- Comment on 2k Launcher has been fully removed from all games 3 months ago:
If they can convert purchase within their launcher, they don’t pay Steam their cut. That’s it.
- Comment on US Elections question: Bernie Sanders said that the Democrats abandoned the working class, and the working class abandoned them. How is this true? 4 months ago:
Uh huh. So you do your “homework” and call out that Biden forced the workers to take 1 day of sick leave instead of the 7 that they wanted (at that stage in the negotiations).
I present evidence that it was downgraded from 7 to 1 in the Senate because Republicans rejected 7.
I then present evidence that Biden’s administration leaned on the railroad companies until they in fact gave the majority of railworkers 7 sick days. With quotes on the Union heads attributing those gains to the Biden administration.
And then suddenly 7 days isn’t good enough to call that a “win” in your opinions.
And I’m the hypocrite.
- Comment on US Elections question: Bernie Sanders said that the Democrats abandoned the working class, and the working class abandoned them. How is this true? 4 months ago:
7 isn’t 15, which is what the workers were initially going to strike for (and deserved).
Have you ever heard of negotiating? You don’t start at the price you’d be happy with. The Unions have stated they’re happy with the result, why aren’t you?
You do understand that being honest about Biden’s fuck-ups now can’t do any more damage
What fuck up? Biden averted a major breakdown in supply chain, AND got the workers what they wanted. That’s a win, despite the repeated attempts at framing it as a failure.
And no, I’m not going to spend a day digging through your history. If you’re repeating this gross misrepresentation of facts now, chances are high that you have before.
- Comment on US Elections question: Bernie Sanders said that the Democrats abandoned the working class, and the working class abandoned them. How is this true? 4 months ago:
Well, you failed your homework assignment, then.
Further down your own Wikipedia article
In February 2023, CSX announced a deal to provide four days of paid sick leave annually, plus the option of converting three personal days into additional paid sick time with two unions.
Citation from your own linked article
Which also clearly states that the original agreement that included 7 days was shot down by Republican senators, which is why the 1 sick day had to be the first iteration. And also includes details on how Biden’s administration continuing pressure on the railroad companies that ultimately yielded 7 sick days for the majority of railroad union workers by half a year later.
But yeah, keep intentionally misrepresenting recent history. It helped elect the guy who is so anti worker that he habitually stuffs his own workers of overtime, or refuses to pay them at all.
- Comment on US Elections question: Bernie Sanders said that the Democrats abandoned the working class, and the working class abandoned them. How is this true? 4 months ago:
The “fight for $15” (minimum wage increase) has been going on for so long with zero [Federal] success that, due to inflation, it ought to be renamed “fight for $30” by now.
And the side that won has been fighting the minimum wage hike for “so long”. Who’s the enemy of the working class again?
The lip service given in supporting unions was belied by how Biden fucked over the railroad workers.
This is a lie that has been repeated time and time again. He fast followed the end of the strike with helping the workers get exactly what they wanted. He aided their negotiations AND got our supply lines back on line.
Inequality (the gap between the working class and the 1%) is continuing to spiral out of control and the Democrats had very little to say about stopping it. It’s important to remember that “tax the rich” was only supported by the progressive subset of the Democratic Party.
Again, which party is it giving the mega wealthy tax breaks? Who is appointing billionaires to run the government? Who controlled the House and prevented tax reform from going through?
We need zoning reform coupled with switching from property tax to land-value tax, to stop enabling the hoarding of underdeveloped property by protecting it from market forces (i.e. real reforms to make housing affordable again).
That is state level reform. Obviously.
We also need things like vigorous enforcement of anti-trust law and consumer protection laws, so that the public feels (and is) less exploited by corporations.
No argument there, but which party is constantly eroding our current regulations that protect consumers and workers?
- Comment on Why are doctors so hands off and unhelpful in the USA? 6 months ago:
Also a very litigious society. Even if they mean well, going off the page and trying to figure out a “Haus” solution is just putting themselves at risk.
They have to check all the boxes for your insurance. They have to check all the boxes for their own malpractice insurance. Even if they followed procedure, they might get dragged through the legal system to defend themselves if a client feels wronged.
That turns you, the client, into a number in a dispassionated machine.
And I don’t have a solution to it.
- Comment on Why are people downvoting the MediaBiasFactChecker not? 7 months ago:
I find it useful at a glance, specifically when I don’t recognize a niche source. There’s a lot of “alt” media under random names. This helps flag them.
