- Comment on Saints Row developer Volition permanently shuts down 1 year ago:
They are both small developers that release average to good games that also had a rocky end.
- Comment on Saints Row developer Volition permanently shuts down 1 year ago:
Volition were a good studio. It’s basically saying Naughty Dog is a low effort studio.
- Comment on What movie had a trailer that was totally misleading about the premise of the film? 1 year ago:
Snow Dogs heavily marketed a couple of minutes bit so it seemed like the entire movie.
- Comment on [TMZ] 'The Price is Right' Host Bob Barker Dead at 99 1 year ago:
Yes we all seen the other comments.
- Comment on Lockdowns and face masks ‘unequivocally’ cut spread of Covid, report finds 1 year ago:
“At the time, Fauci said he was “not against” anyone wearing a mask if they wanted to, but he warned that if everyone wore them it “could lead to a shortage of masks for the people who really need it,” particularly health care providers and people who were ill.
Then in April 2020, when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that everyone wear face coverings in public because of virus transmission from asymptomatic carriers, Fauci also began encouraging universal mask use. He said in an interview two months later that he and other health officials truly did not realize the degree to which infected people without symptoms were spreading the virus, which led to the shift in masking guidance. That does not mean that he “lied” to the public.”
Fauci wasn’t part of the CDC. His opinion was incorrect and he swiftly corrected himself when he had seen the right information. His earlier statement was in Feb and was misfounded.
There were no mask shortages like there was no toilet paper shortages.
- Comment on Lockdowns and face masks ‘unequivocally’ cut spread of Covid, report finds 1 year ago:
Thier motivations. The CDC was in a scramble and early theories were contradictions of one another.
Level one medical masks will not prevent you from getting COVID.
The CDC recommended everyone to wear level one and then eventually level two masks to prevent the spread to others.
It was around the time that a lot of people were asymptomatic carries of the virus and was spreading it.
There was an initial issue with getting masks for hosiptals but it was mainly supply chain issues. China was fairly quickly able to adapt to the changes.
Hand sanitizer was the biggest issue. Everyone was buying that up right away.
- Comment on Lockdowns and face masks ‘unequivocally’ cut spread of Covid, report finds 1 year ago:
You have to get Fit Tested to find the right N95 respirators. You likely had KN95S respirators.
They work just as good.
- Comment on Lockdowns and face masks ‘unequivocally’ cut spread of Covid, report finds 1 year ago:
- Comment on No one really understands our struggle 1 year ago:
All rentoids are bad. Rents due poor.
- Comment on **BLUE BEETLE Discussion Megapost** 2023-08-18 🪲🦸 1 year ago:
I won’t get my hopes up. But nice if true
- Comment on What show took you the longest to get into? 1 year ago:
It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia.
Caught a few episodes of the first season but it never stuck with me.
I was told that it gets better after season 3. It did get better in season 2.
- Comment on Blue Beetle Takes Down Barbie With a Not-So-Super $25.4 Million Weekend Box Office Victory 1 year ago:
Blue Beetle is a more down to earth Batman.
- Comment on incredible 1 year ago:
Unlikely. It looks like this would be around the time when magi were about.
- Comment on **BLUE BEETLE Discussion Megapost** 2023-08-18 🪲🦸 1 year ago:
Now that we have this version it will be quite some time before we get any other version sadly.
Booster Gold and Blue Beetle could easily have thier own TV show from their point of view of being outsiders in the Justice League.
While the heavy hitters are dealing with the big bad the lower members are always cleaning up the mess or fighting henchmen.
- Comment on **BLUE BEETLE Discussion Megapost** 2023-08-18 🪲🦸 1 year ago:
Blue Beetle is closer to Cyborg from Tean Titans than Ant Man. At least it looks like this iteration anyway, which would be based on the third version of the character.
He gets his suit via a Scarab in his spine that sheilds him in nanotechnology.
He has the ability to neturalize magic, which is a prevalent power in the DC universe.
Flies with wings.
Can use electromagnetic abilities from the nanotechnology. Can also create sheilds.
I much prefer the second Blue Beetle; Ted Kord, who is more like Batman.
- Comment on nobody knows how it feels 1 year ago:
Our schools have always had a surplus of these. Normally the left handed ones would be on the far left wall in classrooms.
- Comment on Was Disney's Fox purchase a huge waste of money? 1 year ago:
Prey and Barbarian were good.
- Comment on Who is the one movie/comic supervillian you all agree with ? 1 year ago:
Ah it’s been a while since I’ve watched the movie. I still believe the motives relatable.
- Comment on Who is the one movie/comic supervillian you all agree with ? 1 year ago:
The leader of the replicants in Blade Runner.
If I’m not mistaken he’s only killed and attacked in self defense. He just wants to live.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I wonder why they would type “bigger”
- Comment on ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared for 100k Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700K 1 year ago:
Yes. I bought it day one of release $60 USD.
- Comment on ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared for 100k Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700K 1 year ago:
The price of Early Access has not changed on Steam or GOG.
- Comment on Part of a balanced diet 1 year ago:
That was a jar of pickles and it caused him great gastrointestinal issues that resulted in acid like bowel movement.
This reaction isn’t normal though.
- Comment on ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared for 100k Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700K 1 year ago:
The game as save ending bugs that were reported during early access. More than enough people are still complaining about these issues.
- Comment on ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared for 100k Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700K 1 year ago:
There have been no discounts on EA.
- Comment on ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared for 100k Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700K 1 year ago:
The game is riddled with game ending bugs. I’ve lost about 5 hours of play time from reloaded saves. Bugs that have been reported in EA are still present.
Missing key RPG fetures that were requested by almost everyone during EA. Such has more PC voice options, ability to change style of character in game and can’t see full class or race level progression before starting.
The game feels too much like a Divinity game and not like a Baldurs Gate game. It’s 100% a reskinned Original Sin. It’s beautiful and has the lore of D&D but it has me longing for the dungeon crawl of BG 1 and 2, planescape, ice wind Dale.
Jump height and distance is insane. Maximum jump height for a running start is 3 feet yet my PC can jump the height of a 2 story building from standing.
Difficulty scale is backwards, the game gets easier the further along you get rather than scaling with you, like the original games.
Classic skills from 5e have been tweeked for no apparent reason other than to fit the reskinned Divinity skills. Skills with no comparable in Divinity, like dodge, were cut.
The ability for other party members to step into conversations is still missing. My fighter should be able to step in and intimidate rather than silently watching off to the side. My character that has buisness with an NPC should be able to jump into the conversation rather then having to select them and talking as party lead.
The spell icons resemble the pictographs of Divinity more than the previous BG games or anything from D&D.
- Comment on ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared for 100k Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700K 1 year ago:
There are a lot of issues with the game but nothing of what you are talking about is true.
Melee combat is OP right now. My paladin can one shot almost everything and takes no damage from missiles.
Dice rolls are random. If you’re getting a lot of 1 rolls and 20 rolls then that is just your own personal luck.
Reactions are attacks of opertunity and they exist in the game.
The story is much better than BG 1 or 2. Maybe you’re thinking of Planescape. Then you would be correct.
- Comment on ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared for 100k Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700K 1 year ago:
Releasing an early access game as a full release? Other devs are doing that already.
- Comment on ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared for 100k Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700K 1 year ago:
It’s a shame the game is still basically an early access. Exactly why you don’t pre-order.
- Comment on Every game developer company should be like this 1 year ago: