- Comment on Do you ever worry that you're secretly a psychopath that unknowingly manipulates people around you? 11 months ago:
- Comment on My incisions from ankle surgery have hit the itchy stage of healing and it's driving me crazy 1 year ago:
Damn – sorry!.
I ended up with a dermatologist who prescribed a steroid cream called triamcinoclone. But that was for diagnosed ectopic dermatitis.
I must say though, that diagnosis kind of covers anything that itches.
- Comment on My incisions from ankle surgery have hit the itchy stage of healing and it's driving me crazy 1 year ago:
I had horrible skin problems after getting pneumonia.
Short term solution: Gold Bond makes a liquid with 2% lidocaine. It helped me get through some spikes in itchiness.
Good luck!
- Comment on US Question. Will the people that have to wait until 70 to get Social Security ever get what they paid in to it back out before they die since men's life expectancy is only 77 now? 1 year ago:
You really need a Vegas odds maker and and epigenetics expert to figure the over and under.
I’m 62 I’m hoping to work to 65-70 to get as much as I can before I kick the bucket.
- Comment on US Question. Will the people that have to wait until 70 to get Social Security ever get what they paid in to it back out before they die since men's life expectancy is only 77 now? 1 year ago:
You can start at 62 but you get twice as much if you wait until 70.
What a gamble.
- Comment on TEMU Is Cleverly Hidden Spyware That Poses an Urgent Security Threat to U.S. 1 year ago:
- Comment on Researching alcohol interventions for a friend. I’ve seen more ads for alcohol than ever in my life 1 year ago:
You can’t help anyone with a substance abuse problem.
They either choose to fix themselves or they die.
- Comment on When you go to a concert only to have an umbrella block your view 1 year ago:
You need to piss just behind the umbrella.
- Comment on Not even a wolverine giving me prostrate exam would get this info from me . 1 year ago:
- Comment on Why does “come here” bother me so much? 1 year ago:
As others have noted, this is a command, an imperative in grammatical terms. It’s offensive. The last thing I want to hear after a shit day at work is someone telling me what to do.
Maybe talk to him about this maybe get him to phrase it differently. “I found something I think you’ld like,” or something like that.
- Comment on How does someone with no experience learn to make food? 1 year ago:
Try one of these five ingredient recipe cookbooks. It will get you going with the basics.
- Comment on You didn't bought it you rented it! 1 year ago:
I forget what the requirements are here for owning an MG. It used to be a $500 license a long time ago. I expect it’s more expensive now?
I’ve had hot brass in the face because the range was too crowded. Not fun.
- Comment on You didn't bought it you rented it! 1 year ago:
Exactly. I did it a few times and stopped. Good times, though.
- Comment on You didn't bought it you rented it! 1 year ago:
I was using a Mossberg. I eventual stopped doing it because it was blowing glass and toxic circuit board stuff all over the place.
- Comment on You didn't bought it you rented it! 1 year ago:
It was .12 gauge triple ought buckshot Office Space.
I would never buy another HP printer, except for target practice.
- Comment on You didn't bought it you rented it! 1 year ago:
I hate these things. I took one out to an abandoned reservoir and blew it to pieces with a .12 gauge shotgun. Very therapeutic.
- Comment on FOUR whole parking spots 1 year ago:
Also partly responsible for an increase in pedestrian fatalities.
- Comment on My dog and I got jumped by raccoons this morning. Now I have to pay at least $1500 to make sure I don't get rabies 1 year ago:
Seriously, a couple years ago I asked an ER doctor to just let me die. I have insurance but the issue was air medevacc.
It’s bankruptcy expensive.