- Comment on Elon Musk Is a National Security Risk 4 weeks ago:
That’s how you expose your handlers. You fuck for money. We get that.
- Comment on Elon Musk and SpaceX Face Federal Reviews After Violations of Security Reporting Rules 1 month ago:
Sigh… Not in a month or so I’m sure.
- Comment on Butcherbirb 5 months ago:
Run for the hills!
- Comment on Jimmy Carrr gives BRUTALLY truthful answer on cancel culture 6 months ago:
Exactly who benefits from the tolerance paradox bullshit. This is just people whining about being on the wrong side of critical thinking.
It used to be if you were burning crosses that was considered unpopular. These are the people arguing against that. The same people who would call that “cancelling” as they can’t understand anything even slightly more complex. Or they consciously don’t want to…
- Comment on Jimmy Carrr gives BRUTALLY truthful answer on cancel culture 6 months ago:
Should have every moron in that movie repeating the term “cancel culture” with the same ignorance as “brawndo has what plants crave”…
Both just obviously demonstrate the extreme ignorance and idiocy present in whoever says it. Anyone lamenting “cancel culture” is about as educated on the matter as the “doctor” in the film:
- Comment on Claude crushed GPT-4o… and 13 other tech stories you missed in June | Fireship [6:04] 6 months ago:
The stories you missed… The news you don’t get….
The same news you missed… turned into a self important YouTube feed…
- Comment on Trump’s Second Term: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) 7 months ago:
“I fear that nothing matters and even being concerned is a wasted effort.”
Your “fear” is the issue. You offer nothing but issues.
- Comment on Objectivity 7 months ago:
True. Horny should overrule all. Morality, Ethics, if it feels “off” then it’s non-normative. So fuck you.
- Comment on Objectivity 7 months ago:
Bless your heart…
- Comment on Jon Stewart Tackles The Trump Conviction Fallout and Puts The Media on Trial 7 months ago:
And risks reversing it all for the sake of “both sides”-ing the discourse.
There’s a grievance liberals have that is being exploited for the sake of balance and it doesn’t help John’s past work to pretend democracy isn’t literally in the ballot.
He’s great provided the decade isn’t current. Right now I don’t see any humor in ridiculing Biden’s age and parroting GOP talking points.
- Comment on Hero 8 months ago:
Lucky, not hero.
This is a person saying they don’t like what everyone else on the planet deals with daily.
Fortunately they were published enough to not have to care.
- Comment on Hero 8 months ago:
PROVIDED the bullshitter doesn’t turn inward. A PM with those skills unleashed in the team is hell.
- Comment on [IGN - Review in progress] Killer Klowns from Outer Space: The Game 8 months ago:
The movie is bonkers by definition! Kinda the whole point! Hopefully the game can make the same point!
- Comment on What is the point of Xbox? 8 months ago:
I don’t want to go back to sega fucking up the hardware game that bad…
- Comment on Cat-lift 9 months ago:
Why is this not a part of urban infrastructure by now?
- Comment on George Takei was on Colbert yesterday 9 months ago:
Point them out. It does no one any service to vaguely make claims. Put up.
- Comment on Long-lost first model of the USS Enterprise from 'Star Trek' boldly goes home after twisting voyage 9 months ago:
True story: there once was a plan to construct a 1:1 enterprise in Las Vegas of all places. Pyramids, castles, whatever… It really wouldn’t be hard to make a 1:1 model.
Merely compare the scale of the enterprise to your average bridge destroying cargo vessel…
- Comment on George Takei was on Colbert yesterday 9 months ago:
Holy shit are you serious?
- Comment on teachings 9 months ago:
I was one of those students who asked how it would be used, the teachers didn’t do the whole real world application part, and I never needed to go past trig.
I work with engineers and use math like any other human on the planet but really wish mathematics was taught differently to make it more interesting. You hear a PHD candidate talk about the hairy ball problem and the math is interesting. Math class never was.
- Comment on teachings 9 months ago:
To translate: As a child learning math this means “ignore math, the explanations don’t explain anything real, they only explain math. So instead focus on language and the arts.”
- Comment on Pro-Palestinian protesters light US flag on fire in NYC 9 months ago:
Because the republican party full of congressmen who spend the 4th of July in Moscow…
…the same party that paul ryan said was “a family” sworn to secrecy after he said trump and rorabacher were paid by putin…
…the party full of the same people that erected gallows and chanted “hang mike pence” ON THE CAPITOL LAWN…
…well they like to say that other American citizens aren’t Americans (Obama isn’t a citizen and only the HEARTLAND has real Americans) and threaten other American citizens with “second amendment solutions”.
So this feeds directly into that bloodlust and misinformed opinion that city dwelling liberals are what’s wrong with the world.
- Comment on Opinion | Republicans Are Fleeing the Stench of a Rotten Congress 9 months ago:
“…which they created.”
