- Comment on If I microwave my balls, will it dry them faster or just make them taste weird? 1 day ago:
Turns out there are stupid questions after all.
- Comment on Got any must-play games for strategy fans? 5 weeks ago:
For old school RTS, Total Annihilation or if you fancy something a bit different then The Settlers II (Pioneers of Pagonia is a more modern remake). I grew tired of RTS and moved on to turn-based but Stellaris is one that recently drew me back in.
For tactics I’d say Advanced Wars, Fire Emblem and Disgagea are decent shouts. Into The Breach is probably my favourite indie of the genre, a lot of strategy packed into a small game.
If you like turn-based then Civ has always been top of my list.
- Comment on Why do people say "quote unquote something" and not "quote something unquote" ? 2 months ago:
Tangential, but I don’t understand why in American English you feel the need to say the word quote at all. In UK English we just use intenation.
- Comment on What do you create? 2 months ago:
Profit for shareholders.
- Comment on - a website that rates mobile games for their "dark patterns" 4 months ago:
Anecdotally Fifa (EA FC or whatever they’re calling it now) would have to be up there. Haden’t played it in years but gave it a go last season as it was free on Game Pass.
They’ve combined the addictiveness of card collecting with loot box mechanics, FOMO and moving the goalposts (pun intended) to get the best players. The gameplay also seemed pretty rigged to prevent grinding rewards out.
Then when the new game is out, rather than dishing out all the rewards to those still playing it instead becomes infeasible to unlock any more decent players so you’re pretty much stuck with what you have.
Even if you pay full price for the next game you’ll have to use low stat players as they only seem to start releasing decent ones half way through the season.
- Comment on More 5 months ago:
- Comment on Conversing with Mathematicians 6 months ago:
Isn’t that the joke?
- Comment on The N64 8 months ago:
Hard disagree. Most trailblazing console ever with one of the strongest lineups of first/second party games we’ve ever seen. Yes there were some shoddy third party ports but you didn’t buy it for those.
People moan about the controller but forget it was the fisrt time a joystick was used and the only real issue was the redundant left prong. Loved the feel Z button for shooting games coupled with the Rumble Pak.
- Comment on What are some eras of gaming that you've stopped feeling nostalgic for? 8 months ago:
Oh right I see it’s like a quality vs quantity thing. To me I’d pick quality (as that is what triggers my nostalgia).
If I want quantity there are thousands of modern indie games I’d rather play.
- Comment on What are some eras of gaming that you've stopped feeling nostalgic for? 8 months ago:
I agree, not common, which is why I don’t understand the “only 20 or so great games” take.
- Comment on What are some eras of gaming that you've stopped feeling nostalgic for? 8 months ago:
Can you list 20 great first party games on any platform?
- Comment on What are some eras of gaming that you've stopped feeling nostalgic for? 8 months ago:
Yep, chuck Rumble Pak in there too.
Did platform fighters exist before Smash?
Did proper 3D platforming with free camera exist before Mario 64?
Did third person adventure games exist before OoT and has anything drastically changed the formula since?
Not to mention all these games shipped fully built with no updates and amazingly few bugs.
It seems as though OP didn’t actually experience these things at the time so making a post about nostalgia for them is strange. Firing up an emulator and going “These games don’t hold up now.” is entirely missing the point.
- Comment on What are some eras of gaming that you've stopped feeling nostalgic for? 8 months ago:
Pretty sure the aforementioned list makes up for one mid Castlvania game.
- Comment on What are some eras of gaming that you've stopped feeling nostalgic for? 8 months ago:
We referred to Rare as a “second-party” developer at the time. So sad when they got bought by M$.
- Comment on What are some eras of gaming that you've stopped feeling nostalgic for? 8 months ago:
This doesn’t track, Rare were banging out so many good games and as others have mentioned the Star Wars games were also awesome.
- Comment on What are some eras of gaming that you've stopped feeling nostalgic for? 8 months ago:
Yes my list was not exhaustive either and tried to focus on exclusives to make the point.
- Comment on What are some eras of gaming that you've stopped feeling nostalgic for? 8 months ago:
Good point.
- Comment on What are some eras of gaming that you've stopped feeling nostalgic for? 8 months ago:
Pretty sure not a single game of the current gen will hold up in 25 years…
Many of the first party games on those systems broke new ground and much of modern gaming wouldn’t exist without them.
- Comment on What are some eras of gaming that you've stopped feeling nostalgic for? 8 months ago:
Woodwork dweller here, you seem to have conveniently forgotten:
Majora’s Mask Super Smash Bros. Star Fox 64 Jet Force Gemini Donkey Kong 64 Diddy Kong Racing Excite Bike 64 Paper Mario Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door Pokémon Stadium Yoshi’s Story Pokémon Snap Mario Party
Felt at the time that there was always a high quality “AAA” release on the horizon interspersed with some of the greatest games ever made.
Obviously a lot of them don’t stand the test of time a quarter of a century on but we haven’t had a system with the same consistent quality of games for a long time IMO.