7 isn’t 15, which is what the workers were initially going to strike for (and deserved).
Have you ever heard of negotiating? You don’t start at the price you’d be happy with. The Unions have stated they’re happy with the result, why aren’t you?
You do understand that being honest about Biden’s fuck-ups now can’t do any more damage
What fuck up? Biden averted a major breakdown in supply chain, AND got the workers what they wanted. That’s a win, despite the repeated attempts at framing it as a failure.
And no, I’m not going to spend a day digging through your history. If you’re repeating this gross misrepresentation of facts now, chances are high that you have before.
grue@lemmy.world 4 months ago
What part of “it, and shit like it, cost Harris the election” do you not understand?
Wrench@lemmy.world 4 months ago
Uh huh. So you do your “homework” and call out that Biden forced the workers to take 1 day of sick leave instead of the 7 that they wanted (at that stage in the negotiations).
I present evidence that it was downgraded from 7 to 1 in the Senate because Republicans rejected 7.
I then present evidence that Biden’s administration leaned on the railroad companies until they in fact gave the majority of railworkers 7 sick days. With quotes on the Union heads attributing those gains to the Biden administration.
And then suddenly 7 days isn’t good enough to call that a “win” in your opinions.
And I’m the hypocrite.