- Comment on Things weren't bad enough and then a Moose attacks you 2 months ago:
The dog made a distraction big enough for the guy to escape the moose. It might had been a different kind of result if the moose had kept it’s focus on the guy.
Big thumbs up for the dog and a thumbs up for it’s owner.
- Comment on Pattern of Brain Damage Is Pervasive in Navy SEALs Who Died by Suicide 8 months ago:
Leave it up, please.
I didn’t want to sound like that one person, who doesn’t appreciate these posts.
- Comment on Pattern of Brain Damage Is Pervasive in Navy SEALs Who Died by Suicide 8 months ago:
Hmm, seems almost like this one: sopuli.xyz/post/14327640
The share is, of course, appreciated.
- Comment on These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot 8 months ago:
AI in the tent:
- Comment on He came with receipts 9 months ago:
Glad you asked. To be clear: I agree with your original comment.
I had this great, long, message drafted in my mind while in sauna, but I discarded (forgot) that one when I got back to the computer.
Let me elaborate my first reply. We have in the OP image the following actors: Musk and the challenger.
I think that he should have avoided the interaction with musk, if he planned to convince Musk of something.
- (#1) According to my previous knowledge about Musk’s interactions wherever in the world of Internet, I have come to the conclusion he is not the one to be convinced even with proof.
- (#2) If someone can challenge him during the interaction, he will most likely (always) counteract with snarky responses or just ignore the challenger totally. Like seen in the OP image.
- (#3) The challenger tried to convince him with proof.
If he planned to educate the general public, his approach is totally fine, though.
- (#4) Whilst the challenger commenced #3, he was really proofing the point/educating the public of the #1.
On top of this, I like to think I managed to represent the Musk-like interaction in my previous reply; responding to your well built message with a snarky comment. Although, I think, I went too far with the dual interpretations.
- Comment on He came with receipts 9 months ago:
Are those two things not the same?
- Comment on Anon watches LOTR 10 months ago:
Well, it’s Magic ✨