- Comment on I have a huge bump/whitehead on nose bridge, is it safe to lance it or what is the best way to erradicate that? 3 months ago:
I would say it depends and could be one of those questions you don’t trust the Internet to answer. With the caveat I’ll happily add my bit of wisdom. If it’s filled with white and relatively new, sure try to relieve it.
- try to see if there’s a pore clogged, do some gentle squeezing around it and see if you can find the offending pore. Also note if the bump is squishy or hard. If it’s full of fluid it might squirt right out along with a hair follicle or solidified oil
- If you find a pore but can’t squeeze anything out, sterilize a needle (wipe with rubbing alcohol and let it air dry) and try to clean out the pore if you can
- If you’re really stuck you could try to puncture the skin with the needle, but draining a cyst this way will likely only help temporarily and it will grow back
- If it’s too large and/or full of “hard cheese” you may need to surgically remove it, meaning cut it open with a scalpel, drain the cyst, remove the sac, and close it back up. I would not advise doing this on your own, particularly on your face/nose and if you try this and fail to remove the sac it will potentially get infected and likely grow back soon anyway
Also, I am not a doctor and this is my opinion
- Comment on Not disparaging the dead or anything. But why does it seem in the US we are expected to feel sorry for a person who overdoses on illegal drugs? Didn't they make the choice knowing the outcome? 4 months ago:
It’s often not so simple as a person making a choice and knowing the outcome. There are often many tragic factors that contribute to the situation that resulted in the overdose. One common situation is someone is injured and prescribed opioids by their doctor, perhaps having been influenced by drug companies like Purdue pharma. As they take it they become addicted, eventually the doctor cuts them off and they go to other doctors, then they may find it easier to buy from a dealer, then they may find it more affordable to buy fentanyl, and then maybe they take too much or get a bad batch and od.
They didn’t start taking drugs knowing it was going to be a bad path, they started because their doctor prescribed it and by the time they figured out they were addicted they were no longer in control and may not have had the resources to get out. It’s often not just a question of willpower but one of support and resources to help you up.
There are many other scenarios, but it’s rarely a simple result of a few conscious choices and almost always a result of people suffering in bad situations and it’s ok to feel compassion and empathy even if they weren’t completely innocent in it all.
- Comment on AI Elections 4 months ago:
That’s Pennsylvania
- Comment on Why are laptop adapters so much larger than phone adapters of same power rating? 4 months ago:
Watts are part of the electrical properties along with volts and amps. Laptop chargers have the same watts and volts but more amps.
This is incorrect, Watts (power) is the product of amps * volts. The formula is P = IV. Anything with the same power and voltage will have the same amps.
The volume of power consumed would be Watts * time and gets you to capacity and usage units like watt-hours.
- Comment on Is there a name for the trope where a story is high fantasy at first glance, except for it's not fantasy and is actually set in a post-apocalypse dystopian future? 5 months ago:
Exactly what I was thinking, I’m not sure of any example coming before the original Charlton Heston version.
Don’t have a name for the trope tho
- Comment on Or we could do metric time 11 months ago:
Christmas is already after New Year’s in the current calendar year ;)
- Comment on Do birds find it unpleasant to be out in the rain? 11 months ago:
I mean just because you like taking a bath or swimming doesn’t mean you’re going to enjoy standing in the rain too
- Comment on This person's rejection reason 1 year ago:
I wonder if an argument could be made that birthdate is a component of your genetic information including family medical history? It is also potentially age discrimination?
- Comment on Star Trek Resurgence Giveaway 1 year ago:
Funny I never had much Star Trek gaming experience but have recently gotten into gaming more and been a lifelong Trek fan (maybe not an official Trekkie tho). this game looks pretty interesting and I’m now just learning about it since I also don’t pay attention to the epic store!
- Comment on Stonehenge campaigners’ last-chance bid to save site from road tunnel 1 year ago:
- Comment on Will youtube eventually run out of storage? 1 year ago:
I work in cloud computing and it’s amazing to me how magical people like you think it is. Yes Google owns YouTube, but could still run out of resources if Google chooses, they are still at the mercy of their provider.
Services may be setup to dynamically grow but they are still consuming finite physical resources and would run out if the provider doesn’t expand those resources.
The cloud most certainly can lose data due to hard drive failure and other hardware issues; the services are designed to make that very unlikely, but cloud services also have disaster recovery options you must implement if you want to be truly isolated from a given hardware footprint.