- Comment on Can I wear hardware o rings with my 4g piercing? 1 month ago:
Meh, clean it first and it’ll probably be alright. If if have issues stop using it.
- Comment on Posture is important 2 months ago:
Is that reddit on his screen?
- Comment on Why do Americans always presume that everyone speaks English 2 months ago:
Of course as people pointed out, this is far from a uniquely American thing. Also, I’m sure by American they mean the USA, but “Americans” are inclusive of north, central and south America. Here in Europe, we also expect people to speak English as it is the universal language.
As a side note, it is also often commented that Americans (USA Americans) can only speak English. This is a narrow view that primarily broadly looks at white Americans and ignores the fact that the US is a huge melting pot of cultures and for many US citizens English is their second or third language.
It goes without being said, the contents of the picture should never have a reason to be written. Don’t be a dick to people trying to help you.
- Comment on Preference 5 months ago:
The typical dosage is 2 for all of them (excluding the rand german pill - the one that you have no idea what it is). It’s also ibuprofen, but you would never know it. Does that help at all with you being skeptical?
- Comment on Preference 5 months ago:
Advil is the main brand name for this. I always buy a bottle and other pills when I’m in the US. It is way more than I need but what I like is all the US pills look different. I always have a little mixed bottle of Advil, Pepto Bismol (fixes everything stomach related), anti-histamine pills… with me for when I need them. You can mix them all together and still tell the difference between them. That’s what I don’t like about the European blister packs of unidentifable white pills. That and I hate blister packs. It is also cheaper to buy a bottle. But to be clear, I get like a bottle of 50 or 100. Advil is also enteric coated so it is better for your stomach and tastes better (it’s slightly sweet).
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
Herding… Snails?! I only know one snail, and she doesn’t get herded anywhere.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
You have to login to view whatever it is as it is NSFW content…
- Comment on How do people in this day in age become nazis/neonazies sexist or even incels when there is so much knowledge against it? Do they get anything out of being that way? 6 months ago:
There is a lot of good books (or audio books) I could suggest. This has been also a interest in mine. The reasons are different and also the same. Many of the top comments touch on some of the points.
- Comment on No thanks. I'm good. 6 months ago:
I’ve had it a number of times both in the states and in SE Asia. It’s different but it is really good. Like yeah it is a different coffee and if you judge it to the same criteria as a coffee style that it isn’t, of course it will fail. If a “good coffee” needs to be aggressively acidic with strong notes of papaya, pineapple, Maracuja…this is not that. It is very smooth and subtle and that is what makes it nice and different.
- Comment on Why are people downvoting the MediaBiasFactChecker not? 6 months ago:
Any thoughts on TLDR (Youtube channel)?
- Comment on Live your best life 8 months ago:
I really like tofu too! It’s great as it is and I would rather eat it than meat, but for me at least meat is FAR better / tastier than tofu. But like I said despite I love meat, I avoid eating it the best I can. So give me the tofu and Thanks for arguing it’s better.
- Comment on To be fair, that's more than two words 11 months ago:
Antibabypille - contraception
Stinktier (stinky animal) - skunk
Stinkfrucht (smelly fruit) - durian
Krankenhaus (sick house) - hospital
Krankenwagen (sick wagon) - ambulance
Krankenschwester (sick sister) - nurse
Handschuhe (hand shoe) - glove
Durchfall (through fall) - diarrhoea
Regenschirm (rain shield) - Umbrella
Stachelschwein (‘spikey pig’)= Porcupine
‘Pustblume’ (blow flower) = dandelion seed head
Sauerstoff (sour stuff) - oxygen
Wasserstoff (water stuff) - hydrogen
Totenkopf (dead head)💀 - scull
- Comment on To be fair, that's more than two words 11 months ago:
This is today’s version of "Eskimos (Inuit, I know, but that’s not how the memes went) have __40 __65 250( insert your number, it won’t be wrong) words for snow. This is for the same reason and is now largely known as wrong.
The problem is even German people (I live in Germany) also believe that they have a larger more expressive language than (for example) English… When it isn’t true. German has either 5.3 million++ words or 135,000 depending on how you count them. In reality you can endlessly combine words in German together, but it very rarely makes it a “new word”.
- Comment on But it's just banana cat videos 1 year ago:
I’ll throw down a recommendation for ground news (app). They take the news, organize it and show you the same article from left center and right. They show you your blind spots in news as well (stuff that is on the other side of you).
Anyone have anything against it or other recommendations?