- Comment on It is apparently controversial 10 months ago:
Ugh… It is so stupid.
Women are much more likely to be physically hurt by a male partner than a (totally safe 🙄) bear because (I know, shocker) women spend a lot more time around male partners than bears.
- Comment on Anyone else? 10 months ago:
Oh I love the Umbridge actress. She’s done a lot if cool stuff.
- Comment on PSA: Do not approach the wildlife. 10 months ago:
Awww, I enjoyed seeing morons get get flipped in the air by angry bison
- Comment on Raspberry Pi 5 vs Intel N100 mini PC comparison - Features, Benchmarks, and Price 10 months ago:
Oh it depends on what you need it for. There’s definitely some things socs are better for. No need to be up in arms about it.
- Comment on Raspberry Pi 5 vs Intel N100 mini PC comparison - Features, Benchmarks, and Price 10 months ago:
If power consumption isn’t the be all end all concern for you, there is a lot to be said for the ability of x86 to boot into just about anything. You still don’t get that with ARM.
- Comment on If a universal basic income started today with the stipulation that you had to put 40 hrs/wk towards making the world a better place or solving societal problems, how would you spend your time? 11 months ago:
How the hell would one define "making the world a better place?’ 😂
- Comment on Exactly why i wont play Homecooked with my gf 1 year ago:
Lol. Agreed. Me and my partner both cook but not together.
- Comment on Shirley you cant be serious! 1 year ago:
Oh yeah. I absolutely hate this new trend.
- Comment on Reddit is a shithole 1 year ago:
People argue about dumb stuff here too. We are still humans after all.
- Comment on How are slavery reparations fair? 1 year ago:
I don’t know. Plenty if other groups arrived much later in western countries, often with little or nothing to their names and feeling persecution, and have done much much better.
I’ll give you that the specter of discrimination still haunted western institutions until quite recently. But blacks were not the only group that faced discrimination.
- Comment on How are slavery reparations fair? 1 year ago:
They’re not.
- Comment on PSA: the largest piracy community is blocked from 1 year ago:
Yes but I thought this place was full of virtuous persons. Not cowards.
- Comment on PSA: the largest piracy community is blocked from 1 year ago:
Reddit didn’t block them. I thought this was supposed to be a freer place.
- Comment on Man behind viral dress to stand trial charged with trying to kill wife 1 year ago:
Damn, it still looks blue to me.
- Comment on BMW 1 year ago:
I feel a little more sympathetic to them for the Nazi stuff than for any current shit they pull.
I have to wonder, had they said no, what the German state would have then done to them. Essentially any state can require a company to produce wartime goods.
- Comment on Sweet tea 1 year ago:
Lawl. There was a point somewhere in that rant. I went to university in the South and I do miss the food on occasion.
- Comment on My dog and I got jumped by raccoons this morning. Now I have to pay at least $1500 to make sure I don't get rabies 1 year ago:
Only in the US is it they expensive.
Otherwise infuriating and time-consuming… Perhaps everywhere. But really, rabies is not! something to mess around with. Even with the smallest chance.