- Comment on Gonna need some bigger pockets 3 months ago:
And now I need to make a 3D printed mold in a comfortable shape that can be used to easily cast concrete around a lighter.
Maybe a simple cylinder, with the lighter off center so it can easily be flicked?
Maybe I’ll squish some play-doh around one and scan it and use that.
Whatever, it just needs to be too big to “accidentally” end up in someone’s pocket.
- Comment on Treegasmic 4 months ago:
- Comment on pull with both hands and spin around four times and text your mother good morning and blink si 11 months ago:…/Georgia-Pacific-Enmotion.html?pa…
There are adjustable for just about every aspect of your interaction with it.
- Comment on pull with both hands and spin around four times and text your mother good morning and blink si 11 months ago:
All (well, the two or 3 models we have at work) of the enMotion dispensers have that option. It’s just a switch inside to leave one out or not.
- Comment on pull with both hands and spin around four times and text your mother good morning and blink si 11 months ago:
I bought a set of keys for the most common ones, and when I run across paper towel dispensers that spit out the shortest length of paper with the longest delay, I pop them open and flip the switches to give the longest length of paper and shortest delay. And fix jams and misfeeds as well if I run across them.
- Comment on My go-to formula 11 months ago: