- Comment on ****** 2 weeks ago:
Thank God they didn’t vote Democrat, Gaza saved.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
The Obama administration got the ACA passed, I don’t know that I’d call that ‘not getting shit done.’
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I’ve been really pissing off the libs since they lost the US election by being insufferable
(Coming from the left)
- Comment on MUSSTTTARRRRRRD 2 months ago:
🤘 666 minutes, that’s metal! 🤘
- Comment on Anon doubts WW2 Germany 2 months ago:
I would say that Imperialism overlaps Fascism, but (one of the) difference(s) between the two is that Fascism goes a lot harder into Ultranationalism. Under Imperialism you have a King or Queen, and they are ordained by God to rule. Under Ultranationalist Fascism your race (or whatever they count as ‘race’, nation, etc) is what makes you superior to everyone else. It was a lot harder to get people to fight for Kings and Queens they only knew from coins, than to say “we’re fighting those EVIL (other nation people), whereas we are the PURE nation.”
Another difference is that Fascism adores and requires total war. Imperialism wants to expand, but Fascism wants to dedicate every aspect of the nation towards that goal. There’s that enigmatic ‘other’ that has to be destroyed, because it is both a weak and strong opponent. Fascism also says ‘violence is good for the nation, if directed properly.’ This means your January 6’s, your political assassinations, etc, are all highlighted as good things. ‘Drain the swamp’ kind of rhetoric becomes literal violence to allow people being killed.
As mentioned below, Franco’s Spain was quite bizarre, in that it had a lot of different traits (including fascist ones).
Imperialist nations can abandon overseas colonies, ‘let’ them become independent, etc. Yet Fascist nations need invasion and war to keep their economy going, which means they have to pick bigger fights. They also relied on slave labour (and I’m going to take this opportunity to name and shame the corporations that used those people as slave labour:
Among the slave laborers in the occupied territories, hundreds of thousands were used by leading German corporations including Thyssen, Krupp, IG Farben, Bosch, Blaupunkt, Daimler-Benz, Demag, Henschel, Junkers, Messerschmitt, Siemens, and Volkswagen, as well as the Dutch corporation Philips.
What people forget about Germany is that they had always planned to invade the Soviet Union. There’s a lot of talk about ‘if they hadn’t,’ but their lebensraum plan required it. In 1944 75% of their economy went to the military. They’d been deficit spending every year since the early/mid 30’s. Fascism requires that all effort be put towards the military and war, regardless of if you’re at war, but you need to be at war to get the land/money/etc you need to pay for the military that you made to… etc.
So anyway yes, fascist nations bully countries until either a bunch of them or one big one puts them back down.
- Comment on Anon doubts WW2 Germany 2 months ago:
That’s how Fascists work though. They pick fights with bigger and bigger opponents – because they’re invulnerable, you see – until they lose. Their economy was absolutely insane, and required flat out pillaging their neighbours. Eventually your neighbours are too big to pillage.
- Comment on Half-Life 2 is currently 100% for its 20th anniversary 2 months ago:
Oh wow, I just checked and mine turned 21 today! 🎊
Jesus Christ my steam account is old enough to drink in the US.
- Comment on Making sense of election results 3 months ago:
I know more light skin racists than dark skinned ones, so I cancel you out and then some.
That’s how this, works, right?
- Comment on How do I avoid enshitification of my keyboard and mouse 4 months ago:
I love Zowie mice because their shapes are incredible and they’re built like tanks. One of mine is 15 years old and I still use it for work.
- Comment on America's Smartest Man Finds Something Interesting 5 months ago:
Sadly in this day and age, it is not obvious sarcasm.
RIP Irony.
- Comment on Butcherbirb 5 months ago:
I was curious if people would notice, and it seems not everyone did. ;) Maybe someone got to be the daily 5,000 for SCP.
