- Comment on If I use winrar to compress 80gb of tv and movies. Then can I compress it further by making it an iso? 1 week ago:
Just buy another hard drive, damn.
- Comment on What is best Lemmy App to use on iPhone? 2 weeks ago:
Just updated and it’s even better! Excellent first impression.
- Comment on Anon remembers summer 5 weeks ago:
I bet she lives in Canada, too. Eh?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Or that I don’t care about someone’s question or its outcome.
- Comment on Punk circa 1200 AD 2 months ago:
Just a little snack, guys!
- Comment on Do you ever simply not understand a piece of text no matter how many times you read it despite the fact that you understand the language and individual words? 2 months ago:
Shakespeare, or really any writing from that era takes me many read throughs to understand it.
- Comment on I know what I have 2 months ago:
Serious bids only
- Comment on It's about time he got the recognition he deserves! 2 months ago:
A what?
- Comment on Will pilots-less airplanes happens first, or driver-less cars? Why? 2 months ago:
Airplanes, though I suspect they will never be truly without someone to assist in case of emergency.
Cars have to contend with a number of random obstacles and unique challenges. Planes have defined runways and taxiways and, via autopilot and GPS, their flight paths are relatively easily defined and controlled.
The sky over one city is pretty much like any other. Main Street not so much.
- Comment on Happy New Year! Thought I'd share my new year's resolution to the people here 2 months ago:
Honestly a decent 1080p presentation is still more than adequate for the vast majority of content consumed at most homes. Otherwise completely agree.
- Comment on what works for you to let go? 2 months ago:
This might sound odd, but start listening to metal music.
A lot of the lyrics in these songs are aggressive and downright violent (especially if you start listening to death metal and black metal), and for me, it helps to release my emotion.
For example, many people think “I want to punch that person right in their dumb face”. Listening to a song that talks about doing it, and mentally visualizing it, is very cathartic. I don’t really know how to explain it, but just letting go to the music and having it take all your rage and frustration helped me a lot going through similar situations.
- Comment on Which were the worst movies of 2024? 3 months ago:
I’d agree with you. The actors, singing, set design, choreography, are all amazing. The story is just uninspiring and I think it’s reflected in the performances outside the musical bits.
- Comment on Which were the worst movies of 2024? 3 months ago:
Hot take, but Wicked. It’s an average movie with a huge marketing budget preying on nostalgia for a much better film.
Like, it wasn’t bad, but it certainly was my biggest letdown of the year.
Also — movie starts, title card… “Part 1”? Fuck right off, Disney.
- Comment on Which were the worst movies of 2024? 3 months ago:
I walked away to do something else for 30 minutes in the middle and I don’t think I missed anything. It was very much like a Hallmark movie. Doesn’t help that Dakota Johnson can’t act her way out of a paper bag, and the rest of the cast just phoned it in.
- Comment on Its me Carlos 3 months ago:
Somebody deepfake and broadcast this for the next State of the Union. Please.
- Comment on Brotanic 3 months ago:
Bonus: you get to visit the OceanGate Titan, too!
- Comment on Idris Elba in Early Talks to Play Man-at-Arms in Amazon’s ‘Masters of the Universe’ Movie | Exclusive 3 months ago:
I like it. Dolph and Frank better get a cameo, too.
- Comment on yogurt 5 months ago:
Yeah, that’s gonna be a ‘no’ from me, dog.
- Comment on Replacing an old mini fridge 5 months ago:
His videos have some good points but damn I hate his aloof presentation style.
- Comment on What's his DJ name? 5 months ago:
DJ Foam Ba’ath Party
- Comment on So it begins... 7 months ago:
Bring me the priest.
- Comment on 7-11 7 months ago:
Better than them drinking out front, I guess.
- Comment on land shrimp 11 months ago:
Uh…. No.
- Comment on When asked a question, what is your first reaction, to answer the question or to defend yourself? 11 months ago:
Why do you want to know? I didn’t do anything!
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
File for an extension? That would at least buy you some time, and as far as I’m aware, it’s free to do so. I’ve never done it, though, so I’m not sure if there are other implications.
- Comment on What are the other 6 Ds? 11 months ago:
Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge, dude.
- Comment on You deserve it. 11 months ago:
It’s a nice chord, but it annoys me irrationally that you have an octave between C and E on the staff but not on the keyboard below it.
- Comment on Shatner's "do over" of the Veridian III death scene on Kimmel 11 months ago:
He looks damn good and mentally sharp for 93. We should all be so fortunate.
- Comment on Mister Sleep (2024, dir Robert Hollocks) 1 year ago:
I thought it was a student art film project at first.
- Comment on Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F (2024, dir Mark Molloy) 1 year ago:
Looks fun. Loved seeing Taggart and Rosewood again. I’m sure there will be lots of fun throwbacks too. Exciting!