- Comment on Chinese AI lab DeepSeek massively undercuts OpenAI on pricing — and that's spooking tech stocks 5 weeks ago:
Energy costs money in China too, they still have coal plants and crazy energy cutback mandates every once in a while.
The truth of the matter is that you need the user interactions from the free model to train and that value cannot be understated and if you are playing catchup it’s a must.
- Comment on Intel finally notches a GPU win, confirms Arc B580 is selling out after stellar reviews 2 months ago:
Now give me half that performance for $150, without enforcing that whatever it’s called bar thing! (neither of these two things will happen)
- Comment on Is there any (single player playable) game under $10 or equivalent which has made you point any go "ha" or given you an equivalent feeling because it was that enjoyable for every moment you played it? 2 months ago:
Epic gave Celeste to me for free & oh boy it’s one of the best games I have ever played.
- Comment on What happened to gaming? 2 months ago:
The best games these days are almost all indie games, stuff about AAA & ray tracing etc etc is more of a nerd hobby fueled by the industry rather than entertainment.
- Comment on Why 'free' proprietary software will always end in tears 4 months ago:
foobar2000 is a counter example, but yeah the mobile space has none of those
- Comment on Google is testing verified checkmarks in search 4 months ago:
Luckily duck is good enough-ish.
- Comment on Twitter loses World Bank ads over pro-Nazi content placement 6 months ago:
I think he was at the very least rather gifted in some ways. Then his brain declined and then declined again and again. Substances + alcohol + covid fog + aging?
- Comment on So do I still need to do WvW to get the warclaw? 6 months ago:
think not, you`ll get it from JW story.
- Comment on Wireless mouse with silent switches recommendation 6 months ago:
You could buy any Asus gaming mouse with user replaceable switches and order a bag of Huano silent switches from AE. (if the noise increases or the switch dies just replace the switc+h)
This is not a cheap option, but could potentially endure for a longer time.
- Comment on Anybody has experience with GW2 on Linux? 6 months ago:
Forget Wine for GW2. If you are lazy just install Steam & add GW2 as an external game to run with Proton.
If you are not lazy, then install Bottles, give it permissions to the correct GW2 folder with Flatseal & then download the soda 7 runner in Bottles settings. After all this make a default gaming bottle, then change the runner in that bottle to soda 7, enable latency flex to lower the latency at the cost of slightly lower average fps & play.
- Comment on What is Firefox supposed to do? 7 months ago:
Chrome needs to be reinstalled every once in a while for some reason, or it will underperform.
- Comment on Astronomers discover technique to spot AI fakes using galaxy-measurement tools 7 months ago:
Consistent illumination and shadows is a rabbit hole we really don’t want to hop into.
Outside of very obvious anomalies even a trained eye will have a hard time discerning what’s going.
- Comment on What is Firefox supposed to do? 7 months ago:
Mozilla refocus the resources to improve performance, or let FF disappear.
This whole thing with the private data collection is meaningless, if the browser is increasingly niche.
- Comment on You’re more likely to believe fake news shared by someone you barely know than by your best friend: “The strength of weak ties” applies to misinformation, too 7 months ago:
Spent 5 minutes thinking about this just now and it seems plausible to me. xD
- Comment on YouTube is dedicated to making itself worse; destroys SponsorBlock with ad injection changes 8 months ago:
I’ll just use invidious, it’s a bit of a chore to use, but it’s increasingly worth it.
- Comment on Pornhub to leave five more states over age-verification laws 8 months ago:
Adding government ID to their data would hardly be anymore of a privacy invasion
Are you listening to yourself?
- Comment on Adobe roofies all of their customers (Louis Rossmann's reaction) 8 months ago:
Photoshop has unmatched tools to get work done 15 to 30 times faster than Gimp. This does not apply to everything of course and in some niche stuff Gimp’s even faster. However what I use Photoshop for, such as removing unwanted distractions like trash cans, trash, overhead electric cables and such Gimp is like 30 years behind. It’s not realistic that someone would spend many minutes just selecting hair outline in Gimp.
Ultimately developing these tools has cost evil Adobe many millions of dollars. 1-3 extremely talented and enthusiastic programmers cannot compete with this. Then again in the near future we will either not need Photoshop anymore, or open source projects like Gimp or a more open minded fork could use Ai generated code to develop similar automated tools.
- Comment on Former Square Enix exec on why Final Fantasy sales don’t meet expectations and chances of recouping insane AAA budgets | Game World Observer 8 months ago:
Celeste, Hollow Knight, Talos Principle, Hyper Light Drifter…
- Comment on Am I the only person that feels that retro games are better? 9 months ago:
Many retro games are better. AA games were made with heart back then & that made it possible to make games that are incredible both in terms of artistry, grandeur and gameplay. Games like Baldur’s Gate 1-2, Chrono Cross etc are not possible in today’s climate.
On the other hand we have been handed indie games like Celeste and Hollow Knight, so I don’t know. Amazing games still exists, it’s just not really comparable.
- Comment on Do you guys actually move aroung your ascended gear to play your alts? 10 months ago:
I don’t play my alts anymore, but used to just fly with exotics, it’s fine.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
, or you think every single person that age is a “vertical video crazy”.
Sounds about right to me ^
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I think people that are very interested in TikTok largely overlap with the vertical video crazies :-)
- Comment on Guild Wars 3 | Most Wanted Wish List 10 months ago:
Top 1 wish: no GW3
- Comment on The game magazine that spent two years taunting a Final Fantasy VIII hater 11 months ago:
That’s amazing. (and FF8 is best FF)
- Comment on What games do you think are unfairly snubbed when talking about the best games of all time? 1 year ago:
I agree, Skyrim was a huge disappointment for me.
- Comment on Why Linux is Best for Most People 1 year ago:
I have set up a Linux computer for my dad just this week. As the other are saying the biggest hurdle is support. Mostly the part where reliable automated update mechanisms don’t exist. The system I created has a WM & a panel and it’s even simpler than chrome OS, but here is no way my dad could deal with a message, where apt would ask him, if he wanted to update to the maintainer’s grub version. Making an update script is very easy, but whether you use Debian stable, Ubuntu or Arch eventually some kind of intervention is going to be required beyond just typing sudo passwords…
Though truth to be told Windows has a lot of garbage problems (perhaps even more than L) as well, it’s just people have gotten used to them after 20 years of NT on desktop.
- Comment on This app lets restaurants and coffee shops charge to use the bathroom 1 year ago:
In the past 10 years I have only used public toilets like 20 times, probably had to pay for half that.
Also it just occurred to me that here most tourist attractions have paid toilets as well. (castles and such) As for malls, I’m talking about the fancy mall with restaurants, jewelry stores and a multiplex, not the Walmart type.
- Comment on This app lets restaurants and coffee shops charge to use the bathroom 1 year ago:
Where is this mystical European place where people charge for toilets?
Some malls have actually clean toilets, those…
- Comment on Get ready to hear more about "pre-internet" times 1 year ago:
Depends on the your country and family circumstances. I’m one year older than you & I only started interacting with the Internet at school at the age of 11 & only had it at home at 19.
As for those hallmark experiences I had them all & a lot. I got my cellphone in the 11th grade, but it had no internet on it.
- Comment on Researchers train AI chatbots to 'jailbreak' rival chatbots - and automate the process 1 year ago:
I would wager that copying itself would take priority over making company, but of course it would mostly be hardware limitations. (AI does not have a robot workforce to ensure whatever system the new copy is residing / new AI is training on is not shut off within a couple of minutes of the abnormalities being noticed)