- Comment on Butcherbirb 5 months ago:
🎶 Epic Guitar Solo 🎸 🎶
- Comment on Butcherbirb 5 months ago:
- Comment on Butcherbirb 5 months ago:
- Comment on Butcherbirb 5 months ago:
🎶 Run forrr your liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiife! 🎶
- Comment on How do people in this day in age become nazis/neonazies sexist or even incels when there is so much knowledge against it? Do they get anything out of being that way? 5 months ago:
Removed everything after the ampersand, thank you. O7
- Comment on How do people in this day in age become nazis/neonazies sexist or even incels when there is so much knowledge against it? Do they get anything out of being that way? 5 months ago:
This video is actually shockingly relevant right now, and does go through (some of) the ‘hows’ and ‘whys’.
Remember that tradwife/incel/etc shit is all just fascism boiled down into specifics. The Nazi’s sent women who wouldn’t marry to camps just as easily as Jewish people, gypsies, etc. We think of the Fascist movement as specifically anti-Jewish people, maybe throw in some gay people/etc, but Unionists, Communists, Socialists, and Women were targeted as well.
The reason it works is because it offers easy answers, and the average person has been made to be so lazy they’ll accept what they’re told, especially if they’re told everyone else is doing it. They aren’t a Nazi, they’re part of the Nazi’s.
We also have a huge backlog of emotional baggage for men post the 1980’s. At some point we all accepted that men wouldn’t show any emotions except anger, rage, frustration, etc, and then kept doubling down on it. Now you have groups of young men fed directly into a pipeline of Facebook/Youtube/whatever platform that spoon feeds them fascist garbage. Why? Because it makes them tame and easier to control. You notice fascists aren’t out there killing rich people, they’re killing minorities? That’s by design, because the wealthy know they’re fucked if young men turn that rage against them, the real perpetrators of said poor people’s suffering.
The wealthy love fascism, it gives them everything they want. They don’t see the poor people below them as human, so it’s all just a giant menagerie to them so they can have their Line Go Up Faster than the other rich people.
- Comment on How to treat a man 5 months ago:
I won’t lie; I cried a little when I read your comment. It’s really validating and rare to truly be seen. I do tread very carefully to be appropriate, fair, and reasonable in my responses, but I never really expected anyone to see that. I appreciate your comment more than I know how to say.
Well fuck me, 'cause I shed a tear reading that, so consider it repaid. I don’t know how to respond either, other than to say it feels great to ‘hear’ you say that. I do see your struggle and if it helps any, there are more people like me who see it too, yet don’t know to (or how to) let you know.
I just want everyone who is forming an opinion to see as many different sides and experiences as possible to, at the very least, make an informed decision on the state of gender politics. I know that everyone has their personal biases, and no one wants to give up privileges or power, but at the end of the day, again, like you said, the patriarchy hurts all of us.
And I wanted to thank you for diving through all of the… responses here, and maintaining your composure. I won’t to pretend to understand how you do it, but it is extremely impressive. The moreso because we’re all fighting the same enemy (the wealthy) and again we see men jumping to attack a Lemmy Shitpost for being too unfair to men or whatever. The patriarchy of wealthy people are all our enemies.
I appreciate you. <3
So this is the part I really teared up, thank you very much. It never feels bad to hear it, and I appreciate you as well. I will continue to exist here, absorbing downvotes in my unchecked anger, watching you navigate through with poise.
- Comment on How to treat a man 5 months ago:
Conversely, men often have to be taught this because society doesn’t do the teaching. Society is cool with men following the status quo.
I wanted to briefly add to this that in WW1, one of the primary concerns of frontline commanders was that the soldiers literally couldn’t take care of themselves. They couldn’t sew, cook for even themselves, clean their clothes properly. I remember a quote from one soldier saying that, to paraphrase, ‘back home mom does everything.’ And then goes on to mention feeling rather helpless when doing even basic things a person needs to do to survive.
So I’m sorry about this entire thread, and, well, this entire issue, to insert my Canadian background on said issue.
I can see how careful you’re being with what you posted, and frankly, I’m sad you have to do that. The fact is men have had it easier for most of our history, and they really hate looking at said fact. Do men have legitimate issues? Absolutely, and feminism addresses them all. ‘The patriarchy’ hurts men and women both.
