- Comment on Before you act, is this right for the company? 2 weeks ago:
I hate myself. Isnt that enough?
- Comment on I left negative feedback on ebay for dropshipping and the seller has messaged me four days in a row asking me to change it 2 weeks ago:
This happened to me once but diff platform. I gave the seller 3 out of 5 stars. Seller messaged me with the same m.o. I changed the stars to 1 and attach the screenshot. Fuck them.
- Comment on No matter how many times I retag or convert ¡Dos!, it shows up as ¡Dos! 3 weeks ago:
Sorry, no solution here but what is the name of the app? Thanks!
- Comment on What Did William Burrito Mean by This? 5 weeks ago:
Well, he’s not wrong i can tell you that.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 1 month ago:
Look at all that branding.
- Comment on Which movies have you seen this week? 2 months ago:
The escape. I like why he was doing it but the escape seems like shorthanded. But great film though.
- Comment on Which movies have you seen this week? 2 months ago:
I like the beginning and the middle. The ending just not what i expected.
- Comment on Anon plays spin the bottle 3 months ago:
Kid just suck.
- Comment on Disney's Snow White | Official Trailer 3 months ago:
kek. someone commented farquad is in this? i cant unsee it
- Comment on It's just taken me 55 minutes to watch a 35 minute episode on Plex because of crashes 4 months ago:
Damn. Now i think plex is behind all of this. I always thought it was my tv since everytime i go back to home screen or do anything a little bit faster it always lags like a little bitch. Maybe its both plex and tv.
But then again, I never notice any crash with stremio. Just usual lags.
Yours is even worse. Mine crash when skipped back 20, 30 seconds.
- Comment on It's just taken me 55 minutes to watch a 35 minute episode on Plex because of crashes 4 months ago:
Lol. I feel you. Every single time me and my wife watch something on plex and we tried going backward, plex will most definitely crash. I noticed if i mash the backward button it will definitely crash. If i give it time between pressess its usually works okay.
I always chalk it up to my android tv being having shit processor and low ram. Me and my wife even has a ritual now. Everytime the damn circle spinning takes awhile, we always chant crash crash crash.
Used to own apple tv and it was heaven.The ui is so buttery smooth.
- Comment on Booking an overnight room 4 months ago:
keyword being overnight. Read it and weep it
- Comment on Are there any video games in the Warhammer universe that are actually good? 7 months ago:
I just finished dawn of war soulstorm but with Chaos. Planning to play again with sister of battles. I bought it on steam sale a few week ago. I lost count on how many times i play the game. The only dawn of war game i have ever play.
- Comment on Why are SMS messages so expensive? 11 months ago:
I didnt know SMS is expensive. I know it was but i thought it was free nowadays.
- Comment on What even is the point of delivery anymore 1 year ago:
Not with that attitude.
- Comment on Do you use the swipe to type feature on your phone? 1 year ago:
Eh. Depends at how you look at it. I mean what else is there to jump ship? Graphene? Calyx? Im not young as im used to be. I dont have time to tinker everything. I just need something stable and just works. Grapehene is easier than ever. Just plug it in and youre good to go but you still need to find reliable email provider. contacts. notes and all that
What happen if my phone’s dead? Can i just buy a new phone and restore from backup easily like icloud backup?
Im not here to argue which is better at privacy or security.
- Comment on Do you use the swipe to type feature on your phone? 1 year ago:
Thanks for the suggestion. Never tried swiftkey tbh. Never knew MS acquired them. I guess im just used to gboard when i used Android because it support Multilingual. Gboard is so good with that clipboard function, edit clipboard, swipe to type, auto suggest, auto correct, multilingual and swipe to delete. Thats why i never even think of trying other keyboard.
Iphone keyboard is so barebone. Doesnt even support my language for mulitlingual.
- Comment on Do you use the swipe to type feature on your phone? 1 year ago:
Youre right. The reason i went with iPhone is im trying to avoid using google services. Im a fan of Android but google is crazy with all the tracking. Tried graphene but i need something that just works.
Also i dont like having too many apps on my phone.
- Comment on Do you use the swipe to type feature on your phone? 1 year ago:
i used to when i use pixel. Gboard is so good at it. iPhone stock keyboard is shit