- Comment on Is there an implemented system of automated trucks anywhere that is fully operational? 2 weeks ago:
Haul trucks in mines.
- Comment on It's 54 degrees Fahrenheit (12 Celsius), raining moderately hard, the rain is cold, and there's a guy blowing around wet leaves with a leaf blower. What the hell is the obsession with leaf blowers? 2 months ago:
The leaves must blow.
- Comment on How do I make a domain account on Windows have administrative privelleges to use a particular app? 2 months ago:
I think my company uses software from Cyberark to do this sort of thing.
- Comment on Do you have any recommendations for casual games? 2 months ago:
As long as you have enough monitors for all the spreadsheets and wiki pages you need to consult!
- Comment on Gloves and Boots Very Budget 2 months ago:
Make sure you know if you need steel toe boots…
- Comment on what can I use to cushion my knee when exercising with it on the floor so it doesn't hurt? 3 months ago:
Swimming kickboard/flutter board?
- Comment on Do rotating plates in microwaves help when heating food? 5 months ago:
It makes the heating more even. The microwaves aren’t uniform inside so rotating helps even things out.
- Comment on What to do with glassware that is impossible to clean 5 months ago:
I’m not sure this is the correct thing to do. Around here they say that only container glass can go into the glass recycling because the composition of other glass can be different…
- Comment on If became the biggest in the fediverse with a user base that could rival Reddit. Would it become monetized? 6 months ago:
Isn’t the “user data” available for everyone to read already?
- Comment on Is everyone here leftist? 7 months ago:
Well, all the data is available for anyone on the internet to use as they please…
- Comment on For free for 11.99$ 8 months ago:
Right, but that would be fine because they’d have so much money from subscriptions at that point…
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
I don’t think they work like that…