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- Comment on Why there is no photos of earth from space? 3 weeks ago:
BuT tHeY aRe aLL fAkE ObViOuSlY! ThErE iSn’T EvEn A dEbAtE aBoUt It!
- Comment on New Laptop Memory Is Here: LPCAMM2 – iFixit 10 months ago:
- Comment on Sure buddy just take as many spots as you need 1 year ago:
Error: Div 0 not defined!
- Comment on Why do dentists have such a bad reputation compared to other kinds of doctors? 1 year ago:
💵 💵 💵
- Comment on What comes before a quarter final? 1 year ago:
I remember it like this:
Finals - 1 match - 2 participants
Semifinals - 2 matches - 4 participants
Quarterfinals - 4 matches - 8 participants
Round of 16 - 8 matches - 16 participants
Round of 32 - 16 matches - **32 participants **
In every round, half of the participants are eliminated and the other half moves on.
- Comment on What are the most mindblowing fact in mathematics? 1 year ago:
Make purple yellow and one of the reds purple.