Reddit refuge, escentric engineer and serial hobbyist.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
This comment hits hard. There are a lot of ignorant people in my life that spout idiotic stuff and I brush it off, I disengage. I could take the time to listen, converse and correct but I don’t. I disengage, I brush it off as just “Oh boy, there goes crazy Joe rambling again! But generally he’s a good guy so I’ll tolerate it”. I need to start taking the time to push back and correct people I care about so they understand people are judging them when stupid things are said. Thank you!
- Comment on is it wrong/selfish to cut contact with my trump-supporting father? 5 weeks ago:
You won’t miss him. You’ll miss the idea of who he was
This hits hard with some personal relationships I lost during COVID because they were anti vaccination. Couldn’t be bothered to care how their decisions affect others, that was ‘their problem’.
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 3 months ago:
I am a landlord, I’m sure I’ll catch hell but whatever. I bought a dumpster of a house in a popular metro area and proceeded to pump $300k of my own money as well as doing half the repairs myself because I’m physically and mentally able. I also do all the maintenance on the property and I’m on a first name basis with the tenants. They call me for anything they need. Not everyone has the means to operate like this, but I don’t suspect anyone in this thread will listen to those realities. I now own a house that is worth a decent amount more than my total investment so I rent it way below market rate because I have two awsome tenants living in symbiosis and I don’t want them to leave (selfishly, because its more work for me). But I guess according to this thread I’m a leach. I’m tired of reading these childish black and white arguments, the world is inherently grey, nothing is simple and easy to boil down but everyone sure likes to try and make a simple agreement.
- Comment on If there are motherboards and daughterboards, are there fatherboards and sonboards? 4 months ago:
Or master and slave boards…
- Comment on My new m.2 ssd 6 months ago:
Well incompetentboob, let me tell you. You will short and blow the voltage supply on the motherboard and take that port out of service.
- Comment on Applied for a job and was asked to do a live interview. But all I get is this. 8 months ago:
Lockheed Martin pulled this shit on me 20 years ago. Applied for a job, did a quick phone screen and they invited me to their campus 5 hours away for an in person interview. When I got there they had a whole gymnasium setup with booths and about 50 people doing interviews and 200 bewildered engineers showing up hoping for a job. They never once mentioned it was going to be factory interviews. Fuck that and similar companies.
- Comment on Is it better to rent a cheap/shitty place, or rent something suitable that you struggle to afford? 8 months ago:
I would argue living below your means is always better. Getting a cheap mortgage you can add an extra $100 or $200 a month to for the first five years makes a TREMENDOUS difference in how much interest you pay over the life of the mortgage and how soon you own it. The first five years of a mortgage are so important, all your payments go to interest. I’ve turned all my 30 mortgages into 15-20 year mortgages by over payments and it’s served me extremely well.
- Comment on Fck it, we ball 9 months ago:
Bought one, thank you!
- Comment on Is it just me or do Lemmy communities tend to skew left wing? Why might this be? 9 months ago:
throws poo
- Comment on Amazing 10 months ago:
Too much steroids
- Comment on How is the hydrogen made? 11 months ago:
Burning natural gas isn’t so awful but getting it out of the ground and to the place where is needs to be burned is always overlooked. It’s a gas, it wants to escape and much of the infrastructure leaks and so a great deal is lost before its used. I walk around Boston and no joke you just SMELL it all the time because the infrastructure is so old. Natural gas is also mostly methane which when leaked is 80 times more potent than CO2. Furthermore much natural gas needs to be transported on ships to be uses. To summarize there is no ‘greener’ fossil fuels it’s all to be avoided if possible.
- Comment on Gifts for the new year 1 year ago:
As someone who has destroyed a lot of wheel barrows, what brand is that? It looks rugged AF. I’m really liking the quality and size of the strut that bolts the nose of the bin to the frame. I WANT
- Comment on Maybe this isn't proper shopping but $18.50 for four veggie burgers, buns, and danish seems like a lot 1 year ago:
How about a different angle; enjoy the veggies as they are and forget the emulated meat puck. This isn’t a dig at you, just a general statement of how I always found it weird there are so many vegetarian and vegan food tring to emulate a meat stick or patty. Veggies are wonderful all by themselves why not enjoy them for what they are instead of competing with something it’s not. My 2 cents.
- Comment on Neighbour deliberately blocking OP 1 year ago:
Most air intake for the heat and air comes into the cabin from the vents below the windshield.