- Comment on need 😔 5 days ago:
A need is a responsibility.
- Comment on Sombreros 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on human anteaters 3 weeks ago:
Only if he eats it.
- Comment on Just one toke! 3 weeks ago:
Oh damn, I thought it was safe, but that story proves it’s not so safe as I thought.
- Comment on Beautiful 5 weeks ago:
Absolutely loathe that they made thrawn look like blue Elon musk.
- Comment on When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's amoré 1 month ago:
He’s a joke, he’s a ham, his last name’s Amsterdam, that’s a Morey.
- Comment on Commie trek 1 month ago:
Is incentivates a word? I better check my dictionotomy.
- Comment on Want to buy jewlery as a gift for the girlfriend, I know nothing about jewlery, where to start? 1 month ago:
Is there a new age store in your area? They often sell jewelry.
- Comment on Gosh dawg it 1 month ago:
Like that isn’t exactly what a dog wants to see.
- Comment on Is there a name for the trope where a story is high fantasy at first glance, except for it's not fantasy and is actually set in a post-apocalypse dystopian future? 2 months ago:
The Steerswoman series by Rosemary Kirstein, though sadly she never finished it.
- Comment on What does "blackpilled" mean? 2 months ago:
It has to do with going alt-right. Elle Reeve wrote a book about it. If you prefer video, she did an interview with Adam Conover.
- Comment on Burning Up 3 months ago:
50F is the perfect temperature.
- Comment on How do people in this day in age become nazis/neonazies sexist or even incels when there is so much knowledge against it? Do they get anything out of being that way? 3 months ago:
Here’s a great Ted talk from a guy who got pulled into the neo-nazis and got out.
- Comment on Toot toot 3 months ago:
I said “beep beep.”
- Comment on Anon takes some classes 4 months ago:
I want to hook you up with my brother, who sounds very much like your dude, but not married.
- Comment on Rotisserie Chimken 2024 5 months ago:
If the cat has the self-control to not touch the chicken, we can trust it with the nuclear codes.
- Comment on Leg day, bros 5 months ago:
I would far rather the spiders in my house eat these things.
- Comment on Beetle Bros 6 months ago:
Pssh, look who’s bragging about having three entire friends.
- Comment on New unit of measurement 6 months ago:
Someone alert Alex Horne
- Comment on [Veritasium] What Jumping Spiders Teach Us About Color 6 months ago:
I hate to be the annoying person who says “just Google it” but honestly there are a ton of videos about it, full of salacious stories that you’ll enjoy much more than anyone typing out a response here. Therapists using the bathroom while talking to you is common, but the least terrible of the stories.
- Comment on when you realize 💀💀💀 7 months ago:
My guess is it’s going to turn back into a pumpkin with her inside.
- Comment on bio students 7 months ago:
Did she stab herself?
- Comment on Tasty flag 8 months ago:
My fave
- Comment on Rough days 8 months ago:
I have no problem mouthing off to assholes - as long as I’m prepared. When it comes out of nowhere, my brain stalls up.
- Comment on He will giggle when he realizes he's been fooled. 8 months ago:
How do you wash fascism off your lips?
- Comment on Thrill seekers 8 months ago:
As a homebody I’m curious, how did you meet your fiancee?
- Comment on Even the $44 billion didn't help. 8 months ago:
Emo Musk
- Comment on Oopa loomp doopity don't. She should better choices but probably won't 9 months ago:
First time I saw this picture, I didn’t know the context and assumed it was from a sketch comedy show.
- Comment on I'm 99% sure it's not real 11 months ago:
They keep the warp core functioning.
- Comment on As if the tip actually goes to the dashers. 11 months ago:
If you know the workers are being exploited, and you use the service anyway, how are you not partially responsible for exploiting them? It seems like you feel entitled to exploit them for your own gain as a customer. I agree that the employer is also responsible. A way to hold them accountable would be to eschew the service altogether. Otherwise, what incentive do they have to change?