- Comment on Absolutely deranged 6 months ago:
I think the real solution is repairable gadgets. A microusb port costs pennies and if the phones were repairable at all, it would be a 5 minute solder job. The same is true for USB C as well. It might be more durable, but it can still break and it feels so stupid to replace a decive because a single cheap part broke.
- Comment on Absolutely deranged 6 months ago:
I liked microusb. I don’t know what everyone is doing with their connectors, but I never had any contact issues.
- Comment on Tea Time 7 months ago:
I would try some saturn
- Comment on What is Reddit doing 8 months ago:
That is exacly what they try to achieve, satansmaggotycumfart.
- Comment on Physics 8 months ago:
That is a pretty close approximation.
- Comment on Anon watches LOTR 9 months ago:
The perfect comment doesn’t exi…
- Comment on A night at the theater with Neil deGrasse Tyson 10 months ago:
Pbs eons is awesome.
- Comment on The foot gonna rob a bank 1 year ago:
Its frozone
- Comment on Do other people ever have the experience of simulating yourself doing something in your head, and then doing it in real life exactly how you imagined it? 1 year ago:
I do that a lot. I can even correct mistakes before makong them. I imagine doing the motion and realize the angle that I am aiming is not good lr something.
One time I was able to practice serving volleyball without a ball between two sessions and next week I drastically improved.