maybe yes or maybe no
- Comment on American tourists visiting the EU, what do you think of it? 5 months ago:
Poorer? No. Richer? Also no. Cheaper? Some things, like housing and wine. Other things, same or more expensive (such as electronics) Healthcare was at least as good but easier to get into.
I was constantly surprised just how normal/at home I felt. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
- Comment on Can someone define "liberal" (in its use as an insult) for me? 7 months ago:
what you call “liberalism”, i call “libertarianism” and they’re very different.
- Comment on Anon has an itch 8 months ago:
you’ll feel better if you don’t
- Comment on Anon has an itch 8 months ago:
i understood that reference
- Comment on 4ish years ago when I bought a house I was convinced not to get a house inspection, would it be crazy to get one now just to make sure it's all good? 9 months ago:
that realtor did you dirty. “I looked around and it was fine”?? please don’t use them even again. that’s sketchy and dishonest. no reputable realtor without something to hide would say that.
get the inspection. and when it’s time to sell, get another one.
- Comment on How Star Trek's Future Works - Money, Work and Property 11 months ago:
Correct, latinum cannot be replicated: en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Latinum
and for some additional color: …stackexchange.com/…/why-can-latinum-not-be-repli…
- Comment on Sure buddy just take as many spots as you need 1 year ago:
i hope the the negative score let you know that we think it’s shitty even back there
- Comment on Sure buddy just take as many spots as you need 1 year ago:
This isn’t lack of ability, it’s on purpose. I have had this type explain how clever they are for parking like this to keep other drivers from dinging their truck
- Comment on Why do phones come with SMS delivery reports turned off by default? 1 year ago:
privacy, maybe? I know I don’t want certain people notified that I have received their text
- Comment on Is there a legit Virtual Sim service? 1 year ago:
I’ve had good luck with www.onesimcard.com
The only catch is it is a VOIP number. Receiving verification texts is spotty. I have two banks, one can send the number automated texts but the other cannot.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
nah, good ban. calling women “females” is creepy, non humanizing and weird. like you’re referring to an animal in a zoo or something. you complaining about it here seems pretty snowflakey
- Comment on Just started Strange new worlds s1 Gorn episode 1 year ago:
I really like your comparison to Tasha Yar. Hemmer was easily one of my favorite characters. At least his death was in service to the crew, whereas Tasha’s was senseless.