- Comment on How is my bedroom being heated? 1 day ago:
It depends on how you use the under floor heating. Some people use them like regular heating, where you turn it off and only turn it on when you want it to get warmer. In this use case the floor is warmer than the room and you will feel the floor getting warm. This is however not the most efficient way to use underfloor heating for rooms that are in use most of the time.
For rooms where people are most of the time, the most efficient use of underfloor heating is to have the water at the desired temperature all the time. That way it’s very easy to heat up the water, since if only needs to be a bit over ambient and only the heat lost in the system needs to be replaced. In this case the floor and the room become the exact same temperature and won’t feel warm. It just won’t feel cold, like the floor would without the heating.
- Comment on What can I actually do with 64 GB or RAM? 4 days ago:
Yes 4 identical sticks, same brand, same series, same type, same physical chips on the stick.
- Comment on What can I actually do with 64 GB or RAM? 4 days ago:
Depends a lot. If you are going from 2 ram slots in use to 4 ram slots in use, usually the max clock speeds go down a lot. So the performance will decrease for just about everything you do, whilst the use case for such a setup is very limited.
I have a couple of extra ram sticks to get from 32 to 64gb when I need it. I bought them because I was debugging a rather memory intensive tool. Not only did the tool run in debug mode, which added a lot of overhead. The memory profiler needed to be able to make memory snapshots and analyze them. This just about doubled the memory requirement. So with 32GB I often ran out of memory.
However my Ryzen 5950X does not like 4 sticks of ram one bit. Timings need to be loosened, clocks need to be reduced and even then the system would get unstable every now and again for no reason. So I pulled out the 2 sticks going back to 32GB as soon as the debugging job was done. They are in a drawer in an anti static bag, should I need them. But for day to day 32GB with 2 sticks is a much better experience.
- Comment on I would do this for just 1.99 1 week ago:
Lemmy is better than Reddit in every way. This means the platform itself better, but it also uplifts all users. This leads to better posts, better comments and better voting behavior. It also enhanced the innate abilities of Lemmy users to be toxic as hell.
So what I’m trying to say is suck it bitch.
- Comment on Are people around you still excited about MCU movies? 1 week ago:
Whilst I agree with your sentiment I do feel like some of them have objectively been bad movies in a lot of ways. But it is the exception, most of them have been mediocre, some a bit better, some a bit worse. But to say there haven’t been a couple of real stinkers is maybe not the whole truth either.
- Comment on Lost in translation 1 week ago:
- Comment on Sploosh 1 week ago:
Damn that looked even worse than I imagined it would. The movement doesn’t even naturally follow one shot to the next.
- Comment on RTX On 1 week ago:
But how many spatulas can he buy with that sweet sweet GPU money?
- Comment on Patch this Bish! 2 weeks ago:
You don’t just want to fix one human, you want to fix all the offspring as well.
- Comment on BREAKING: New Scientific Discovery May Be The Future 2 weeks ago:
Lmao he bald tho
- Comment on Anon discovers magic and its uses 2 weeks ago:
But that’s more of an economic issue than it is a technical one. It’s possible to process the less pure stuff, but it’s cheaper to just get the good stuff to start with.
- Comment on Anon watches The Terminator 3 weeks ago:
You think the owner knew?
- Comment on I guess we are fucked now 3 weeks ago:
We can only hope
- Comment on I guess we are fucked now 3 weeks ago:
The neat thing is the collapse travels at the speed of light, so nobody will ever know what hit them.
- Comment on Steam Brick: A DIY cut-down Steam Deck, sans input and screen 3 weeks ago:
It’s really amazing how much power you can get for cheap in a small package these days. But yeah putting a battery on that wouldn’t be practical, it’s still a very efficient chip, but in absolute terms eats a bunch of power. So you’d need to be tethered. You could easily wear one of those mini pcs, but need a power cable. One of those could be dropped down from the ceiling, but still not as good as a mobile solution.
- Comment on Steam Brick: A DIY cut-down Steam Deck, sans input and screen 3 weeks ago:
I’m not sure what a Steam deck costs? $450 - $550?
