- Comment on What can I actually do with 64 GB or RAM? 2 weeks ago:
And that was with the same RAM on all 4 sticks?
- Comment on What can I actually do with 64 GB or RAM? 2 weeks ago:
Honestly, this is the answer and also the future of OS’s.
- Comment on What can I actually do with 64 GB or RAM? 2 weeks ago:
Sadly I have more on my phone than my work computer by a wide margin. I have 8 focus’s, each with something like 60 tabs. They’re basically bookmarks at this point. The phone does such a great job of killing those processes that it really doesn’t matter.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
They have several generations to go. Literally not a problem for us or our grandchildren.
- Comment on Are there any better mechanical keyboards that don't break the bank? 4 weeks ago:
Royal Kludge makes some good keyboards for less. Their wired on is super affordable but does have longer, louder travel.
- Comment on How are you actually doing today? 4 weeks ago:
Today was a bastard. Helped a bunch of people but now I’m mentally exhausted. Family has been great and I’ve got a cat sleeping on me. Couldn’t have ended better.
- Comment on how do I show a coworker that I care about her after her mother died? 1 month ago:
Another great idea!
- Comment on how do I show a coworker that I care about her after her mother died? 1 month ago:
We tend to give people giftcards to food places (like a few different ones they can pick).
We had some folks do that for us when my wife’s mom died and it did actually help. It relived some stress of having to come up with dinner when you’re depressed and sad. Getting out and eating at a restaurant can help you feel more connected to others or ordering delivery can help when you’re a mess and don’t want to be with others.
- Comment on I need a flicker free LED lightbulb running in the 3000 K range. 1 month ago:
UPC: 0 46677 57631 8
- Comment on I need a flicker free LED lightbulb running in the 3000 K range. 1 month ago:
These are what you’re looking for. They’re also temp selectable so you can dial it to 3000K (what my entire house is as well). They’re super dimmable and flicker free. These are the only bulbs that worked for problematic coach light fixtures for me. No more flicker even in cold weather.
- Comment on I don't have a purpose in life and feel like a robot. This cannot be good for my mental health, but I don't know how or what to change. How do I change? 2 months ago:
If you aren’t uncomfortable you can’t change. But first you have to want to want it. You aren’t really living paycheck to paycheck if you have a healthy savings however, it may be time to move somewhere where you can afford to live for longer and enjoy your nursing career, it’s a noble one after all.
Making and keep friends / lovers is much harder especially if you’re successful financially and career wise. I’d try to find a hobby in the psychology world online. There’s plenty of like minds out there that share the passion. If you want true friends you need to let them not be perfect. Have a great deal of grace and humility with coworkers. Same with finding a mate, even more so.
Good luck, it sounds like you’re doing a lot of things a healthy way.
- Comment on why do i sometimes wake up feeling like a lot is going on? like why do i feel the day will be an adventure?? when i wake up 2 months ago:
Getting enough sleep typically helps with this.
- Comment on Are Increased Colorectal Cancers Rates Linked to Using Laptops on Stomachs? 2 months ago:
This is the correct answer. Low fiber diets with a lot processed foods is a major contributor. Eat your vegetables and fruits people. They can save your life. Oh and get a colonoscopy at 45. 40 if your family has a history of polyps or lower GI cancer.
- Comment on How am I supposed to obtain income? 2 months ago:
Hence the “And” at the beginning of what I was saying.
- Comment on How am I supposed to obtain income? 2 months ago:
And if you don’t know people then call them or show up if possible. Just get ahold of even the receptionist. Taking initiative is a skill and it NEVER looks bad. I hired a guy I wasn’t looking to hire because he walked in, said he needed a job, and why he wanted to work for us. He didn’t waste my time, was succinct and had a great personality and attitude. As a hiring manager of over a decade those are hard skills to find. I set an interview time for him to come back the next day and he showed up 15min early (good) and blew me away in the interview just being honest and having a good attitude.
There are 2 skills most people suck at:
- Reliability
- Good attitude
You hate being late and have reliable transportation (this matters in the US). You’re a life learner and want to grow and develop your skills.
