- Comment on Amazon union workers and the Teamsters have inked a deal 8 months ago:
Well sure, if oligarchs paid fair, we wouldn’t need unions.
But they don’t. So we do.
- Comment on Job scarcity is even affecting animals 8 months ago:
Now we can GMO that right out!
- Comment on How do I deal with billing close relatives from work as an entrepreneur? 10 months ago:
Yeah I figured it wasn’t really about the money. My thought was if you offer them a discount then they still feel like they’re being treated special, and maybe they’ll be more willing to pay you using methods that you can track better for your business purposes.
- Comment on How do I deal with billing close relatives from work as an entrepreneur? 10 months ago:
Maybe offer a small friends and family discount while stressing things can’t be under the table for tax reasons.
- Comment on Finally, someone to take care of the three frogs in my yard! 10 months ago:
Actually, that’s just me. A frog that juggles regular things. I don’t juggle frogs, sorry.
- Comment on Big Labor Gamble: Push to Unionize Every U.S. Auto Plant 11 months ago:
Oh nice catch!
- Comment on Big Labor Gamble: Push to Unionize Every U.S. Auto Plant 11 months ago:
Big Labor is meant as a pejorative. They’re drawing parallels with Big Pharma and Big Oil on purpose. Fuck the NY Times.
- Comment on 'There's almost nobody left': CEO of Baldur's Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs 1 year ago:
Reminder for DnD fans that supporting indie publishing houses is an option.
Due to the OGL fiasco last winter there’s now several non-Hasbro 5th Edition systems developed or in development that use either CC or the ORC license.
I’m personally waiting on Tales of the Valient (formerly project blackflag) and have copies of the Advanced 5th Edition books as well. But I’m sure there’s more out there.
- Comment on Panera founder says employees today aren't motivated by the idea of making money for shareholders: 'Nobody cares' 1 year ago:
He’s not the current CEO and I have no idea if he’s still involved in decisions at Panera.
- Comment on Panera founder says employees today aren't motivated by the idea of making money for shareholders: 'Nobody cares' 1 year ago:
The guy quoted actually said ever. Today I think was click bait on the part of the author.
And I went in expecting to find another asshole CEO tbh
- Comment on Panera founder says employees today aren't motivated by the idea of making money for shareholders: 'Nobody cares' 1 year ago:
Actually a fairly enlightened take if you read beyond the headlines.
“No employee ever wakes up and says, ‘I’m so excited. I made another penny a share today for Panera’s shareholders,’” Shaich told Business Insider in an interview. “Nobody cares. You don’t care whether your CEO comes or goes.”
He goes on to talk about how therapy helped him better empathize with himself, customers, and employees.
The ‘today’ in the headline I think is the click bait and something the author is indirectly putting in this guy’s mouth.
- Comment on What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials & Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. 1 year ago:
For sure.
A some people do just like to work.
But I think most people would prefer to do their own things, work on their own projects and hobbies, instead of someone else’s.
Acting like it’s a preference to work past retirement, instead of a the financial reality for most of us, is such a load of horseshit I was tempted to write a complaint to the editor that this wasn’t published as an opinion.
- Comment on What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials & Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. 1 year ago:
So much propaganda in this article.
Knowing you won’t be able to retire is acceptance for a situation. Not a fucking preference!
- Comment on How to smash the looms today - I've always loved tech. Now, I'm a Luddite. You should be one, too. 1 year ago:
Define freedom of movement?
Because last I checked, moving a family was expensive and far from free. And last I checked, capitalist’s were still leveraging this lack of financial freedom to exploit workers.
So, I think the authors use of language was spot on personally.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
It’s really billionaire propaganda
- Comment on People who work from home all the time ‘cut emissions by 54%’ against those in office 1 year ago:
I hear you about the articles bias towards personal responsibility when tackling an issue that is structural.
And my point stands. Elon, for example, has come out heavily against WFH because fewer people will be driving his cars. In other words, WFH is bad for the car and oil/gas lobbyists and good for the planet.
If governments started offering incentives for WFH, it would be one way of turning off the tap.
