch out for piss
Source: it wasn’t a snapping turtle but a turtle pissed on me repeatedly whilst relocating it, I was genuinely shocked by the sheer volume of piss that it managed to unleash in total l
- Comment on Reedit taking down any post slightly critical of Islam. 1 year ago:
It’s just a matter of running the software on a server and configuring it
- Comment on You didn't bought it you rented it! 1 year ago:
Wikipedia has an overview and their enforceability varies pretty dramatically across the US (which is why many such agreements attempt to specify which states or courts they must be litigated against in).
- Comment on You didn't bought it you rented it! 1 year ago:
EULAs and TOSs have been tossed out in court before under the logic that you need to understand an agreement for it to be legally binding and that not reading the agreement inherently prevents you from understanding it.