- Comment on Nicole got a new outfit! 2 weeks ago:
Looks like a bong to me
- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 3 weeks ago:
Well if Earth is at the center than this is everything we can see in the observable galaxy from our viewpoint. Having it this way seems like out solar system is the center of it all
- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 3 weeks ago:
Kinda weird to put the sun in the center imo. Cause we’re not the center of it all. But if you put the earth in the center and started spacing out from there it would be pretty cool IMHO
- Comment on Chad rule 3 weeks ago:
It’s very simple:
If you are being a jerk or defending someone being a jerk, I will not be, nor do I have to be, nice to you
Good day
- Comment on Chad rule 3 weeks ago:
The only part of you is know as an individual is that you defend people making fun of other people appearances. No part of me wants to continue finding out who you are.
Go make fun of someone’s political or envirmental beliefs and I may support you more. But to defend someone after they go after the way someone else wants thier own body to look? Nah, I’m good
- Comment on Chad rule 4 weeks ago:
You’re not offended, you just continuously respond defending someone who would theoretically be offended.
Got it
- Comment on Chad rule 4 weeks ago:
You’re literally just defending why it’s ok for you to be a bad person.
All I did was call out people for being bad people. You getting offended and defending why making fun of people is ok is childish. You then getting offended about being called about just proves how immature you are.
Be better
- Comment on Chad rule 4 weeks ago:
Fun story: were all going to die. Unless it’s actively killing them, mind your damn buisiness
- Comment on Chad rule 4 weeks ago:
Nope. It’s the paradox of tolerance you’re upset about.
Fallacies can be either illegitimate arguments or irrelevant points, and are often identified because they lack evidence that supports their claim. You mocking someone about thier appearance is, yup, CHILDISH.
- Comment on Chad rule 4 weeks ago:
Also, by this logic trans people should get mocked because they made those choices to their bodies and it’s outside those norms, but i thought we were trying to be more accepting
- Comment on Chad rule 4 weeks ago:
That I know. One of my best friends in high school used to be a body builder. Got absolutely swole and would dehydrate before his competitions. And while I would never do that to myself, I supported him fully as that’s what made him happy.
- Comment on Chad rule 4 weeks ago:
Fantastic. You realize they specifically made the choice. And you can think however you want to about it. Don’t then go online and talk about how it’s terrible and/or make fun of the person.
That’s called body shaming.
- Comment on Chad rule 4 weeks ago:
You’re really going ofter him for being intolerant of your intolerance? Grow up child
- Comment on Chad rule 4 weeks ago:
The internet: Body shaming isn’t right
This thread: Yeah this guy’s a freak and I would never want to look like that.
Good job guys
- Comment on The right person for me deserves better. 4 weeks ago:
She was one of my neighbors I met while walking my dogs in my apartment complex
- Comment on The right person for me deserves better. 4 weeks ago:
Imma be real guys, it can happen. My girlfriend, whos currently sleeping next to me, finally got frustrated enough with me not making a move to knock on my door one night and tell me her feelings. Been almost a year now. So like, it’s not impossible.
- Comment on nuked from orbit 4 weeks ago:
Coming from someone who’s never been on the 30 under 30
- Comment on brain blowing orgasms 5 weeks ago:
They reproduce so much because they forget they had already done it and believe they need to do it or else
- Comment on My kids bored out of their minds with a house full of toys, don't know how good they got it 1 month ago:
By that logic so are clothes but let’s not send kids out naked
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I get where you’re coming from. It is nice to your fellow employees to be on time to relieve them. That’s just being a solid team player.
But again, every team or job I’ve had understands if I’m a little late cause they know I’m putting in the work when I get there. Shit, after I got into a motorcycle accident and was bleeding down my side I still had the driver take me to work to talk to my boss. Stayed until the concussion made me leave haha. My boss at the time would tell that story to people who were a bit sluggish. Saying how even on the worst days there’s no reason to not give it your all since YourPartnerInCrime came in half dead.
In hindsight it was a bit dumb. But, don’t complain about me being 5 to 10 minutes late. I’ll be there and I’ll give it all.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
If I need to be 100% on time, then I’m 100% leaving on time.
Every job I’ve had I’m one of if not the first to stay late. Need me to work a double even if it’s not my job next? Not a problem boss. But be cool with me being 5-10 minutes late. I’ll try to be there on time, but shit happens.
But if your gunna come at me for being a little late, I’ll be damned if I’m gunna stay late to help you. Pick your battles
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 3 months ago:
All 4 mentioned parties are pieces of shit! ^Although ^2 ^of ^em ^are ^far ^bigger
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 3 months ago:
When people said “slave owners are evil pieces of shit” do they also mean the people who only owned 1 or 2 to help out with the family, or only the large plantation owners?
- Comment on everybody liked that 3 months ago:
AND make sure everyone who’s sick get all the help they need!
- Comment on When you die, what do you want to be done with you? 3 months ago:
The more the merrier!
- Comment on When you die, what do you want to be done with you? 3 months ago:
Make me and my partner a tree, set up a hammock between us, and hang with us from time to time
- Comment on hockey 3 months ago:
Fun fact: The first hockey “pucks” were frozen cow dung
- Comment on True Story 4 months ago:
I’m not saying I told you so, but I understand why people are saying I told you so.
That’s how you sounded
- Comment on True Story 4 months ago:
Just stop being so smug about it. Now is not the time
- Comment on True Story 4 months ago:
Do you feel better up on your high horse?