- Comment on China’s Advancing Efforts to Influence the U.S. Election Raise Alarms 9 months ago:
Call me names, you said congress expressed a both sides mentality and only begrudgingly agreed with me by phrasing it as the democrats are still bad.
We should be on the same side except I’m linking to good things dems have done and your facetiously asking if I know what comment I’m replying to.
All you’ve done is call me names while whining about “congress”. You only mention specifics to point out how much dems suck and offer nothing positive and never mentioned a way forward . It’s hard to be on that side so by all means keep insulting people.
- Comment on China’s Advancing Efforts to Influence the U.S. Election Raise Alarms 9 months ago:
Try to keep up.
I replied to the comment that called the issue bipartisan. The same comment that “bet” dem support would be less than total.
I gave plenty of reasons why that’s a lazy and inaccurate distinction that creates a false equivalence.
I cited articles and made the case that it’s not a bipartisan issue when one party is calling out the decision for opening the gates to foreign cash, and the other party is joking about how much foreign cash republicans are paid.
I mean you made the comment I replied to and everything I said is directly related to your comments and the foreign influence cited in the OP. Is that too much to understand?
- Comment on China’s Advancing Efforts to Influence the U.S. Election Raise Alarms 9 months ago:
Well we can assume and “bet” both sides suck or we can objectively look at the actions of the parties over the past decade and inform the opinion.
Every dem that introduced legislation against citizens united still has to run in an election where it’s the law of the land. They still had to win to be able to create the legislation in the first place.
Nothing is a perfect black and white split and it’s foolish to discount the one party trying to do anything about it because if they don’t participate in the system they can’t win a seat at the table and if they try to eliminate or reform the system you subject the whole party to a purity test.
- Comment on China’s Advancing Efforts to Influence the U.S. Election Raise Alarms 9 months ago:
Shitty take. “Congress” assumes republicans don’t exist.…/democrats-say-citizens-unit…
Seizing on the specter of Russian election influence, they’ve ramped up their quixotic effort — with minimal effect — to blunt Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the controversial 2010 that unleashed a torrent of special interest spending on U.S. elections. In doing so, they’ve introduced two dozen bills related to money in politics.
Dems have introduced plenty of bills to address this including a constitutional amendment in Jan 2023. The article I quoted really only criticizes dems for not solving this 2010 issue back in 2008 when they used a majority to expand access to healthcare instead.
Mean while GOP leaders are on tape literally saying “putin pays two people, trump and rotabacher” (hint they are both republicans)
The issue isn’t CONGRESS it’s REPUBLICANS.
Im not lumping in Dems because they didn’t single handedly usher in a utopia in 2 years after Bush cratered the economy.
- Comment on China’s Advancing Efforts to Influence the U.S. Election Raise Alarms 9 months ago:
Remember when democrats were saying that citizens united would open the door to foreign influence on elections and republicans said the law had nothing to do with that and was free speech thing to make videos about Hillary Clinton?
Then it paved the way for super PACs, dark money and a direct donation to bank account pipeline that totally isn’t a bribe.
Remember how US elections were before citizens united? Remember how it was before republicans on the Supreme Court said the rules need to change to allow all that money that wasn’t ever needed previously for 100+ years of democracy to function… cause reasons…
- Comment on Column: Social Security is again in the crosshairs of a GOP budget, even though a long-term fix would be simple 10 months ago:
Didn’t think otherwise, just wanted to get to this part:
I’d rather eliminate social security.
You’d gladly use my tax dollars if it stopped your house from burning down, but you’d rather eliminate the single program keeping the nation’s elderly out of poverty than spend one tax dollar of yours. Certainly starting to sound like theft now.
- Comment on Column: Social Security is again in the crosshairs of a GOP budget, even though a long-term fix would be simple 10 months ago:
Do you have kids? If so then other people helped pay for their schools, if not then you’re already paying for other peoples’ kids school.
Hell do you have insurance? Do you know how that works collectively?
You are already paying for roads you’ll never drive but others can, firefighters you’ll likely never need but other will, etc etc. conversely you are able to drive from A to B because of financial input from people that may never drive the same road.
You are already contributing to and benefitting from this “theft”you speak of. The difference seems to be that you take issue with knowing that you are helping other people. It can’t be the money, you are already benefitting from that and you’d have to be stupid to say you shouldn’t.
It’s frankly kind of weird how much you are already benefitting from everything you call “theft,” it only seems to be an issue as soon as you’re asked to contribute your fair share.
- Comment on Column: Social Security is again in the crosshairs of a GOP budget, even though a long-term fix would be simple 10 months ago:
SS doesn’t fund people’s retirement it’s not an extravagant pension, it keeps the elderly out of poverty.
You pay for roads you don’t drive on, I pay for schools for kids I don’t have, get over it. Selfishness isn’t a virtue.
You are not rejecting the system making you a benefactor, by your own logic that ship has sailed. Congrats you’ve already contributed, and you’re not a slave and atlas has not shrugged.
Right now you’re just making up reasons to be selfish… like you personally funding the nation’s retirements. Get over it.