- Comment on What TV series have the best intros? What TV series have the worst intros? 4 days ago:
Dan da Dan. Show itself is alright, but the opening fucking SLAPS
- Comment on What TV cancellation are you most upset by? 5 days ago:
Oh damn, really? I thought I read season 2 was a go but that was a cursory google months ago. Fuckin Netflix.
- Comment on Half Life: Alyx is Five Years Old Today 5 days ago:
Kingdom Hearts would like a word.
- Comment on Welcome, new users! 2 weeks ago:
I use Jerboa. It’s a pretty simple interface and by no means perfect, but gets the job done. Surely better than the Reddit app.
- Comment on Welcome, new users! 2 weeks ago:
Been here since the reddit API changes two years ago, and until this post didn’t realize I had joined a brand new instance. is the only instance Ive used and I love it.
I’ve never seen drama about or by this instance, it’s just a place to get your Lemmy, no judgement or gatekeeping like on some others. Welcome all!
- Comment on When would it make sense for someone to get a domain name? 1 month ago:
Whenever you want one! They’re not too expensive, between $12-$19 a year depending where you register it. I have a few I got just cause I thought it was a great name and maybe would do something with it some day.
For example:
Hope it’s not against any rules to “market” or whatever, but I run a web hosting company, Check it out if you decide to get a website up. We’d love to help you out! It’s just me and my dad, but we have 50 happy clients and you can host your own emails easy peasy.
- Comment on Buddy baka 2 months ago:
With no context whatsoever my first thought was it was one of those “uh oh, if the thermal paste is one my hand than that must mean I accidentally put the cum on my cpu…”
I will be deleting this shortly I am sorry
- Comment on Donuts are good for you 3 months ago:
Thanks so much for the material! I’m going to comb through these tomorrow.
- Comment on Donuts are good for you 3 months ago:
Oh I understand how they work, I actually made an AI chatbot for a client of mine. Now, to be fair, it was mostly just fiddling with and fine-tuning a prompt in a WordPress plugin. It’s called AI Engine by Meow Apps. Super cool plugin, but It was the most frustrating project of my life because despite being given clear and consistent instructions, and having a dedicated database to pull answer from, it still just made shit up. I set the temperature to .1 and it lost all personality and still made shit up.
Finally got it to a usable place where it basically was just walking the user through a quiz but, yeah, I definitely take it with a grain of salt lol
- Comment on Donuts are good for you 3 months ago:
I get that, and for sure always need to verify it’s results, but SEO has turned looking information up into a slog of AI articles and lists.
I very rarely am able to find the answers to my questions anymore. And I say that as someone who has always joked that my job was a professional Googler. Whereas I used to be able to search key words or vague snippets of something from memory or lookup a hyper-specific question and find a solid answer within a couple minutes, now the first 2 pages are ads and “websites” with “articles” that are just vessels for more ad’s.
Using something like ChatGPT gets me a little closer to that old level of access. The hand that feeds I suppose…
Anyways, that’s for the tip. I’ll check it out!
- Comment on Donuts are good for you 3 months ago:
Could you recommend any? I’ve been using ChatGPT and it’s been helpful, but I’d love something more specific to the task.
As an example, there was some kind of event happening downtown near me last night. Really bad traffic and roads closed. I tried figuring out what was going on. Checked the city’s site, the Facebook page, googled around, couldn’t find anything. I asked ChatGPT and it told me it was the annual Christmas parade that started at 7:30, it’s route, and where I could catch it from where I was. Say what you will about AI, but that was unbelievably helpful.
- Comment on You don't need to answer this 3 months ago:
My theory is that it’s just that episode of Its Always Sunny from the new season. Dennis is placed on a customer service loop and eventually gets so frustrated with robot receptionists, scripted tier 1 support, and a system designed to waste our time and pit us against each other, that he tracks down the CEO of the car company at his beach house and rips his heart out of his chest and eats it.
So maybe someone should try that next time?
- Comment on In the era of remakes and remasters, what niche game would you like to see receive the treatment? 4 months ago:
Black and White for sure. I still get nostalgic for that one.
- Comment on Fead 5 months ago:
I swear to God I’m not trying to be a dick, but just so you know the phrase is “for all Intents and purposes.”
- Comment on Sad and Lonely 5 months ago:
I’ll agree with that. I’d concede Yellow is for Language.
- Comment on Sad and Lonely 5 months ago:
Science blue, math red, history green, English yellow.
- Comment on Do remote workers actually work? Yes, but they also shop and shower 5 months ago:
Yeah she’s still there and her name is Pam. Really interesting lady when you get her talking.
- Comment on Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race? 6 months ago:
Good. Read, Thanks!
- Comment on Should this be in unethical life pro tips 1 year ago:
Ah, shit. You are correct my ass was too stoned. My bad.
- Comment on Should this be in unethical life pro tips 1 year ago:
The Baptist church is the grift. As is the majority of modern organized religion.
- Comment on Should this be in unethical life pro tips 1 year ago:
They’re grifting grifters. I see no problem.