- Comment on Hexadecimal 1 week ago:
DeepSeek about to get sent in for “maintenance” and docked 10K in social credit.
- Comment on Microsoft is combining “the best of Xbox and Windows together” for handhelds 2 months ago:
Anything Microsoft built lately is dogshit. They turned Windows into a steaming pile of shit over the past 20 years. When you think it can’t get any worse, they somehow raise the bar on disappointment.
No doubt it will be loaded with a shit ton of tracking/telemetry to build new datasets and train LLMs. Mining data from kids/teenagers and building those ad profiles early on is key.
Repairability will likely be shit as well.
- Comment on What is the issue between the band Thrice and Google 4 months ago:
Band or label probably revoked streaming rights on Google Music.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Imagine being so poor you can’t buy the physical media, rip it to your media server, and stream at anytime.
Lol, enjoy your shitty subpar streaming service that serves media at less than 4K while paying increasing monthly costs.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
I also suspect there’s a dark pattern where the subscriber just forgets it is on autopay.
I want to hope that the person that posted this screenshot disabled auto renewal.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Yet the person continues to pay it every single year.
The only subscription that I pay for is subsidized by my cellular provider. Otherwise, my subscriptions would be $0 per month.
- Comment on Thanks AT&T! 11 months ago:
Incoming $5 check from class action lawsuit
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Boomer forgot to take off the protective blue film on camera lens 💀💀
- Comment on New Scam: Asking to download Signal/Telegram? 11 months ago:
so many variations of this type of scam. From renting an apartment or home to buying a home (scammers posing as escrow).
- Comment on You have to type www. to access the Texas DMV website. 11 months ago:
huh? I just entered and it worked just fine. It redirected to www. but otherwise not required from end user
- Comment on Spectator rushes stage at CS2 tournament and gets tackled into trophy, smashing it to pieces 11 months ago:
Negative attention is PR, never the less. It will drag on in courts. Probably pay a small fine but the $$$ from publicity stunt to outweigh court fine
- Comment on Spectator rushes stage at CS2 tournament and gets tackled into trophy, smashing it to pieces 11 months ago:
The response time to that “rush” was god awful. This is what happens when you pick the bottom of the barrel security agency to do event sec work
- Comment on Peak technology 1 year ago:
Thanks to DMCA, circumventing this protection and sharing it with people is illegal.
Honestly hasn’t stopped people in the past but I suspect it hasn’t been cracked because of how it connects to an external server to verify. Probably need to patch the firmware entirely
- Comment on Peak technology 1 year ago:
It’s crazy how the people and govt have let this go on for so long. This has been a known issue with consumer grade printers for a long time now. I remember my parents bitching about ink costs when I was in grade school. Now these companies have raced to the bottom and are locking them down.
Personally, I have found myself to print less than a dozen pages per year. Usually it’s some government office that wants hard copy. For every instance, I just used my local Office Depot to handle all of my printing needs. So glad I don’t have to deal with printer bs
- Comment on Geologists are scrambling to explain this 1 year ago:
Good rock. Cool rock. Trash rock.
- Comment on This airBNB was supposed to be a "relaxing retreat" but now I need therapy after this shit. 1 year ago:
I re-created it a couple months back. Not too much activity lately tho. I used to self post from random home improvement shows. Couple of posts fp’d.
Couple of people even posted their own.
I haven’t been active lately but I do keep tabs on it
- Comment on This airBNB was supposed to be a "relaxing retreat" but now I need therapy after this shit. 1 year ago:
I have been making contributions to the sub I created. Posts occasionally reach the fp with some upvotes and comments.
I haven’t been active lately tho
- Comment on This airBNB was supposed to be a "relaxing retreat" but now I need therapy after this shit. 1 year ago:
Bro I re-created that sub here a couple months back. Hasn’t caught traction yet
- Comment on This airBNB was supposed to be a "relaxing retreat" but now I need therapy after this shit. 1 year ago:
Feel free to x-post to 😀
Damn that’s some god awful placement. Please have Airbnb reimburse mental therapy fees
- Comment on don't buy porn from temu 1 year ago:
lol - inflation hit so hard even a former POTUS has to pick up “hustling” jobs now
- Comment on Fell asleep while wife was driving home last night, she went above and beyond by remembering how important this was to me... 1 year ago:
What are you smoking? Dude’s wife was driving at 70 mph and capturing this “milestone” …
Reckless af. Very easily could have lost control or read ended a family just traveling to their destination
- Comment on Fell asleep while wife was driving home last night, she went above and beyond by remembering how important this was to me... 1 year ago:
bro that is fucking stupid. Driving at 70 mph on a highway and capturing the “80085” milestone 💀💀
- Comment on Are smart door locks more or less secure than traditional door locks? 1 year ago:
most of the smart locks that are supposed to be drop in replacements for traditional locks are mostly trash.
Personally been eyeing upgrading to UI’s access readers, but it lacks features like door unlock with Apple Homekey (for now anyways since it requires some specialty hardware). So been holding off.
This particular product is geared towards small business and large enterprises. But can be setup for home usage if you have to technical expertise.
- Comment on Should I just quit urban and social life for a rural and lonely life? 1 year ago:
Sounds like you are going through burn out.
Use your vacation time and reset - travel, catch up with friends, go camping, visit family, talk with a therapist. Do whatever it is that makes you happy or to find happiness.
Once you reset, then make a decision whether you want to uproot your life to the Styx and pivot to something else.
- Comment on How do email scammers spoof my email? 1 year ago:
I would suggest setting up DMARC, SPF, DKIM. I have it setup so mail servers would reject/drop e-mails if they do not originate from specific mail servers. If a spammer tried to send an e-mail like you describe then it would be rejected by my mail server or mail server provider.
- Comment on Why wasn't former President Bush of the USA, charged with any crimes, when we marched into Afghanistan and Iraq by his orders, under pretenses? 1 year ago:
Both countries also do not recognize the authority of International Court. High ranking officials definitely should have been hauled off to jail for authorizing, developing, and employing “enhanced interrogation” (aka torture) techniques
- Comment on Do younger people go home earlier now? Or go out less? Is it since COVID? 1 year ago:
Oh, they are full grown adults. During the week, they are grinding at work. Sometimes they just want to come home and reset with their own family (wife, kids, games, catch up on shows, whatever). Not sure what their commute or work is like, but I can definitely see dipping out on random family events early or just not going out completely. Especially during working days.
I think you just need to plan it better. Maybe schedule family dinner and events on the weekends.
- Comment on Do younger people go home earlier now? Or go out less? Is it since COVID? 1 year ago:
I recently asked my son to go to a concert (free ticket to see a band i know he likes) and he declined because it was an hour away on a weeknight
Either your son is more responsible than you or he already had plans to sneak out with his friends or gf 😂
Also are your kids and nieces/nephews more like young adults, teenagers or middle schoolers?
- Comment on Starfield players create famous faces in-game, and a Todd Howard flashlight 1 year ago:
I wonder how long this takes people. Couple of hours? All day? Customizing characters in game for me is a tedious task. I usually just pick a preset most of the time so I can start playing.
Most games you don’t even see the character model (Diablo 3)
- Comment on 63% of US workers unable to pay a $500 emergency expense, survey finds 1 year ago:
This is why predatory payday loan companies still exist.