These are dealbreakers for me: 3) Team Player. In many positions, if you like working mostly solo, no one wants to manage that. Being a team player that doesn’t mind helping others and/or asking others for help when needed is essential to a team’s success. 4) Take personal accountability for your actions. If you can’t do this you are poison to a team. I’ve let go technically great people because something that went wrong was always someone else’s fault. Once they’re gone the team thrives and outperforms the technical excellence of one.
- Comment on what's the best way to react if a guy stares at you like he wants to have sex with you when you're doing yoga? 2 months ago:
If I were a woman this is what I’d do. Great, loyal animal, that will give you peace of mind knowing they’ll keep the creeps away.
- Comment on Has Fast Food Gotten Worse, or Am I Just Getting Old? 3 months ago:
It’s always been trash …
- Comment on Has Fast Food Gotten Worse, or Am I Just Getting Old? 3 months ago:
The big chains got worse since there is basically a cheese monopoly in the US and its products have gotten cheaper to produce and worse quality. The expensive pizza places are still great because they typically don’t source their cheese from them. Can’t remember where I read that.
Ex. Pizza Hit in the 80s was incredible pizza. It’s meh now.
- Comment on why do most celebrities/influencers & some normal people have those fake-looking teeth? 3 months ago:
I’ll admit it’s based on my limited experience. And I have zero union benefit experience.
- Comment on why do most celebrities/influencers & some normal people have those fake-looking teeth? 3 months ago:
Eh, dental care insurance is some of the cheapest insurance out there in the US. It’s easily affordable if you’re working full time. Whitening isn’t that expense either.
- Comment on Did something about mass produced ice cream change like 10 years ago? 3 months ago:
Haagen Daaz is always disappointing though because they use skim milk instead of full fat. Tillamook is so much better.
- Comment on Why are laptop adapters so much larger than phone adapters of same power rating? 4 months ago:
GaN is newer technology and more expensive to manufacture. It can power laptops like anything else just in a much smaller package. I have a 65W GaN charger that charges my work laptop while on the go just as quickly as the official brick I leave in the office. You just need to pair it with a USB-PD rated cable that will handle the wattage your laptop requires. In my case, I ended up getting a 240W USB-C JSAUX cable. It’s stiff but does the job.
- Comment on if you quit a job you didn't like or was toxic, didn't the financial hit scare you? 4 months ago:
I’ve been fired before. It honestly isn’t that bad unless you have absolutely shit financial practices.
- Comment on Has Google Search gotten so much worse in the last couple of weeks? 5 months ago:
Which is insane since they’ve mostly been using iOSs or Androids built in password manager for as long as that’s been a thing on both. Doubt they even realize that’s what it is though.
- Comment on Has Google Search gotten so much worse in the last couple of weeks? 5 months ago:
Hey now, Apple Maps is more accurate and provides better directions where I am and has been for years. I only use google to search because Yelp is god awful.
- Comment on Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race? 5 months ago:
My older neighbor is like that. He was pouting off some BS he heard on Fox News and I called him on it, that it was lies. When I asked him what he didn’t like about Harris he couldn’t give me an answer. He’s not even going outside his sphere to see if what Fox is saying is true. It’s pathetic and shameful.
- Comment on how do I accept that a doctor earns more than double what I do? 5 months ago:
This is exactly why my RN wife won’t become a nurse practitioner or similar. She’s absolutely capable, just doesn’t want to deal with the malpractice insurance.
- Comment on how do I accept that a doctor earns more than double what I do? 5 months ago:
Correct, your plumber has to do the same thing too to maintain their license.
- Comment on Anyone else feel like Trump has a much higher chance to win then Presidency than Kamala? 5 months ago:
The US is more like the EU than any specific country as each state has its own laws but are also bound by federal ones. In Colorado, where I live, we all vote by mail in ballot, which can be mailed in or dropped off in voting drop boxes anytime. No need to drive to a polling station or wait in line.
- Comment on Anyone else feel like Trump has a much higher chance to win then Presidency than Kamala? 5 months ago:
Only 14 of the 50 states do not have voting leave statues. 10 are northern states …