- Comment on Thank You for 20 Years of God of War - A Tribute to Kratos 6 days ago:
Well the cutscenes were way more visceral than actual gameplay. The blood splattered in game, but never really looked bloody
- Comment on Thank You for 20 Years of God of War - A Tribute to Kratos 6 days ago:
Playing god of war on the ps2 on Christmas with my grandma almost chocking when the bloody scenes came on is a great memory. I had to wait till grandma was gone before I could play more. Amazing times.
- Comment on Vin Diesel Claims Marvel Wants to Make a Groot Movie 3 weeks ago:
Either this will be annoying as hell, and we all get tired of “I am Groot” or this could be amazing with a wall-e style low dialog movie.
Or they marvel it up with an unnecessary side character that never stops talking.
- Comment on What movies have you watched this week? 3 weeks ago:
Yeah, it’s not for everyone. Visually amazing though. But not for me.
- Comment on Trump Signs Order Expanding Power Over Independent Agencies Like FCC and SEC 5 weeks ago:
Companies are in power of the government through president Turnip. Sec fines companies (a paultry amount ) and those stupid rules are in the way. If Turnip can makes those pesky rules go away, the number can go up infinitely, any way possible. Rivaling companies can be cellar boxed into bankruptcy more effectively. Rich men get richer.
- Comment on You can tell my parents really loved me 5 weeks ago:
This could be the upteenth photo and the last one on the roll. People don’t realize it’s easy to take pictures these days, but back then you had to make due with how many you could take. This could be the only picture in focus where the baby didn’t move or cry or whatever the fuck babies do.
These days you just keep making more pictures until you get one that’s good enough. Babies will try to fuck up most pictures you try to make.
- Comment on Doppler 5 weeks ago:
Half life : alyx is not that old.
- Comment on Sounds like a problem for them, not me. 1 month ago:
In the Netherlands it’s illegal for the employer to deny a vacation request more than 4 weeks in advance. At least in my work field.
- Comment on Chefs kiss 2 months ago:
- Comment on Am I doing this right? 2 months ago:
Oh yeah. I got bamboozled. Great job.
- Comment on Are there people without handedness? 2 months ago:
Ambidexterity is the word you’re looking for. And yes it exists, but still people will often have a prefence because their used to using a certain hand for certain tasks.
- Comment on Superman | Official Teaser Trailer 3 months ago:
This looks genuinely cool.
- Comment on Why some people put anime girl pic to their bio? 4 months ago:
Same reason people put movie characters, game characters or dragons in there. Because they like them, one way or the other.
- Comment on Regain Control in my ass 6 months ago:
Tubular bells part I in my ass
- Comment on Let me just slip into something more comfortable 6 months ago:
So is a Nike shirt, or any of those sport shirts like Adidas. Basically it’s hip to walk around as an ad
- Comment on Ford Patents In-Car System That Eavesdrops So It Can Play You Ads 6 months ago:
Thanks. I hate it
- Comment on Ford Patents In-Car System That Eavesdrops So It Can Play You Ads 6 months ago:
If it recognizes me it would know my ad preference is none. What is it with paid items/subscriptions and ads? I already paid. Fuck off. If I see paid stuff with ads I go out of my way to not use it.
- Comment on Why is Kamala Harris being held at such a higher standard than Trump this election? 6 months ago:
I was curious about this, so I looked it up on Wikipedia, and I don’t see this stopping you’re talking about. If anything I’m seeing less bombings during Biden’s term, not Trump’s.
Either you’re a troll or uninformed.
- Comment on Star Wars Outlaws gets two story DLCs featuring Lando and Hondo, but only if you fork out for a special edition 7 months ago:
Story dlc should be dlc. Not something only obtainable through a deluxe edition coming in at 2x the price of the base game.
- Comment on Star Wars Outlaws gets two story DLCs featuring Lando and Hondo, but only if you fork out for a special edition 7 months ago:
Well it’s ubisoft. What did you expect?
I hate EA as much as the next guy, but I’ve got to hand it to them; at least the Jedi: Fallen order and Survivor games had nothing really locked behind an extra paywall except for cosmetics that didn’t change gameplay. Which is the bare fucking minimum I expect for single player games.
- Comment on do humans shed more skin when sunbathing? 8 months ago:
Your skin is constantly shedding. The dust you can find In a house is mostly dead skin. Applying sunscreen could make it stick instead of fall off. If it’s dry it could also be dust and sand in the air.
Try scrubbing before going sunbathing to see if it still happens then.
- Comment on YouTube Blocks Access to Protest Anthem in Hong Kong 10 months ago:
Maybe we need a law to know which laws to follow.
- Comment on Choose your difficulty 10 months ago:
Any country with actual welfare, a decent living wage minimum salary, normal Healthcare prices, a gun ban and a non-corrupt police system.
- Comment on Boring ass planet 10 months ago:
I don’t know, but I’m cramping up.
- Comment on Choose your difficulty 10 months ago:
Really? How displaced is your view if you consider the USA easy mode?
Also, fuck Mexico. Apparently.
- Comment on Half Life 3 10 months ago:
Duke nukem forever didn’t tarnish the older games IMO. Because the games barely have any story to begin with, they are mostly ranked for their gameplay, which is still awesome to this day. At least for 2 and 3d.
Duke1 is nothing too special. But Duke1 wasn’t even too special at time of release.
- Comment on Yep 10 months ago:
But only if you do it like the geologists in settlers 2 when they find something in the ground.
- Comment on Are people excited for Furiosa? 10 months ago:
Fury road was amazing. I hope furiosa is good, but I’m not too optimistic. But I wasn’t optimistic about fury road either, until I saw it.
- Comment on Intrusive thoughts 11 months ago:
Yeah, for smt I just use a heat gun or rework station for repairs. Only part I use an iron for that is when a lead didn’t take. Even then, the solder is already there so just flux is enough.
- Comment on Intrusive thoughts 11 months ago:
Good thinking. In my field we don’t do that. It takes more effort than you’d get out of it by that point. I just get a new roll. But if you’re in a pinch and on your last roll, this is a great idea!