For mainstream, you can easily make your own call. You should be exposed to enough of it.
- Comment on Elon Musk Advocates for Overthrowing Bolivia, The Country with the Largest Lithium Reserves 8 months ago:
And into a submersible held together with duct tape.
- Comment on I ordered my daughter a pizza, something I don't usually do. I got Domino's smallest size with two toppings. I got her cheese sticks and two sauces and tipped the driver 20%. $31.07. 8 months ago:
And the timespan of the increased cost of everything.
Since the pandemic, construction ply more than tripled in price and isn’t going down.
That’s insane. Income can’t keep up with that.
- Comment on The current state of auto insurance: shit that belongs on a shady Kickstarter from 2013 9 months ago:
He is correct that the forces are different. The equation for centripetal force is Fc = Mv2/R.
Radius is the distance from the focal point, and each seat will be different distances.
So he is technically correct that seat position could be calculated in perfect conditions with accurate measurements.
But none of the data that reaches this service will be remotely accurate or complete enough to make that determination. It will only have one passengers phone data, and even if it collected everyones phone data, phone sensors have a margin of error well above what the difference would be. GPS data is only even marginally accurate up to something like 6ft, and really not even then. Then cars have a lot of other factors like suspension and compression in seats, etc, that would absorb enough of the forces to muddy the data even if accurate sensors were everywhere.
Tl;dr; another cocky person that took a few physics courses but walked away with a poor understanding of real world applications talking out their ass.
- Comment on Millionaire Investment Banker Jonathan Kaye caught punching, and breaking an unarmed woman's nose during Brooklyn Pride Festival 9 months ago:
Yeah. That would be called “context”, of which we have zero of. And which you now acknowledge matters.
- Comment on Millionaire Investment Banker Jonathan Kaye caught punching, and breaking an unarmed woman's nose during Brooklyn Pride Festival 9 months ago:
How is context not important? We don’t even have a full second of clip before he throws the punch.
Is context only not important when it’s a man hitting a woman?
Would you say the same if it was a 2s clip of a woman punching a man?
- Comment on Starfield's latest update draws player ire by sticking a bounty hunting quest behind the Creation Club paywall 9 months ago:
I don’t see any problem with molders charging for their mods. They are doing work, and deserve to be compensated.
If they’re creating additional deep content, I can see that being worth paying. If it’s just some skins or configuration edits like wonky gravity, that would not be worth money to me. But I think it’s a good thing to be able to add micro transactions for.
Take the original DOTA for example. A warcraft 3 custom map. It eventually dominated the custom game lobby, at least 3:1. I would have no problem with the creator(s) making money off their creation that contributed a ton of replayability the game.
When it comes down to it, it should be the modder’s choice on if they want to charge for their work, and the consumers choice if they want to pay for it.
Also why I didn’t have problems with microtransactions for skins, particularly when it was community driven like DOTA 2. Artists can make money creating non-game altering content, and fans get to personalize their characters.
- Comment on Is lemmy now what reddit used to be 10+ years ago? 9 months ago:
It’s different but the same. We used to get hit by the conservative bury brigades. Now, we get people actually trying to steer the narrative with somewhat thoughtful bad faith arguments.
It’s far more insidious now, and takes vigilance to shut down.
- Comment on Is lemmy now what reddit used to be 10+ years ago? 9 months ago:
The redesign elevated paid advertisers to the front page, masquerading as real articles.
Suddenly 1/4th of the top content was fluff articles not very subtly advertising shit
- Comment on This used book that I bought for 12£ on the internet was apparently previously bought from Oxfam for 1.99£ 10 months ago:
You see 500% markup.
I see 10 pounds for the time and effort to shop around for bargains, then storaging your haul, list the items online, and the cost of the other dozens of books that never sell, and then time and effort to package and ship, and whatever customer service along the way.
- Comment on This used book that I bought for 12£ on the internet was apparently previously bought from Oxfam for 1.99£ 10 months ago:
Rofl. Imagine being mildly infuriated that someone marked up a bargain bin purchase by $10 to cover their time and effort to make it available to you to buy from the comfort of your home.
Why don’t you spend your day rummaging through thrift stores for it next time?
- Comment on Skimmer spotted in San Diego at 7-11 10 months ago:
Nope. He would have looked at the original, either in a moment of confusion, looking from the skimmer to the original, or to make sure the original had no damage.
His reaction was unmistakably that of someone who 100% knew what to expect, and the calling the police line was just a gut reaction to feign ignorance and take control of the situation.
