- Comment on This grocery store charges a hefty handling fee and asks for a tip when using online ordering. 10 months ago:
Then that’s misleading to the customer. When you buy something online and have paid for it, it should be collected and delivered.
When you need to pay a tip to get the omployers/contracters of the company to do business with to do their job, there is something terribly wrong with the situation. Tips should be for complementing employers with their good/excelent serice, not to ensure they have something to eat while the company earns enough and underpays their staff.
That’s how an open market should work, companies paying their straff living wages and charging what a product/service costs to be viable. When the product/service is good enough, the customers will come, when it isn’t, they go out of business, freeing employers for work that is values correctly. The US market of underpaying employers and required tips from customers looks more like modern slavery/forced labour.
- Comment on Will people show off their old computers and phones in say, 30 or 50 years in the future? 1 year ago:
Depends I guess. I still have a ZX81, Atary TT, STfm, STe and Falcon. The original PC will probably be spared, as will Commodore C64, 128, Amiga,… Current PC hardware probably not.
Old cars can still be repaired and used for their original function. Also, their looks are still pleasing to some. Cars from before they added computers to them are also a lot easier to repair and for those enthousiasts a hobby to have fun with.
With electronics (all, not just computers) it’s usually replaced when broken instead of repaired, so I guess most will be lost.
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
That takes me back… I’m feeling ancient.
- Comment on This was sold as a "fruit salad". Technically the truth, but not the best kind of truth. 1 year ago:
Argh. But be glad they didn’t add tomato. Also technically correct, but you wouldn’t want it.
- Comment on Does anyone wish they could go back to the beginning of schooling and re-live their education/school experience from the start? 1 year ago:
Hell no. School was the worst time of my life, I was glad I could decide to skip school days when the education was hugely lacking and study quietly at home. The school system held me back hugely, as the higher level kids were kept back by the kids strugling. Also the constant bullying at school made me hate being amongst people.
- Comment on This would be a nice temperature for Easter, not for Christmas Eve. 1 year ago:
It was wet and cold (10^o^C) during the day, dry and warm (12^o^C) at 23:15 when I walked the dog yesterday. It hasn’t happend very often that in winter the night are warmer.
I have to admit, we had a christmas 2-3y ago where we worked in the garden, as it was the only dry and warm day for months.
- Comment on Why would someone openly say that they oppose human rights? 1 year ago:
I guess because they think they are superior and forget that human rights include their own rights.
So yea, the “because they’re stupid” answer sums it up nicely.
- Comment on Honda's commercials saying they are going to be carbon neutral by 2050. What? 1 year ago:
They can, when they limit CO2 emissions as much as possible and compensatw for the remaining emissions by planting trees and other tricks.
Also, ‘being carbon neutral’ can mean several things:
- ensure the company doesn’t produce CO2 (net)
- ensure the company and the commute of the employees doesn’t produce CO2 (net)
- … plus suppliers
- … plus transport of the goods produced
- …
And so on,… it all is just how you define it.
My house is the greenest in the neighbourhood and probably in the country. That it has nothing to do with being eco friendly but more with the paint on it is just a minor detail. ;)
- Comment on I switched it off for a reason! 1 year ago:
I’m one of those that just can’t avoid using windows at work. At least at work they come with a very useful adition, windows sysadmins. They already learned that giving Linux apecialists admin rights. (It gets harder and harder to deny any Windows knowledge)
Haven’t used windows at home since 3.11.
- Comment on Does anyone feel like an actual adult? 1 year ago:
Growing old is mandatory, growing up optional.
- Comment on If civilization continues to the year 9999, is the idea to go to year 10.000, or...? 1 year ago:
Nah, we’ll never get there. (When we do, major Y10K crisis. 💣💥
- Comment on Mobile roaming: EE prompts anger as it increases price by 150% | Mobile phones | The Guardian 1 year ago:
Then I’m curious in which EU country you’re living. As far as I know, only EU/EEA and 3 EFTA countries have free roaming in EU. According to Wikipedia that is.
UK wanted out, completely out, so that what happened to UK provider, they are out and get charged. No wonder that customers now get charged as well. Nothing to do with Greed, just the result of leaving and the Anglo-Saxon economics, the user pays.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Depends on you.
Do you care about what happens in Ukrain, Africa, Jemen and/or any of the other conflict areas or don’t you care about any of them.
If you do care: Care about all of them, as innocent people get slaughtered because someone in power thinks that they can take whatever they want.
When you don’t care, that’s well, but don’t come complaining when somebody thinks that what is yours is his and takes it from you.