So, yeah, thank you. :)
- Comment on How to treat a man 5 months ago:
I think you know why.
- Comment on How to treat a man 5 months ago:
This feels reductive. Are you seriously saying ‘trust boys’ is a message you should give girls right now? I have boys and girls, and I would never tell my daughter ‘yeah just default to trusting guys’ – hell she had issues with boys not understanding consent or bodily autonomy in elementary school.
And I 100% blame those of us around those boys, we’re the adults, but the fact is girls literally cannot afford to just trust men or boys on meeting.
We need to teach our boys and men to stop doing these things and then we can tell everyone to trust by default.
- Comment on Inuit Otter Amulet 6 months ago:
Just wanted to post the history/story of this amazing piece:
Otter Amulet
Engraved & Pigmented Ivory, 3 ½” Length, c.1870 -1880
Inuit Otter Amulet
There are rare occasions when a carved object has no other function but to represent a hunted animal, as a sculpture. This is one such example, of a charm figure, which would have been placed in a Kayak when seeking otters. It should be noted, however, that even though this charm does not appear to double as a practical tool, its significance is powerful.
This is a communicating figure, shown swimming on its back, with front paws delicately touching its face, as if eating or calling out. Arctic native hunters have described using amulets like this precisely to assist them in guiding animals to them, which this otter seems to be doing.
Notable here are the finely engraved rib markings, and the repeating dots and drill holes along the spine, tail, and joints of the rear flippers. Like the circular joint markings depicted in many other animal representations, these express the mortal and spiritual transformation of the animal. Skeletal markings often metaphorically express life cycles, in that we, as animals, are composed of bones, which hold us together while alive as well as remain as evidence of us once we die.
The circular marks and dots represent passages through transformational states, and in the shamanic universe of native Alaskans, animals, people, fish and birds may be seen traveling through concentric circles much like the stacked planes that the Buddhist universe is conceived to be. As one passes through one circle, he becomes another creature, in order to navigate the particularities of the next sphere.
The fact that there are seven drilled dots along the spinal decoration of this otter, and three triangulating dots encumbering his belly, is additionally significant, perhaps in the expression of the hunter, that his success depends upon the continual support of his charm, repeatedly, throughout his life.
- Comment on Colorblindness check! 6 months ago:
It isn’t overly generous, you yourself said it, “…I’d still help them.”
I’m glad you like the quote, thank you again for living it :)
- Comment on Colorblindness check! 6 months ago:
“10 percent of any population is cruel, no matter what, and 10 percent is merciful, no matter what, and the remaining 80 percent can be moved in either direction.” -Susan Sontag
Thank you for being part of the merciful 10%.
- Comment on Colorblindness check! 6 months ago:
We don’t evolve things cause we need it… Also we keep it if it’s better and helps us stay alive long enough to breed.
Why do humans see green? Probably because our monkey forebears, who lived in trees and ate leaves, needed to distinguish red leaves and red fruit (visible to birds) from the green background.
I feel like OP covered that.
- Comment on The Curvaceous Period 6 months ago:
- Comment on MOM PLEASE I NEED IT 6 months ago:
Yeah Matt Walsh (Real), answer the question!
- Comment on Borderlands film goes from disaster to farce as the guy who rigged Claptrap says neither he nor the model artist are credited 6 months ago:
To be fair, Pitchford is such a piece of shit he should be insulted at every opportunity, relevant or not.
- Comment on KDR = 0.60 6 months ago:
Remember, KDR is a flawed mechanic. I’d trade a 20-2 player who farms eco rounds for a 10-12 player who gets those essential kills that win the round/match/etc.
- Comment on Game Informer shuts down after 33 years 6 months ago:
They were throwing temper tantrums over the owner of Kotaku telling them that they needed to write more gaming guides/articles instead of the social culture outrage garbage they had been spewing that tarnished their reputation.
So these attacks are gamergate garbage, thanks.