- Comment on Good ear protection for concerts. 2 months ago:
Go to a local music shop and look for musician’s earplugs with a rated dB reduction. At least -8dB, but a bigger reduction won’t make your experience worse, it’ll just make things even quieter.
I have some from a major guitar manufacturer that I’ve been using at the infrequent shows I go to for a decade. They were $10 then, and it looks like that’s still true. I clean after using, but I wasn’t really expecting to get this many shows out of them.
They don’t muffle sounds, it just sounds quieter. Without earplugs I need to stand on the other side of the room/field to be comfortable. I’ll still leave with ear pain and feeling exhausted. With earplugs I’m comfortable right in front of the speaker stack, and leave feeling exhilarated.
They’ve been a huge upgrade in my enjoyment of shows and I’m very grateful to my friend for dragging me to the shop and making me buy them.
- Comment on What are examples of things that would get you banned on reddit, but is okay on most major instances of Lemmy? 2 months ago:
There was also a fad to spam links to communities, some of them made up. Entire chains of comments would just be nonsense. A crackdown on that would make sense.
Here it’s not really an issue. There I’d usually consider a link to a community without additional text to be spam.
- Comment on Vegan drink Oatly can’t call itself ‘milk’, judges rule 2 months ago:
I’d buy that. If you want to replace 20% of my animal product with plants and can do an ok job I’m down.
As long as it’s labeled properly and you don’t have to do anything crazy, it’s at the very least something I’ll try.
- Comment on Why is the word "expat" a thing? 3 months ago:
Immigrant/emigrant sound too similar to be generally usable. Lawless and lazy probably aren’t the culprit here.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
Several offices have a minimum age defined in the Constitution. President’s is 35
- Comment on Anon recommends a cast iron pan 4 months ago:
America’s test kitchen has done that, although I can’t find one that addresses all the bits of misinformation.
This one is pretty ok, but doesn’t address all things, and doesn’t specifically call out the myths:
Notably missing is tomatoes/highly acidic foods. IIRC, it’s fine if the duration is short (about 15 minutes). Shakshuka and quick tomato sauces should be fine, but don’t make Grandma’s all-day tomato sauce. Regardless, for these contexts I’d still grab stainless if that’s an option, but mostly for ease of use/cleaning
- Comment on Anon takes a driving test 5 months ago:
The problem is the mnemonic everyone uses doesn’t use rotational motion. Maybe we need an actual rotational motion mnemonic. Maybe “clockwise screw wise” would work
I could never remember how screws worked until physics and the right hand rule.
- Comment on Anon takes a driving test 5 months ago:
That’s a sensible way to do it. You’ve got a built in asymmetry to map it to.
- Comment on UPDATE: Here is the final design of the Humorless Toaster, that this wonderful community helped me pick yesterday! (Needless to say one of the previous versions was unintentionally problematic) 5 months ago:
I hope you can find another bread product that’s perfect for bushy eyebrows.
Ooh and maybe tiny bagels for eyes. That might be too silly or too small
- Comment on Big Tech Is Faking AI 9 months ago:
It’s also worth noting that this is famous enough that Amazon has offered a service called Mechanical Turk since 2005.
The implementation and service are both fine in theory, but you do need to be clear that what’s being paid for is humans pretending to be computers.
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
It really depends what sort of recipes you’re making, but for cooking very loose approximations are often fine.
I often have to convert to weight/mass in order to find out how much of an ingredient to buy. I have no idea how many cups an eggplant is. But once I get it home the recipe might as well say “however much eggplant you have.”
If I’m truly off, I will typically scale up the recipe adjusting for the extra meat or vegetable content. I’ll more or less assume that 1lb of meat is interchangeable with 1lb of veggies. That’s not quite true, in particular with salt.
Your mileage may vary though. Some recipes and ingredients are much more sensitive to deviations.
- Comment on is there a way to block posts via keyword? 1 year ago:
Has-text is case sensitive. Adding / before the keyword and /i after will set it to case insensitive.
Example: > .row:has-text(/Blockchain/i)
You can also use | to add multiple keywords to the filter.
Example: > .row:has-text(/Blockchain|ChatGPT/i)
- Comment on What were some movies you had to look up explanations of after watching? 1 year ago:
It took me like half the movie to understand the pidgin for New Hawaii.
The book doesn’t jump around. Each story is like a book opened to the halfway point, with another book inserted. They’re all nested like this down to New Hawaii, which plays through straight, before finishing each story in turn.
I love ambitious (if somewhat failed) movies like this, and I’m not really sure if the Wachowskis could have done a better job.