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- Comment on The Holy? bible 4 months ago:
If he turns water into wine, how potent will that “oregano” be when he’s done with it.
- Comment on Amazon's system marked an item I returned a year ago as not received and charged me for this return, but the chat bot already knew they had received it. 5 months ago:
I’m sorry, but I do want to point out, that even if they post the refund immediately, between their bank, and your bank, is generally why the 3-5 business days is in there, because they know there will be some delay between all of the involved parties.
- Comment on Satisfactory 1.0 5 months ago:
As much as I love the game, and I will get into random hyper focus mode and will multiply the size of my factory by a large amount, the later tiers are much more accessible when playing with friends.
- Comment on Cords 6 months ago:
I thought that was a snake…
- Comment on Caption this. 9 months ago:
It’s time to party, you get the beer, I got the grub.