A Minisforum UM870 with 32GB of memory and 1TB SSD is around $500. That has an AMD Ryzen 7 8745H CPU. 8 cores 16 thread 4.9ghz boost Zen4. Gpu builtin Radeon 780M with 12 RDNA3 2.7ghz cores. That could give the Steam Deck a round for it’s money I think.
- Comment on Steam Brick: A DIY cut-down Steam Deck, sans input and screen 3 weeks ago:
Is it not much easier and cheaper to buy a mini pc and run Steam with an OS of choice? (You can chose between any number of Linux distros, I use Arch btw). Steam can just launch on boot into big picture mode, it’s pretty much a console at that point.
- Comment on How do shares work? How does musk control twitter if he only owns 9% of the shares? 3 weeks ago:
Didn’t he buy the whole thing in a hostile takeover? That means no more publicly traded shares and he owns the whole thing. Probably through some complicated holdings construction but ultimately he owns it fully.
As far as I understand a lot of the finances came from different sources, like the Saudis. But the agreements around those aren’t public, so I don’t think anyone knows exactly if they can demand anything except money and what the rules are for Musk. Unless that’s been confirmed leaked, but I don’t care enough about Musk or Twitter to keep tabs on that.
- Comment on I didn't even eat corn. WTF? 3 weeks ago:
How would that work? They are filled with pee
- Comment on Lecturing row 0 of the Princeton Advanced Physics course 3 weeks ago:
No that’s Weinstein, not Einstein, but I can see how you can get mixed up
- Comment on I feel stupid asking this. But cities and countries who have smog and a major amount of air pollution. Why doesn't the wind blow it away or move it overtime? Is there that much pollution? 3 weeks ago:
The internet is so full of dumbasses these days, it’s impossible to tell if anything is serious or sarcasm. Just add the /s on the end, even though it lessens the joke a bit. The nonsense people are spewing is off the charts these days. And that’s just the people, there’s also paid shills, political or foreign disinformation and Ai bots.
- Comment on The range of emotions 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on why can't there be a soda dispenser for energy drinks? 4 weeks ago:
Those machines are usually all plastic, acid doesn’t hurt them. And a lot of the acidity in energy drinks comes from the carbonic acid in the carbonated water and the citrus acid that’s added. But those are present in a lot of sodas as well. They all have the carbonated water and a lot of them have citrus acid as well. Something like Fanta is probably more acidic than most energy drinks.
The whole energy drinks are super bad because they are so acidic is mostly nonsense. The same was said about coke as far back as I can remember (and I’m an old man). Sure it’s very acidic, but lots of things we eat and drink are acidic, that’s something most of us can handle just fine. A lot of people think orange juice is a healthy drink, but it’s usually more acidic than soda and unless you squeeze the fruit yourself usually contains just as much if not more sugar.
Not to say energy drinks are good for you, the combination of sugar and stimulants such as caffeine and taurine is most definitely not good. But the same can be said of many things we consume. Our bodies like a lot of the things that aren’t exactly good for you. I’ve seen old folk complain about young folk drinking energy drink, whilst they themselves are drinking coffee with two sugars. When consumed in moderation energy drinks are totally fine.
- Comment on It really do be like that tho 4 weeks ago:
And somehow this one dude McClane still did better than the entire LA police department, even though they brought a fucking tank and McClane didn’t even have any shoes on.
- Comment on silly little bee on EndeavourOS 4 weeks ago:
EndeavourOS is just Arch for cool people! Excellent setup and socks
- Comment on Who wants to learn some Klingon 4 weeks ago:
Bill holds his Bat’leth by the blade instead of the handle, Bill has to explain to the EMH the nature of the medical emergency.
Don’t be like Bill.
- Comment on Retribution would be not pulling out his teeth but his testicles 4 weeks ago:
Damn girl, you shit with that ass?
- Comment on Heroes of Hammerwatch II Launch Trailer 5 weeks ago:
I played the demo and I would recommend!
I have about 100 hours in Hammerwatch, 200 hours in Heroes of Hammerwatch (mostly coop), but only 20 hours in Hammerwatch 2 (big miss for me). So for Heroes of Hammerwatch 2 I played the demo and was sold right away, played the demo again in coop and it was awesome as well.
Looking forward to putting the hours in this one.
- Comment on Daily inspo 😘 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on Humans included* 5 weeks ago:
I’m from Buenos Aires and I say kill em all!