Both parties in palestine are ‘right’ when they limit themselves to their view. However, it all started when the British gave the Jews land (a hhge part of Palestine) that wasn’t theirs to give anx that’s when all the mess started in ‘modern history’. When you go back further it all boils down to the “you’re not part of our group, so I may kill you” attitude that’s pretty common between humans. (Alas) evolution didn’t solve this. Biggest issue is still religion.
- Comment on Could we use AI to update 4:3 media to 16:9? 1 year ago:
Previous century I bought a TV that was 16:9 and had software to stretch 4:3 broadcasts to fit the screen. It chopped off a tad at the top and bottom and stretched the sides a tad to fill the screen… it was horrible. I’d rather have the dark borders at the sides over mutilated images. Somehow I doubt AI would be a bit more creative.
- Comment on What is going to happen when people realize climate change is rolling in? 1 year ago:
I deny everything, and even that.
The general population wants 2.3 kids (we have none), at least 3 holidays a year, preferably by plane (last holiday here was 2016, by car, but within 100 km),… As long as the general po[ulation breeds like rabbits and keep on flying, for one, I give our species not to much chance to not go extinct.
- Comment on What is the most popular optimization and debloating script for Windows 11? 1 year ago:
Linux ISOs?
- Comment on What is going to happen when people realize climate change is rolling in? 1 year ago:
I guess they’ll either drown, freeze, burn or starve.
I don’t have the impression they’d act before they’re dying.
- Comment on [What if scenario] What if all commercial institutions suddenly decided they no longer intend to acknowledge religious events such as Christmas? 1 year ago:
They’d loose loads of sales. I wouldn’t mind, as I don’t ‘celebrate’ those days anyway, but economically it would be bad for loads of stores and every company that is making or other way involved in all that junk.
It’s more about commerce then religion anyway.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Depends on why people start projects.
When projects are only started to ‘just get them done’, then AI can be seen as a tool to get them started or even do all.
When projects are started to learn something, I personally would ignore AI completely, as I want to learn something other then how to hand over projects to AI.
I am lazy, but not that lazy. I automate IT tasks myself when I have to do it more then once. I automate with Puppet for own use, script at work and Ansible when I can’t avoid it. (The market wants easy partial automation, not total control)
- Comment on Unsubscribe means nothing to them.. 1 year ago:
Text? isn’t that dead for ages?
- Comment on Unsubscribe means nothing to them.. 1 year ago:
Maintaining yournown mailserver is getting challenging, but post like these show it’s still worth the effort.
I don’t unsubscribe from spam, I block domains.
- Comment on What impact would reversing the Earth's rotation have? 1 year ago:
Ehm, good one… what would happen to all satellites and ISS? Would all that junk still spin in the same orbit or would it be flung out into space?
- Comment on I deleted WhatsApp only for privacy! Am i stupid? Why ? 1 year ago:
Nop, not stupid. I’ve managed to get almost all conatcts to signal, butnalas, some distant relatives still have wa. (It hasn’t made a beep for months now)
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Time is a figment of your imaginagion, luchtime doubly so.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I was using DDG to get an idea what you’re talking about, but I guess it’s not Peter Tosh Albums or a Danial Tosh book (Happy Thoughts) Then I found ot’s a posh woird for crap/junk.Ah well.
Nop, not here. When I buy cheap stuff it’s because I’m not sure if I want to spend more on something better. Just to feel the water. I bought a frettless bass for €82 to see if I like that type of bass playing. If not, no big loss (they sell for a lot more used), if I do like it, I guess it’ll stay. (I like it a lot, I’m just not that good yet in playing it)
Same with a clarinet mouthpiece + reed. At the store they had a range from €19 up to well over €100, but I have no clue if either a, the one I have works (mouthpiece is broken, reed is old) and b, I can/like to play it.
For some, these purchases would be considered useless, for me it’s to try something without to high investment, so it has purpose. When people really want to ‘throw away’ money and have nothing to show for it, there are enough charities that could use the donations.
- Comment on Creating a URL to host an image prior to publishing a post/comment seems like a security flaw 1 year ago:
This is the main reason I just include images as a link to my self hosted server. No uploads, just have the viewer collect it from my site.
- Comment on New Era of Star Trek - promotional trailer for new shows on Paramount+ 1 year ago:
I totally lived the cross-over episode of SNW and LD. Nicely done.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Yeah, so? Every woman is a female, not every female is a woman. Same as that every woman is human, but not evey human is a woman and that every human is a mamal, but not every mamal is a human.
If people are offended by the truth, they should go to truth, as no truths are to be found there.
- Comment on Why do so many Lemmy instances use weird TLDs? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Why do so many Lemmy instances use weird TLDs? 1 year ago:
Ehm, .xxx works fine for them. (And there’s more pr0n then male oriented hetro pr0n)
Hmmm, as mastodon server just to annoy extwitter.