- Comment on People who work from home all the time ‘cut emissions by 54%’ against those in office 1 year ago:
I’d love if my commute to work was shorter because my neighbors get to stay home. If gas prices were cheaper because my neighbors get to stay home. If my environment was cleaner, because my neighbors get to stay home.
Worker solidarity is not a zero sum game. Quit drinking the capitalist Kool Aid
- Comment on People who work from home all the time ‘cut emissions by 54%’ against those in office 1 year ago:
This is Elon’s argument. My auto workers have to drive to work so you should too!
Oh, and keep buying my cars while you’re at it!
- Comment on People who work from home all the time ‘cut emissions by 54%’ against those in office 1 year ago:
I believe, disturbed power is cheaper. Smaller transformers, less drain on the power grid, etc. etc. In other words, I think it’s less efficient, especially in the summer when body heat becomes a negative rather than a positive factor.
And offices aren’t often great at adjusting thermostats when people are out of the office. So that space is often being heated/cooled 24/7
- Comment on People who work from home all the time ‘cut emissions by 54%’ against those in office 1 year ago:
It’s their products causing it. Cutting down on gas burned because we focus on more people working from home is focusing on big producers.
Ask yourself this, aside from real estate investors, who is most likely to lobby against legislation that incentives work from home? Car companies (Elon already is) and gas producers I’m sure are on the list right?
- Comment on A pastor invited to DeSantis' Disney board meeting quoted the Bible telling people not to 'resist authority' as it strips workers' park perks 1 year ago:
- Comment on A pastor invited to DeSantis' Disney board meeting quoted the Bible telling people not to 'resist authority' as it strips workers' park perks 1 year ago:
The Jewish theocracy was involved in his murder. So, he apparently said and did a lot of things they didn’t agree with.
- Comment on A pastor invited to DeSantis' Disney board meeting quoted the Bible telling people not to 'resist authority' as it strips workers' park perks 1 year ago:
That pastor may want to reread the Bible. Jesus was a rabble rouser.
- Comment on Ubisoft Montreal's mandatory return-to-office order reportedly leaves staff in "turmoil" 1 year ago:
There whole log into our server drm bullshit turned me off.
Haven’t played a Ubisoft game since 2020 when that open world greek mythology game was out. And now I avoid there products.
- Comment on Bernie Sanders Champions 32-Hour Work Week With No Loss in Pay 1 year ago:
Fair enough.
- Comment on Americans Are Less Motivated to Work This Year Compared to Last, New Data Shows 1 year ago:
Plus the planet is burning.
Heat saps energy. Despair does too.
- Comment on Bernie Sanders Champions 32-Hour Work Week With No Loss in Pay 1 year ago:
I’ll have to read those studies more closely. And I hear you on the truck driver argument. That said, I’m sure less stressed/less tired truck drivers cause a lot fewer accidents. Which may have an impact on insurance premiums for companies that are in that business.
I guess my point is economic impact can be measured in various ways and it’s possible that everyone working less (and the 10% paying the other 90% of us a fair wage), will be a net benefit for society and the health of the individuals in society, and thus, a net benefit for the economy.
As a non-office worker (worked in food service my whole life), I’ve seen the direct effects on mental and physical health caused by being overworked and under paid. And those negative effects certainly spill over into the quality of service, as well as the potential for a accidents at work.
I know that’s anecdotal, but I think it also is a very reasonable observation that passes the common sense test anyway.
- Comment on Bernie Sanders Champions 32-Hour Work Week With No Loss in Pay 1 year ago:
There’s been studies showing shorter work weeks produce more. People work better when they’re less stressed/happier/less tired.
Sorry if that reeks of populism. I think you’re point of view reeks of authoritarianism tbh.
Because science shows less is more, when it comes to work and school. The only reason to continue the 40 hour work week is so capitalists can keep workers in their place.
And that’s not right.
- Comment on Bernie Sanders Champions 32-Hour Work Week With No Loss in Pay 1 year ago:
Yeah, I can see in those specific situations. Cost of living tends to be high in areas with a lot of technology jobs though so I don’t know.
I’m not those people so I can’t speak for them.
- Comment on Bernie Sanders Champions 32-Hour Work Week With No Loss in Pay 1 year ago:
A lot of places are switching to a four day school week already.