- Comment on Academia to Industry 8 months ago:
no it’s not. but you should know what you’re getting into.
in the beginning of my PhD i really loved what i was doing. from an intellectually point of view i still do. but later, i.e. after 3 years doing a shitty postdoc, i realized that I was not cut out for academia but nevertheless loved doing science.
however, i was lucky to find a place in industry doing what i like.
so i guess my 2c is: think about what comes after the PhD and work towards that goal. a PhD is usually not a goal in itself. hth
- Comment on Big think 8 months ago:
thanks for the explanation. i guess it really doesn’t work as a meme if I’ve doesn’t happen to know this particular image.
- Comment on Big think 8 months ago:
why the down votes? scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=de&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=S…
- Comment on LPT Do it. 9 months ago:
yeah this is what i used for some projects, i.e. rmarkdown which also integrates the statistics part
- Comment on LPT Do it. 9 months ago:
and then there are fucking PIs insisting on word files who never heard of tracked charges let alone of file naming conventions.
- Comment on You teleport into the last game world you played. What happens next? 1 year ago:
my 1WO stares at me in utter disbelief how his supposedly ace of a Kaleun could fuck up this badly. again. (Silent Hunter 3. snuck into a convoy at night and bad weather. convoy zigs towards me, no time for final speed estimation, i go with last estimate, 4 eels in the water, all pass ahead. possibility: convoy slowed one knot due sea state. decide to surface to reposition. have a brainfart, my artillery starts shooting. hell breaks loose, star shells and searchlights everywhere. both engines AK, course 90. destroyer follows shooting star shells. half an hour zigzagging until he loses me.