- Comment on No mommy I don't want it 4 weeks ago:
I know what you’re talking about but I don’t think that’s the same photo series. Now it’s driving me crazy and I need to find it.
- Comment on I am a very liberal person and I have very liberal children, except for one. I'm pretty sure my Gen Z son has been taken in by fascist doctrine. What can I get him for Christmas? 3 months ago:
A hobby
- Comment on Make this thread look like it's your first day on the internet 5 months ago:
- Comment on Make this thread look like it's your first day on the internet 5 months ago:
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 6 months ago:
lol, for boys it was definitely the “water snake”
Absolutely insane how creative a hard-up young’un can get.
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 6 months ago:
After talking to a few honest (or tipsy) women about their early sexual discovery I know the high likely hood of that Micky Mouse electric toothbrush getting absolutely violated.
- Comment on PSA: Libraries 6 months ago:
The three big branches around me have well stocked maker spaces. I see young classes in there all the time.
Some have seed selections for gardeners. Many assist with tax preparation. I’ve heard of a few who lend music equipment (think mixers, PAs, synths) for musicians who can’t justify going all in getting their own gear.
Libraries are fucking rad.
- Submitted 7 months ago to videos@lemmy.world | 0 comments
- Comment on It's like a more challenging version of the trolley problem 8 months ago:
Like a Hoover vacuum
- Comment on It's like a more challenging version of the trolley problem 8 months ago:
Dude didn’t stutter. Saving the woman.
- Comment on Follow up. They fixed the light bulb 1 year ago:
America has a lot of problems but the idea that Americans can afford to be frivolously litigious is hilarious.
- Comment on looking forward to the comments 1 year ago:
I respect this