That was child like level of deception.
- Comment on 2x2 lumber at Home Depot is now 1.28x1.28. Nominal size is supposed to be 1.5 10 months ago:
I tried the sled with shims on my thickness planer. It worked, but it was certainly a pain in the ass and unwieldy due to weight and length.
Picked up a 6" bench top jointer. Not great at long boards due to length of the feeds. Picked up some roller stands hoping that would be close enough, but I moved and the garage needs a lot of work before I can try them out.
If you can pick up a full floor sized jointer and have room for it, you’ll save yourself several headaches if you plan on jointing a ton of rough cut lumber.
- Comment on 2x2 lumber at Home Depot is now 1.28x1.28. Nominal size is supposed to be 1.5 10 months ago:
It was straight and square when it was milled. Problem is that the big box stores cut corners during the kiln drying phase, so the boards have a ton of moisture still in them. As that dries, the boards twist and cup.
Plus poor protection from the elements at each storage step, which means rapid temp changes, which also causes wood movement.
Go to a local lumber yard. They tend to do a better job at kiln drying. You’re still going to have warped boards, but far fewer in my experience.
- Comment on Escape From Tarkov studio boss says he "did not foresee" players would get mad about charging extra for PvE 10 months ago:
I used to play EFT, and he would periodically say stupid shit like this regularly. Like reliably 2x a year at least.
He’s extremely out of touch with the fan base, and gets upset at the “toxic community” for complaining that the “early access” game (for what, ~8 years now) has major game breaking bugs still, and most importantly, has been overrun by hackers for many years.
Imagine an MMO where all the epic loot is randomly spawned in a free for all battle ground, and the hackers can see all items on the map, vacuum it up remotely, and leave the lobby before legit players could even sprint there in a straight line.
And then the lead dev says “man, you guys whine so much, get over it”
- Comment on Is there a more politically and ideologically diverse alternative for Lemmy? 11 months ago:
There’s a bunch of very active non-ml users that always turn any political discussion to “both sides are terrible, don’t vote for genocide”.
Once you start recognizing names (or blocking), it gets less depressing. But it does feel like there are a lot more racist enablers in the political communities than there really are, just because of how fervent those few users are.
- Comment on Is there a more politically and ideologically diverse alternative for Lemmy? 11 months ago:
Tildes might work for you. Politics is a banned subject, but you’ll get polite discourse on most subjects.
I found it stifling, personally. But if you like overly verbose, overly polite discussions where all opinions are respected as long as it’s long winded and politely communicated, well, that’s your place.
- Comment on Hypersensitive tankie mod 11 months ago:
Rofl. I was wondering why I couldn’t see the other reply to you, and realized it might because I already blocked that user. Went to incognito, and yep, blocked that rabid user a while ago.
I recommend doing the same. I forgot “Global South” was even a term used here.
- Comment on Hypersensitive tankie mod 11 months ago:
It is pretty exhausting fighting their subtle tankie arguments over and over, lest someone more impressionable only see their bullshit and believe it.
- Comment on The First Dune Game 32 Years Later: An LGR Retrospective 1 year ago:
Rofl, how did they miss Dune 2? It was so revolutionary! I wonder what was before it, 32 years ago.
My inner dialog reading that title.
- Comment on 8 Years later my Steam Link is still getting regular updates 1 year ago:
Also can be used to stream from less reputable sources, which don’t have TV apps and don’t work with Chromecast
- Comment on George Carlin accurately diagnosing the core reason our species is failing in less than 2 minutes (interview) 1 year ago:
Eh. His interpretation of human nature is incorrect.
Humans are tribal, just like our Chimp relatives. We form very close bonds with family and tribe.
However, there is a ton of competition within the tribe for social status. And massive competition with other tribes, even if in the humans case, trade is possible. Trade enables individuals and tribes as a whole to compete more effectively.
Cooperation is only inherent with direct family. Outside of that, it’s a means of competition.
That is human and ape behavior.
- Comment on As if the tip actually goes to the dashers. 1 year ago:
They backtracked on that years ago due to public backlash. That’s no longer the case AFAIK
- Comment on stupid smart TVs 1 year ago:
My wife’s car disconnects my bt audio like every 5 mins. There are certain intersections where it always connects. I’ve long suspected its because of other bt devices using the same frequencies. This is on a 2023 ev car using android auto.
My shitty aftermarket bt radio I installed on my 2003 PoS is 100% stable. No problems.