I float through physical thoughts. I stare down the abyss of organic dreams.
- Comment on BloodBorne Released 10 Years Ago Today, Fans Once Again Organize a Return to Yharnam 6 days ago:
Yeah, I’m aware of the game speed etc being tied to FPS, but From Software made DS3 run at 60 FPS on Xbox and PS5 over 3 years ago.
Iirc, it’s using the same engine as Bloodborne, so conceivably, they could get it working in Bloodborne as well.
The more logical thing to do, of course, would be to rehash it for a 10 year anniversary release with 4K/60, but that has come and gone, so…
I don’t even own a PS5, and never will, but the game is so god damn good that it’s (another) crime for Sony to leave it like this.
- Comment on BloodBorne Released 10 Years Ago Today, Fans Once Again Organize a Return to Yharnam 6 days ago:
It plays a lot (relatively speaking) better on a PS4 Pro. It’s puzzling how stupid of a decision it is leaving it at 30 FPS even on PS5.
- Comment on modern psychiatry be like 3 weeks ago:
There are a couple of studies on this, and the findings are admittedly kind of scattered, but here are some key points.
One study suggests as much as 50% of people on the spectrum have at least four (or more) comorbid conditions (a vast variety of things, e.g. ADD, intellectual disabilities etc).
Another study found that 95% of children with ASD had comorbidities. Again, the rain man trope is rather strongly rooted in our sociocultural reality tunnel.
I’ve met a lot of people on the spectrum in my life (about 1% of the population are diagnosed, after all), and almost all of them have also had either ADD, intellectual disabilities, medical disabilities like Crohn’s disease, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, PCOS, hormonal or chromosomal disorders and/or other psychological conditions like schizophrenia or other schizotypal disorders BPD, bipolar disorder etc.
The fact is that a Sheldon Cooper is kind of a unicorn among autistics.
But truthfully, my observation that most autistics are below average intelligence is almost entirely anecdotal (yet with a rather sizeable sample pool), because admittedly I’m struggling to find any hard data on it.
Some figures I’ve seen say 32% have below 70, 25% have 70-84, 40% have 85-115, with only about 3% being above 115.
But here’s at least one study finding that 55% of autistic kids have an intellectual disability (below 70 IQ).
- Comment on modern psychiatry be like 3 weeks ago:
People still think of autism in like… Rain Man-terms.
As much as people like to think popular depictions (The Big Bang Theory, Abed in Community, etc) of autistic behavioral patterns are somehow furthering “the cause” (whatever that is) - ultimately, they amount to little more than vaudeville and can be incredibly damaging to people who don’t “seem autistic”.
It’s very tiring to assure people that yes, you are indeed autistic, when all they know is Sheldon Cooper and Raymond Babbitt.
Especially annoying if they think you’re some sort of genius, when the average autistic’s intelligence generally is lower than average.
Especially now that so many fucking lunatic autistics are committing atrocities.
If you’re obviously greatly disabled autistic=not threatening High functioning autistic=liability
I was diagnosed 20 years ago, and even I had a very hard time recognizing and accepting that my own partner is also autistic (now diagnosed as an adult).
But then again, it seems to manifest dramatically different in men v.s. women, as well as there not really being any depictions of autistic women in media for the longest time.
And a gigantic part of autistic women no doubt went undiagnosed for a long time (and still are).
- Comment on Is anyone else playing Avowed? What are your thoughts so far? 4 weeks ago:
I like it, but haven’t played more than a few hours.
The voice acting and (most) character faces feel insanely dated, though. Fantasy just comes off weird in an American accent.
The game runs poorly and doesn’t really look and feel that great considering the processing cost, but that’s just Unreal Engine 5 being shit.
Those are my biggest complaints.
Combat is pretty engaging and I think it’s pretty cool, but it can be kind of health-spongey. Feels like it needs some work to feel better and more fluid.
The story seems okay, although I haven’t gotten far. Kind of generic fantasy akin to Divinity Original Sin 2/Baldur’s Gate 3 or Pillars of Eternity (duh).
Honestly, I like that it’s not just another murder hobo simulator and has a bit more focused story.
It’s a pretty solid 6-7/10, which is fine. Maybe it’ll grow on me, but there’s no chance of it becoming another Cyberpunk 2077.
Hopefully they learned from making this and The Outer Worlds 2 is a lot better than the first one.
- Comment on I love the future. 5 weeks ago:
The Swedish mid-right also ruled out working with the far-right. Until they had to to gain government control.
- Comment on Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all? 2 months ago:
I’ve been punching nazis and Italian fascists (as well as shooting, crushing skulls with heavy objects, blowing them up etc) in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle since around christmas.
It’s a great time.
- Comment on Random Screenshots of my Games #41 - Road Redemption 4 months ago:
Nice. I might actually check this out.
Played it on Sega Mega Drive back in the day. There was also a dope game called Skitchin’ that was like Road Rash almost, but on roller blades…
Loved Carmageddon, Twisted Metal, Destruction Derby, FlatOut etc as well.
- Comment on Random Screenshots of my Games #41 - Road Redemption 4 months ago:
Is this Road Rash with more bells and whistles?
- Comment on Day 56 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 6 months ago:
Always gonna upvote New Vegas.
- Comment on What are some hidden indie gems nobody knows about? 1 year ago:
Fantastic metroidvania meets soulslike game. The art style, the lore, the atmosphere, and by God - the music!
The combat is not super great, but it’s capable enough for a metroidvania.
I haven’t played the second one, I hear it’s kinda hit and miss.