- Comment on Construction of a 220V mini hydroelectric plant with a unique turbine 8 months ago:
Primitive technology guy is making strides!
- Comment on What are the other 6 Ds? 11 months ago:
I would skip it. Turns out it’s a 3D movie and a gangbang.
- Comment on what a catch 1 year ago:
He’s just looking for the ol’ 6-6-6
6 figures
6/10 (or better)
6 IQ
- Comment on Dangerously 1 year ago:
This is why you don’t leave Pillsbury dough tubes in a hot car.
- Comment on It's not easy 1 year ago:
Show some respect. His name is Murphy, and he’s a damn fine cop.
- Comment on Headlines be like 1 year ago:
I think they’re better. Way more fire, less brittle, and a more unique and much rarer stone.
First discovered 120 years ago in very tiny amounts in a meteorite crater, it wasn’t till the 90s that you could actually get a moissanite gemstone.
- Comment on Headlines be like 1 year ago:
I am also convinced that diamonds are a scam.
There’s a whole book about the scam and it’s available online:
Was a very good read before I proposed.
- Comment on US Question: What happened to the HHS recommendation to the DEA to reschedule cannabis by the end of the year? 1 year ago:
The ball is in the DEA’s court. Some say it should be rescheduled by Spring:
- Comment on KFC be like... 1 year ago:
A lot. Just fried chicken chains are quite numerous:
- Comment on Humans Against Shitting 1 year ago:
There’s support groups for that.
- Comment on Task failed successfully? 1 year ago:
Same vibes as this
- Comment on What fun things can I do with an M.2 SSD and 2x4GB ram? 1 year ago:
"we had a vote and all my Nazi rhetoric using buddies agreed it was cool”
It’s an at least 12 year old reference:
- Comment on Why didn't SBF flee? 1 year ago:
“I can’t believe what a bunch of nerds we are… we’re looking up money laundering in a dictionary.”
- Comment on Shit story 1 year ago:
Found it:
- Comment on Can't remember the last time I wasn't tired 1 year ago:
Easy way to think about it is that 12 is actually the 0th hour.
0 AM and 0 PM make more sense.
I wish everyone just used military time.
0:00 to 23:59. Nothing to screw up.
- Comment on Oh Frittata! 1 year ago:
Something that only Charlie Sheen can save us from.
Or a kid that locked her knees while using the leg press machine.
- Comment on Microplastic overdose 1 year ago:
“That’s where they get ya. That’s why I always travel with extra cheese slices.”
- Comment on Tax time 1 year ago:
I started a thread on asklemmy to find out what are alternatives to scummy Tax Services that lobby, but so far Tax Free USA seems like the one with the lowest cost (free Federal, $15 State) and while they are a member of a lobby group, the group has spent a fraction of what Intuit and H&R Block has to keep our tax returns complex.
Seems if I link the thread, my comment is hidden.
- Comment on Tax time 1 year ago:
So you mainly want to avoid Intuit owned companies and H&R Block. They alone spent millions per year to lobby against easy and free filing for taxpayers.
Then there’s the ACTR (American Coalition Of Taxpayer Rights) who spend $100s of thousands a year lobbying for the same (and are made up by 14 members:
H&R Block
- Comment on Tax time 1 year ago:
If you don’t qualify for the pilot, you can also find out what other tax filing companies do not lobby to keep taxes hard to figure out and file.
- Comment on Tax time 1 year ago:
Which is why they keep wanting to defund the IRS (example):
- It allows the wealthy to cheat on their taxes with less concerns of getting audited or if they do get audited, they can outspend the auditors.
- It would have de-funded this measure the IRS is getting ready to test which would allow Americans to figure out and pay their taxes without feeling compelled to go through middle men like Intuit and TurboTax.
- Comment on Companies lower salaries in job postings as pay transparency laws take effect 1 year ago:
I usually average out the two salaries and use that as their “intended” starting pay.
So (75 + 395)/2 = 235k a year avg starting salary for an average applicant.
The top end I consider the pay if the applicant meets all the requirements listed in the job ad.
- Comment on Disconnected (2023) 1 year ago:
Wonder who would do the voice of the CEO who was piloting the sub?
