I’ll be your shooting star~ Wish upon me and I’ll be there to SUCK YOUR BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD
- Comment on Anon's brother hates concrete 10 months ago:
Experience; knowledge; understanding. When where and how we acquired these heavily dictate our subjective experience with… well, everything, including media and the art within.
Based on my own observations, the average person follows a very basic pattern and have not bothered to grow as a person beyond this. They want to absorb entertaining content with minimal energy. We all do at our core, but some of us can move beyond it. For those of us that haven’t yet, our media conglomerates are happy to cater with over-saturation such as with Marvel. We can observe the market, but the average person literally doesn’t care. Are they unaware of critical analysis skills? Is there no energy to ponder these things after a 10+h work day? Sometimes both. Perhaps neither.
The Rock was in a lot of famous movies and he has a great public personality. Now he is in low-quality spit-out productions because his face generates
moneynostalgia in his viewers. I can flip this from movies to video games as well with Nintendo. How delusional people were with Violet / Scarlet and the outrage that Palworld caused. PKMN Violet / Scarlet was one of the worst games I’ve played on the Nintendo Switch (which objectively it isn’t but rather is more like the antithesis of what we’re talking about… I sadly digress). As a game, it’s terrible. But some people are eating up the story and pokemon experience. There was a common denominator amongst this group though, and they didn’t care about the garbage quality of the game because they weren’t experiencing it - they were experiencing their pokemon. Likewise my family praises a lot of movies I… rent for them. I always watch them and they’re typically rehashed ideas featuring famous actor(s). I can barely tolerate the experience - Red Notice? It wasn’t even ironically good where it’s so bad it’s good again, but they love it! They’ll eat it up every time and then enjoy the social experience of talking about it.I guess what I’m trying to say is that we have famous artists and critics because humans like to take the path of least resistance.
I’m still ultimately unsure what a good objective measurement would be for works of art, but I think it’s something to do with how the piece may expose peoples thoughts and ideas. Perhaps not just as a socially engaging experience, but something that stirs your soul into a tasty broth, ya know? Something that causes an introspective change within. Outer Wilds, How to Read, The Good Place, these are all works of art to me under this premise.
So ya, I also have an intense interest in the subject and I’d love to hear your own thoughts on the matter :) Please, do ramble on~
- Comment on Why there are 861 roguelike deckbuilders on Steam all of a sudden 10 months ago:
Maybe my subjective take of sudden is different, but is it sudden? (aka I progressively succumb to madness over a title)
There’ve been many fantastic roguelike deckbuilders out since 2020, a little after Slay teh Spire’s official release date. It feels more like people have became aware of how fun the subgenre is after the hype Baltaro generated on streaming platforms. If anything is sudden, it’s the second-wind of attention we’re getting thanks to the above-mentioned game.
I know I’m continuing to split hairs over nothing down here, but 861 games is a little misleading once you get to the end: “Surprisingly, deckbuilders are still an underserved market”
You never know when you’ve reached the peak of a trend, but deckbuilders seem like they’re not quite there yet. Games-Stats tracks 527 roguelike deckbuilders, and Dev_Hell’s Westendorp suggests their higher-than-average revenues, wider revenue spread, and demand make them “relatively underserved as a market.”
So, there’s not 861 games, but 527 games?
If you investigate why there’s a large gap in reported game listings, it’s because Steam is including packs like [Slay the Spire x Backpack Hero] and DLC where Game-Stats is tracking the individual games (i.e, bloatless). This ties back to the title - ultimately we’re not trying to answer the literal question, “Why are there 861 roguelike deckbuilders on Steam”, because OP never answers that question. Instead, we are answering an alternative interpretation: “Why are there so many roguelike games appearing on Steam in a short amount of time?” The answer, may shock you:
Money, popularity, ez(er) to dev
While I’ve taken those answers from the article, I find it further interesting that they conclude a different question all-together: “Why are roguelike deckbuilders taking off?”
Buh, I’ve lost it. Ultimately I really liked the core article and their enthusiasm, but I’ve driven myself to madness here.
- Comment on Every single jigsaw puzzle in the store was one of these. 11 months ago:
That looks really fun to me but damn, that souvenir store doesn’t have any chill if they’re only stocking [HARD MODE] puzzles.
- Comment on Hey, that sucks 11 months ago:
claps vigorously
- Comment on Call an expert 1 year ago:
… I don’t know why I never thought to put my screws into my magnetic bowl. I’ve been throwing change into it like an M.
Thank you, I needed this.
- Comment on Anon wants to start a journal 1 year ago:
Could you elaborate on your record keeping efforts or share resources you’ve built off of?
- Comment on I'm not asking to be rich. 1 year ago:
Probably my father who had everything handed to him in his (still objectively shitty) upbringing before kicking me out with nothing and expecting me to flourish because it’s apparently just a matter of putting in some elbow grease.
I’ll just do that with the lack of knowledge they provided me and the lack of skills that the education system gave me.
Thank heavens I’ve met tons of understanding people that provided me the tools and support I needed to uplift myself without money. I can be much more productive to society and the people I love and care about within without having to worry about garbage like money or failing; I can keep getting back up and learn from my mistakes without suddenly going homeless one day.
But no, I was just “lazy”. Still apparently am.
- Comment on You had unrestricted access to the internet as a child, didn't you? 1 year ago:
Uhhhh yeah, it’s called being 10 with unrestricted internet access silly. 🤭
- Comment on I can't be convinced otherwise 1 year ago:
This phantasmal creature can be slain just like the rest.
Get into a well spaced octagon with some VERY trustworthy individuals. If everyone turns their back at the same time at equal distance, the sharks will amalgamate at the center. They will all split apart when they try to eat you, killing the creature(s) once and for all.
- Comment on Be a gentleman 1 year ago:
You don’t carry a fanny pack loaded with cigs in waterproof bags along with your dive gear?
But what if a marine biologist shows up???