- Comment on It do be like that 2 weeks ago:
If it’s part time, in the USA at least, it’s common for there to never be benefits.
- Comment on Trump revokes collective bargaining rights at TSA to crush union 3 weeks ago:
There is no way to quantify the number of attacks that would have happened without the TSA. “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.
- Comment on Jamie Dimon popped off at the 1,200+ JPMorgan employees fighting against full-time RTO: 'I don’t care how many people sign that petition' 1 month ago:
Sounds like poor management to me
- Comment on Perils of work from office 1 month ago:
- Comment on Perils of work from office 1 month ago:
Commuting eats up so much time. In the USA a 30 minute commute isn’t strange. People are using 1/24 of their day for driving to work.
- Comment on Starbucks is on the cusp of a major barista strike 3 months ago:
Good for you
- Comment on Exploited rule 7 months ago:
According to my father in law it’s the participation trophies that are to blame.
- Comment on "Daily Pay" Is Just Another Way to Keep You Living Paycheck to Paycheck 9 months ago:
It’s also easier to fire people this way. No longer need to worry about sending them that last paycheck, they just get it when they leave for the day.
- Comment on Waffle House raises worker pay after strikes and pressure from labor organizers 9 months ago:
Wages are guaranteed money. This is good for employees, if no one comes in you still get paid. Sure you might get less tips but at least you know you’ll get a steady paycheck.
- Comment on New Study: A $500 monthly basic income led to significant employment growth, enhanced savings, improved debt management, and better quality of life 11 months ago:
- You can’t go lower than minimum wage. Those making minimum wage would benefit the most. 2. Companies still have to keep competitive salaries to maintain a workforce. If they lower their salaries they risk losing employees who can choose to go somewhere that doesn’t lower salaries. 3. It won’t cost employers anything to keep the same salary. This money would presumably be coming from reallocations of taxes that are currently being collected. For the employer it’s like getting a free raise for their employees.
- Comment on wake up! 11 months ago:
“We don’t actually like to use the term ‘shareholders’ because they aren’t the only ones who benefit from our companies success. Instead we like to use the more inclusive ‘stakeholders’ because this includes the employees, customers, and everyone who has a stake in the company.” -Cooperate hr bullshit 101.
- Comment on California law would give employees the 'right to disconnect' during nonworking hours 11 months ago:
Welcome to the “land of the free”.
- Comment on California law would give employees the 'right to disconnect' during nonworking hours 11 months ago:
It just means that employers will have to pay employees for the work they perform. I dont think there will be major changes. It will just require companies to better define the hours their employees are expected to be working.
- Comment on Dollar Stores: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) 1 year ago:
Something something free market something something lack of competition something something monopoly corporate greed exploitation of the consumer after putting competition out of business.
- Comment on Unions work. 1 year ago:
I’m not sure what the American education system is and what that has to do with this? You seem very condescending towards people who are confused by this clearly confusing sentence. “Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.” Is a grammatically correct sentence but good luck understanding what it means without looking on Wikipedia.
- Comment on Unions work. 1 year ago:
I believe it is the responsibility of the writer to create a clear sentence.
- Comment on Unions work. 1 year ago:
The original post is just a bad sentence. I’m about 12.4% sure it’s a run on sentence. Good school or not the structure is all wrong. I’m still confused as to if the 12.4% raise was offered before or after the union threatened to strike. The sentence does a terrible job describing the cause and effect of the situation. Wouldn’t it make more sense to bring up the union threat before the raise? And as others have pointed out 12.4% isn’t even correct.
- Comment on Unions work. 1 year ago:
Works 100% of the time 60% of the time.
- Comment on An Introduction To Class Warfare For The Software Engineer 1 year ago:
It’s always something about “improving performance” or “lowering overhead”. The real reason is money. If the company looks like it’s improving the stock value will go up and the right people will make money. An easy way to do that is fire a bunch of underperforming employees before a shareholder meeting. It doesn’t hurt production too much if they’re underperforming compared to the average employee and it doesn’t require a large capital spending plan to improve things.
- Comment on Millions of additional salaried workers could get overtime pay under Biden proposal 1 year ago:
People should be paid for the work they perform. If someone is hired for a 40hr a week job but it takes 80 hrs a week to do the job the company needs to hire someone else or pay the one employee more. Companies are stealing time.
- Comment on Almost all remote-work news is negative now but was positive in the beginning of the pandemic. Have you noticed this or am I going crazy? 1 year ago:
Since companies adopted computers and the Internet it’s been possible. I remember my dad working from home every now and then. But the idea that almost any desk job could be done remotely full time is new.
- Comment on Almost all remote-work news is negative now but was positive in the beginning of the pandemic. Have you noticed this or am I going crazy? 1 year ago:
I think it’s partially rage bait at this point. At the start of the pandemic remote work was a new idea and it was easy to get views on an article about it. Now you need a shocking title that’ll enrage people to get engagement on the topic.
- Comment on Seattle becomes first in U.S. to protect gig workers from sudden 'deactivation' 1 year ago:
The idea of the “right to work” is bizarre to me. I am a USA citizen and it still confuses me. Isn’t our right to freedom from oppression, life, liberty, and happiness? I’m not sure how the right to work gets mixed up in there. I should be able to live happily if I work or not. Call me a commie but a strong social program (including free healthcare, free standardized education, and transit) and universal income would solve many of the issues the USA faces today. That all costs money of course but it doesn’t take an economist to see how much the USA spends on the military, and we are not even in an active war, so I think the budget could probably be finagled a little. Anyway I forgot what I was talking about, and all I’m saying is if the guy at the Wendy’s drive thru is replaced with a tablet for ordering he should still get paid.