Look upon my works ye mighty and despair
- Comment on Tiger Predators 3 months ago:
Well if they’ve had enough they should stop eating.
It will help with the fat
- Comment on I'm not worried you're worried 3 months ago:
Unfortunately my country loves to copy America in everything they do so we will be walking off the cliff soon too
- Comment on What's up with Epic Games? 1 year ago:
I love the steam chat, as someone who doesn’t use discord very often at all. Having the chat is an easy to too flick a message off to someone while i play
- Comment on PC Game Recommendation for a Broken Arm? 1 year ago:
Baulders Gate 3 is prettt mouse heavy. Dont need to use the keyboard much at all. You can also set the screen to scroll with the mouse.
Not to mention its the biggest game out now
- Comment on Every game developer company should be like this 1 year ago:
Yeah i had no interest in buying this because it’s just not my kind of game.
But seeing this makes me what to buy it
- Comment on Do you use the swipe to type feature on your phone? 1 year ago:
For years now, and people are still amazed to watch me to it.