- Comment on Now that's an interesting question 4 days ago:
The accurate response to this is “a whale’s vagina.” Idk how one can live there and not know this.
- Comment on A perfect run only to find out he's not in the labs 3 weeks ago:
I always killed him. Fuck that guy.
- Comment on Don't worry, my computer phone will remember things for me. 2 months ago:
How dare you post this in shitpost? I giggled and related to it… these are not the qualities of a shitpost.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
If they made fresh chicken that place would be so fire. Unfortunately every time I’ve been there every piece of my meal- chicken, fries, Mac- all taste approximately 4-8 hours old. It’s inedible garbage that tastes as though if it were fresh it would be some of the most bomb chicken I’ve ever had. I’ve even got at different times of day when it would most likely be fresh, but apparently they make all their food at 5AM just for it to sit under heat lamps until they close… then reheat that same trash the following day just to save money.
- Comment on When was the last time a Republican Oresident left office with a good economy? 4 months ago:
I’m happy to know that I’m not the only one who notices this. Democrats lay out a beautiful table with a wonderful meal for all, repubs come in and say “wow, look what I made!” And then proceed to have a food fight, after which a dem has to come in and clean it up. The one that I’m curious about is Carter leading into the 80s. Did he do things to set the economy up proper, or was it the result of a rubber band effect from the global economy being overall shit at the time.
- Comment on Ubisoft launches NFT game with figures costing up to $63K 4 months ago:
A bit late to the party for this particular grift id say.
- Comment on Mha heart 4 months ago:
You’d be surprised
- Comment on Amazon cloud boss says employees unhappy with 5-day office mandate can leave 5 months ago:
So in this instance would quiet quitting lead to the desired result? Just doing the most subpar work until they’re forced to fire you with a severance…
- Comment on There Is No Climate Haven. We All Live in Florida Now. 5 months ago:
That headline is just rude. It makes me thing that I’m under the governing power of DeShitis, and that’s something I can not abide.
- Comment on bwird of paradise 5 months ago:
What the fuck…. I thought the exact same thing until this moment. Idk what to say, my life is a lie. This is like when I found out that Disney wasn’t spelled with a backwards G at the front.
- Comment on #notaworm 6 months ago:
No Gwyneth, we are leaving that off the table of discussion for now.
- Comment on James Wan to Direct ‘Creature From the Black Lagoon' Remake for Universal 8 months ago:
And the upcoming wolfman? Didn’t benicio del toro already do one? And I know the mummy with Tom cruise didn’t do well, but is that included also? Their constant attempts at a dark universe are just sad at this point.
- Comment on Levels of delusion 8 months ago:
- Comment on When Movie Stars Become Brands [59:25] 8 months ago:
“McDonald’s, Coca-Cola… Vincent Chase.”
- Comment on When did a movie misrepresent the country or city you live in? 9 months ago:
In Supernatural they went to Longmont Colorado, and it was in the middle of lush (obviously Canadian) forest. There is no forest anywhere really near Longmont. It would’ve been more accurate had they shot that shit in LA.
- Comment on This woman donated her nose to this man. 9 months ago:
I was going to say something to this effect, but not nearly as clever. Bravo!
- Comment on 6 Reasons So Many Movies Are Struggling At The Box Office In 2024 9 months ago:
People have been saying that about movies for decades now. Ever since the early 00’s when gay culture became significantly more accepted into the mainstream stream, there has been an overly vocal crowd of bigots who just want their movies to be straight white folks facing problems. It’s just a nice reminder that a large majority of Christians aren’t actually Christian, they’re just hateful and using a centuries old fantasy anthology as an excuse for it.
- Comment on Next Battlefield game will have “connected” multiplayer and single-player offerings, made by series’ biggest team yet 10 months ago:
The current one is playable. It just took a while to get there… and some maps refuse to load for the first few minutes of a match… then the map loads, but player models don’t leading you to get shredded by an invisible opponent. It does have its issues like all BF games, but it is definitely a DRASTIC improvement from what it started as. A lot more maps, a shit load more guns, and this is coming from someone who was legit disgusted with what they originally released.
- Comment on Sticks 10 months ago:
A whole bundle of them tied together.
- Comment on Tron: Ares finishes principle photography. 10 months ago:
Jared Leto is involved. So I won’t be seeeing this one.
- Comment on The next Batman: Arkham game after Kill the Justice League is a VR title exclusive to the Meta Quest 10 months ago:
So they want this game to die as well. Neat!
- Comment on Ludacris Gets Fired Up While Eating Spicy Wings 11 months ago:
To be fair, 1700 a month isn’t all that much for someone with his kind of money. But it’s possible that he’s not as well funded as I assume, seeing as how he recently did that State Farm commercial…
- Comment on This is what peak performance looks like 11 months ago:
It’s hard to say, but it looks like Counter Strike
- Comment on Honest Trailers - Avengers: Endgame - Youtube 11 months ago:
They still do them, but they got a lot more corporate influence, so they definitely aren’t as good.
- Comment on Scallops 1 year ago:
- Comment on When characters in a cartoon start speaking a different language do they get someone else to do the line or does the voice actor learn the line on their own? 1 year ago:
I’m pretty sure I covered that in the second part of my comment…
- Comment on When characters in a cartoon start speaking a different language do they get someone else to do the line or does the voice actor learn the line on their own? 1 year ago:
From what I’ve seen, it depends on how much is being spoken, and very much depends on what the actor is capable of. For a single line, more often than not the actor will learn it phonetically, and just say it themselves. If it’s a whole episode, the actor may accept the challenge, but if confidence isn’t high, they’ll get a sound alike. For full translations, like anime dubs, they get all new actors. But sometimes the same actor will stay and do the other language if they are fluent enough in it to do the job well.
Then there’s Vin Diesel doing all the alternate language versions of his groot line himself, which a lot of people tout as amazing, but I feel like learning how to say one thing in a foreign language, and just saying it with different levels of intensity or cadence, is something that anyone can do, and shouldn’t really be celebrated.
- Comment on Poster for sci-fi noir 'RESTORE POINT' - 2041, it's now possible to bring victims of a violent crime back to life by backing up their brain every two days. 1 year ago:
No one here has pointed out that Altered Carbon ALSO had a similar tech available.
- Comment on Grab a blankie, cuties! We’re watching the whole trilogy! :3 1 year ago:
This isn’t full screen, and that offends me.
- Comment on Look at all these people with a (very) bright future. 1 year ago:
It looks like a lot of folks are due for quite the sunburn.