- Comment on Steam's new disclaimer reminds everyone that you don't actually own your games, GOG moves in for the killshot: Its offline installers 'cannot be taken away from you' 4 months ago:
Fr tho people seem to forget abt inflation a lot when talking abt the old days
- Comment on sassyfrazz 4 months ago:
Sure but if ur asking that question u probs shouldnt try
- Comment on Seedless Catholics Against Watermelons? 9 months ago:
U being wrong. Gmos not being sterile is actually one of thw bad characteristics because theyre copyrighted if ur a farmer and GMO seeds drift into your field thats grounds to get sued on
- Comment on Seedless Catholics Against Watermelons? 9 months ago:
First off source for GMO tomato? Still havent given one that article had no mention of it 2nd why is it a bad thing if not every use of GMOs involves making food better? uve mentioned one example I can name one in the opposite direction, so what it seems is, theyre used for both and I’m wondering why thats a bad thing? Is painting bad unless painting something with functional use like heat dissipating paint onto something that needs it dissipated or is it okay to paint for both artistic and functional purposes
- Comment on Why is alcohol legal if it's much more harmful than marijuana? 11 months ago:
Sure but this does
- Comment on How many times will I tell you? 11 months ago:
U mean an outthouse?
- Comment on Some of you shits need this 1 year ago:
It’s literally art
- Comment on I Can't Drink Now Like I Used to a Few Years Ago (26M), is that Normal? 1 year ago:
Alcohol is more damaging than heroin when social damage is included. My opinion is based on the newest research and scientific consensus on this topic.
- Comment on I Can't Drink Now Like I Used to a Few Years Ago (26M), is that Normal? 1 year ago:
Alcohol is more harmful than heroin whenever social damage is included
- Comment on I Can't Drink Now Like I Used to a Few Years Ago (26M), is that Normal? 1 year ago:
Do not waste the doctors time. If you start getting a rash get checked out but an increased sensitivity is not a cause for concern.
- Comment on I Can't Drink Now Like I Used to a Few Years Ago (26M), is that Normal? 1 year ago:
That’s literally like a heroin user bragging abt how much heroin they do but this isn’t seen as harmful for some reason
- Comment on I Can't Drink Now Like I Used to a Few Years Ago (26M), is that Normal? 1 year ago:
Tolerance isn’t a positive effect. I’m so confused at all the drinkers who act as though tolerance is a good effect there’s literally no other type of drug user who’d consider it to be a tolerance.
- Comment on Xbox users call out Activision and Microsoft for "vomit inducing" full-screen Modern Warfare 3 ad 1 year ago:
It’s because Linux is the solution to everything including issues like world hunger and war.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
What about argonians?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Every plant is gene manipulated. Atleast the ones that u regularly eat they have all been gene manipulated for disease resistance, yield and also usually for the patent so u can sue farmers when the gmo seeds fly into their fields. Genetic manipulation isn’t bad just because it sounds scary it depends entirely on what ur manipulating it to become and how ur doing it.
- Comment on Why doesn't the United Kingdom rejoin the European Union? 1 year ago:
I doubt u could reunify without mass deportation or genocide of half the population I think the best option is becoming our own country and joining the ru before reuniting. Sure no ones happy at first but it’s the only way to keep the peace.
- Comment on Why doesn't the United Kingdom rejoin the European Union? 1 year ago:
U forgot abt northern ireland
- Comment on Would you all prefer lemmy as a whole reaches the userbase of reddit, or to remain smaller? 1 year ago:
No I’m a lurker, I just don’t respond very often so much as just see the conversation. The reason people did that shit on reddit was because of the sense of anonymity, u saw it happen to 4chan to a greater extent.