- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 3 days ago:
The rotring is super smooth, but its so heavy. I wanted it to be my favorite, but I ended up reaching for the kuro toga far more. Doesnt help that the tip of the rotring bent and dented out on the first drop. I bent it back and it still works, as long as I don’t rotate it.
- Comment on This whole "Sign in to prove you're not a bot" thing is pissing me off 2 weeks ago:
You are amazing! Thank you so much! Cowabunga!
- Comment on This whole "Sign in to prove you're not a bot" thing is pissing me off 2 weeks ago:
Ok. I wanna make this happen on Android. I am a complete dummy and the only thing I ever got off github had like step by step written instructions somewhere. What do I do?
Do I just download the freetube- (latest release) from the releases site… Or do I need to build it first or something from the link you provided? Building it seems extremely daunting.
- Comment on Hoggies 5 months ago:
Thats a street urchin. Strangely this blog post was one of the first links that came up. It ponders how the name street urchin came to be.
- Comment on AskReddit 5 months ago:
Right. I dont know why everyone assumes its a dead body.
- Comment on CEO Pay Has Risen 1,085% Since 1978, But for Workers? Just 24% 5 months ago:
Are we missing the link?
- Comment on Happy Weekend boiz 6 months ago:
I mean, drinking it (well tasting) used to be the legit way of testing it.
- Comment on 😳😳😳 6 months ago:
There doesn’t seem to be an indication of how far along this is. An embryo turns into a fetus at 10 weeks. Stupid healthline says the brain left and right halves of the brain don’t develop until the third trimester. At that point its abortion is reserved for severe birth defects and such.
- Comment on Voyager 1 10 months ago:
Like so much overlap of the two circles, it’s almost 1 circle.
- Comment on Anon notices what they've taken from us 1 year ago:
I feel like this is just a ploy, by the phone company, to figure out what they should deprive us of next.
Stop giving them ideas!!!
- Comment on Fuck the balloon police 1 year ago:
I remember this time when a hot air Balloon operator, in the area, crashed the balloon into some power lines and 16 people died. Some people had to be identified by dental records. While he was a registered pilot, his company wasn’t registered with the state.
Don’t fuck with Hot Air Ballons people.