- Comment on Which co-op first person shooters would you recommend? 3 weeks ago:
Does portal 2 coop count? Technically it’s a FPS
- Comment on What's the deal with Signal? 1 month ago:
Since we cannot verify the software they run on the server is the software that is open source then we must assume it is not.
But that’s like, the case for pretty much every messager out there, outside of self-hosting, which will not be done by 99.99% of the general population.
- Comment on What's the deal with Signal? 1 month ago:
This comparison makes some questionnable choices. It puts the presence of a web client as green, when actually this breaks the thread model of end-to-end encryption.
- Comment on What's the deal with Signal? 1 month ago:
t they don’t want to do anything about federation or messenger intercompatibility.
Their reasoning is that they only trust themself to keep the meta data safe and so need you.
That’s not their reasoning. Their reasoning is that it’s much harder to evolve the protocol in a decentralized context than a centralized one. It’s not that they only trust themselves with your metadata, it’s that they can improve the protocol much faster in order to get rid of most metadata.
They have been able to deploy a ton of protocol updates with regards to minimizing the amount of metadata anyone has access to (including them), while other decentralized alternatives have essentially been stuck in limbo for a while:
- Secure Value recovery
- Groups V2
- Sealed sender
- Usernames
- Post quantum resistance
On the other hand, Matrix, XMPP and email are very leaky with regards to metadata. I’m not going into email because that’s pretty documented, but here it is for matrix:
- Message reactions are not encrypted
- Group membership are not encrypted (which lead to attacks)
- Profile pic and Name are public (visible by everyone even people with whom you don’t have any contact)
- Comment on Whoever wrote this headline has never encountered a passenger train before in their lives 6 months ago:
That’s not going to happen within the lifetime of the batteries of the trains though.
- Comment on Whoever wrote this headline has never encountered a passenger train before in their lives 6 months ago:
But even in that case it’s 10x better to have more frequent, cheaper diesel trains than having insanely expensive and heavy battery trains.
- Comment on Gearbox founder says Epic Games Store hopes were “misplaced or overly optimistic” 7 months ago:
A lower cut. 30% revenue cut means we pay more than necessary for games and we also miss out on some indie games that cannot be profitable with such a large cut.
- Comment on Just Stop Oil protestors interrupt UK’s biggest games event EGX 1 year ago:
It’s the worst but it’s also where most of the money goes…
- Comment on Just Stop Oil protestors interrupt UK’s biggest games event EGX 1 year ago:
Well you have ever more expensive hardware that uses ever more reolsources to run ever more expensive games that are ever more buggy and ever deeper into the uncanney valley.
Mobile gaming on the other hand is filled with shitty addictive games filled with ads and micro transactions to scam children and the elderly out of their money. Not that desktop/console games don’t also have addictive micro transactions either.
If this doesn’t feel stupid to you I don’t know what does.
- Comment on Just Stop Oil protestors interrupt UK’s biggest games event EGX 1 year ago:
Digital terminals are a huge source of pollution for pure luxury, and gaming is a very good representation of the stupidity of the overconsumption society.
- Comment on Dark mode by default? 1 year ago:
My desktop is set to light mode. Changing the preferred mode in the devtools doesn’t change anything. On mobile changing the theme of the whole site doesn’t work (but it does for other sites).
I’m on Firefox, Arch Linux and Android, but it also happens in a Chrome-based browser I tried.
- Submitted 1 year ago to support@lemmy.world | 3 comments
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I have not yet find evidence that Ubisoft will delete accounts with owned games and they claim they won’t so…