- Comment on Why do Americans always presume that everyone speaks English 3 months ago:
Because we have to if they don’t speak our language
- Comment on Pringhouls 4 months ago:
What if there’s a pan dimensional being with their hands stuck in the cosmical cylinder trying to grab our universe?
- Comment on Majima-Focused Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii Announced at RGG Summit as Next Yakuza Game 6 months ago:
Yakuza is a very japanese game.
It is has a serious narrative about crime, politics, family issues, corruption and honor. And in the next scene you’re spending thousands of dollars (yens?) on a custom toy car to win a slot car championship or building your own go kart and race against other gangster.
Let’s just say that this is not too out of the ordinary.
- Comment on Oxygen 6 months ago:
Yes… But no.
They don’t need to plot anything. We are already consuming oxygen and replacing it with carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.
Or perhaps this was their plan all along??
- Comment on Would a surgical puncture to the skull relieve a pressure headache? 6 months ago:
I think you might be interested on this Wikipedia article: Trepanning
- Comment on Is Batman TAS Amoled friendly? 8 months ago:
Life is too short to read all the words
- Comment on Is Batman TAS Amoled friendly? 8 months ago:
I lasted about 4 answers until I remembered that TAS in this context means The Animated Series and not Tool Assisted Speedrun
- Comment on Finish him. 🪓 9 months ago:
I wish he was even smarter so that he would choose not to play chess with a pigeon.
- Comment on Calculus made easy 10 months ago:
Irreverent not irrelevant
- Comment on After 10,000+ hours grinding, MapleStory's first level 300 player slams the brakes at 299.99 to rant about the MMO and then quit, all on a dev-promoted stream 10 months ago:
- Comment on Does Instagram or YouTube Shorts get you? 11 months ago:
Nope. I don’t like the format.
A 30 seconds video is like repeating the same mistakes that turned Twitter (yes, even before Elon Musk) to what it is today: a place that there’s no shade of gray, no nuance and everything is outrageous. A Short has no time to elaborate on anything and can simplify the subject so much that it becomes just misinformation.
Also I don’t believe it’s worth for creators in the long run. I’m not a creator myself but I believe that the time-effort to create a video is not linear with its duration. They can make a short so elaborated and viral that it would be more worth to create a full video in regards of sponsorship, ad revenue and subscription retention.
- Comment on Let π = 5 11 months ago:
OP’s problem isn’t even wrong.
It’s just assuming that π is 5 in this specific scenario, just like it’s reasonable to assume the existence of a spherical cow in a frictionless environment. Yeah, if you use the results of this problem to develop a real cylinder you’re going to have a bad time but nobody is doing that all what’s the problem?
Nobody is saying that from this point in time and going forward π = 5 and now math is broken forever. People need to chill
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
You can. As others have said it’s just a trend.
There are parts made specifically for those like you (and me) who don’t like unicorn barf all over their room. (My case has RGB fans. I just don’t connect these pins tho)
- Comment on Microplastic overdose 1 year ago:
They could use parchment paper I think.
- Comment on How can I search content from websites I visit with full-text search and tags? 1 year ago:
Maybe take a look on Hunchly?
It’s a tool for online investigations so it might be useful for what you’re looking for
- Comment on How should I find a good hair cut? 1 year ago:
Here’s a list on order of what I think you should address before deciding your next haircut:
What’s your hair type? Is it curly? Extra curly? Straight? Does it have too much (or lacks) volume? You can change your hair to some degree (mine is curly and I used to straighten it when I was your age) so have this in mind.
What’s your personal style? Do you like it short like people in the army or would you like it to be bigger? Are you a metalhead, a punk or like the classic pompadour?
-How much time do you want to spend on it every morning? Some styles are much more time consuming to maintain than others.
They’re are all personal questions that you have to answer yourself. Just think about them for a while and decide on what you think is cool. Then walk to a barber shop that your trust and ask the guy to make yours like the photo. If the guy does a bad job then put on a cap and wait for it to grow back haha
- Comment on Apparently, all you need to do to "git gud" in an online FPS is to reduce hand "stress" while aiming. 1 year ago:
Oh yes…don’t get me wrong. I think OSU can be a great tool to practice aiming. I’ve seen League of Legends players using it to farm better too.
It’s just that I don’t think one can play a FPS like they play OSU. They have more “dimensions”, I guess.
- Comment on Apparently, all you need to do to "git gud" in an online FPS is to reduce hand "stress" while aiming. 1 year ago:
The video is impressive but it’s basically a OSU pro player playing OSU with a gun.
I don’t know if the skill would transfer to a FPS e-sport, though. I wonder how the key mapping would look like with various movement, skills and what not.
- Comment on When we think of thunderstorm in terms of mythology we usually think of gods being angry, sad or war. I wonder if there are cultures out there that think of thunderstorm just Gods farting. 1 year ago:
When the thunderstorm is very far away and I can listen just the faintest noise i I like to say that the sky’s stomach is rumbling.
- Comment on Exactly why i wont play Homecooked with my gf 1 year ago:
Biped is pretty good and casual. I don’t know if it’s available for consoles. Probably is.
Then there’s Portal 2, the LEGO franchise, Moving Out, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles…
When I’m out of ideas of games to play with my SO I just emulate some games from SNES and Genesis when couch co-op was golden. Donkey Kong Country, Sonic 3…
- Comment on My mum had her finger on the lens for all summit photos she took of me. 1 year ago:
No worries. Op uploaded their mom fingerprints on the internet as a revenge.
- Comment on The other day I heard a friend talking about how "the moon's gravity affects our internal organs." This sounds like bull, but is it? And if so, how would I correct their misinformation? 1 year ago:
Well, now you made me find this paper:…
OP’s friend might’ve read something based on it too
- Comment on The other day I heard a friend talking about how "the moon's gravity affects our internal organs." This sounds like bull, but is it? And if so, how would I correct their misinformation? 1 year ago:
Maybe your friend is thinking about menstrual cycles? Of course they aren’t really influenced by the moon but they (often) have a period of 1 month, like the moon phases.
- Comment on Is it just me, or are conspiracy theories trending right now? 1 year ago:
Probably. Conspiracy theory can be a great source of content to create when the platforms heavily prioritize screen time.
They’re easily digestible, intriguing, and one can be the seed to begin a spiral of the same content, created by the same author.
- Comment on Elon Musk wanting to remove dim theme from twitter 1 year ago:
You mean pay for a CSS re-skin? To enable light mode??