- Comment on Any relations experts? 2 months ago:
A 10 inch butt plug
- Comment on Anon tries smoking for the first time 4 months ago:
Spoken like a square
- Comment on Anon takes the pink pill 6 months ago:
A “recreational” dose is somewhere around 300 to 600 mg. Note, that it is definitely not a fun experience.
- Comment on Transformations 8 months ago:
So you can revise and insert new steps.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
TLDR: Serendipity
- Comment on party time 10 months ago:
From your second link:
Here we report the discovery, through global and targeted metabolomics supported by metagenomics and proteomics, of the plant amphetamine, cathinone, in Massospora cicadina-infected periodical cicadas, and the mushroom tryptamine, psilocybin, in M. platypediae- and M. levispora-infected annual cicadas.
It appears that the two chemicals come from two different fungi. Or I could be misinterpreting that.
- Comment on party time 10 months ago:
Just read the Wikipedia entry for that fungus. I saw cathinone was mentioned, but I did not see anything about psilocybin
- Comment on How do genocides happen? 11 months ago:
I can get behind murder.
LMAO I was not ready for that. Anyway, genocide is usually the result of a group of people being blamed for another’s problems. Once the blaming starts, it’s easy to dehumanize them to the point where it makes sense to get rid of them.
- Comment on Why do people around me tend to increase their responsibility load (i.e. have children, become a manager, do charity, etc.) while I (30M) try to avoid it as much as I can? 11 months ago:
Thank you for the link. That site was really helpful 🙂
- Comment on is the ability to raise one eyebrow a thing to born with? 1 year ago:
When I was a kid I wanted to be able to raise one eyebrow, but I couldn’t figure out how. What I did was use my hand to raise it over and over again to kind of train the muscle. Eventually I could do it without the help of my hand! Also a fun fact: I only ever did it with my left eye brow for some reason, and now that’s the only one I can move on it’s own.