- Comment on Where can I find recipes without the author's personal anecdotes? 1 year ago:
“Print Recipe” works better when available too. That puts the ingredients and steps in one page (usually).
- Comment on How Transformers Work 1 year ago:
That was actually a really good article with fantastic presentation.
- Comment on California Gov. Gavin Newsom signs law to raise minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 per hour 1 year ago:
It’s in the article:
The $20 minimum wage is just a starting point. The law creates a fast food council that has the power to increase that wage each year through 2029 by 3.5% or the change in averages for the U.S. Consumer Price Index for urban wage earners and clerical workers, whichever is lower.
The raise takes effect on April 1
- Comment on The pretty old door 1 year ago:
For those out of the loop:
- Comment on VR still makes 40-70% of players want to throw up, and that's a huge problem for the companies behind it 1 year ago:
adding a virtual nose decreased motion sickness significantly
Behold, the VR headset of the future!
- Comment on VR still makes 40-70% of players want to throw up, and that's a huge problem for the companies behind it 1 year ago:
Would be nice if the author had done a bit of research an the specific things that had been done in VR since he tried his DK2 to prevent nausea:
An Oculus DK2, a PC that couldn’t quite run a rollercoaster demo at a high-enough framerate, and a slightly-too-hot office full of people watching me as I put on the headset. Before I’d completed the second loop-de-loop, it was clear that VR and I were not going to be good friends.
For one, non-persistent displays have become the norm. These only show the image for a fraction of the frame time. Valve discovered that the 1/90th of a second an image is displayed is enough to induce nausea if the head is moving during that time.
Elimination of artificial movement is another. The reason Valve focused on games with teleport movement and made a big deal of “room scale” early on was to eliminate the nausea triggers you encounter in other types of experience.
Valve had an early version of Half Life 2 VR during the days of the DK2, but they removed it as the artificial motion made people sick (myself included). Also remember the DK2 did not have non-persistent screens.
For some, sims work as long as there is a frame in their field of vision to let their brains lock into that frame of reference (ex car A-pillars, roof line, outline of view screen on a ship interior, etc).
Also it helps if your PC can render frames under the critical 11.1ms frame time (for 90Hz displays). Coincidentally, 90Hz is the minimum Valve determined is needed to experience “presence”.
Lastly, it has been noted that any movement or vibration to the inner ear can for many stave off nausea. This includes jogging in place while having the game world move forward:
I’ve use the above to play Skyrim VR without any nausea. Good workout too!
For car, flight, spaceflight simulators, a tactile transducer on your chair (looks like a speaker magnet without the cone) can transfer the games sound vibrations to you and therefore your ear and prevent nausea.
I’ve literally played over 1,000 hours of Elite:Dangerous this way as well as Battlezone VR and Vector 36. All games that involve tons of fast artificial movement.
The main issue is too many people tried out VR cardboard with low and laggy framerate, persistent displays, and poorly designed VR experiences and simply write off all VR as bad and nausea inducing.
- Comment on Why don't we pump seawater into deserts to revive them? 1 year ago:
So first off, the water would need to be desalinated or you would ensure the land would be unsuitable for farming (and really growing anything) for generations.
Also, sand doesn’t hold water. In fact, when planting trees and other bushes, if you want more drainage, you typically add rocks and sand.
Second, most plants need non-sandy soil to grow on (palm trees and other beach bushes and plants aside) though those grow in areas that have lots of rain already.
Thirdly, the soil will need bacteria to aid the plants in obtaining nutrients and breaking down waste (dead leaves, dead plantlife, etc).
The way to do it is to look at a couple of projects that are fighting against desertification in Africa:
The Great Green Wall …nationalgeographic.org/…/great-green-wall/
Using compostable waste to fertilize soil jstories.media/…/greening-the-desert-with-trash
You’ll notice that many of these projects start at the edges of deserts. Instead of relying on pumping water onto sandy soil (which would just suck up the water as sand doesn’t hold water that well) they focus on extending the non desert ecosystem onto the desert so that the new soil will absorb water better, the weather over the newly terraformed area will be less dry, and it will eventually be self sustaining.